A.D. eateth the passover with his disciples, and institutes the Laker Sacrament of his body and blood, in bread and wine.- Jota 33 After which, Christ washeth his disciples feet, and ex- horteth them to humility and charity.
The same night, Christ retires into the Garden of Geth- 36-5 semane for prayer: after which he is betrayed by Judas- Lake denied by Peter-arraigned before Caiaphas-mocked, buf- fetted, and spit on, by the soldiers.
Next day (April 3), he is condemned by Pilate, and cru- Ma cified; the sun, during the crucifixion, is darkened; an earthquake ensues, and the veil of the temple is rent in the midst. Christ praying for his enemies, gives up the ghost. Joseph of Arimathea begs the body, and lays it in his own new sepulchre; and Nicodemus, the ruler [or his ser- vants], bring 100 lb. weight of spices.
On the third day (April 5), the next after the Jewish Sab- bath, Christ riseth from the tomb, very early in the morn- Mat ing; and soon after his resurrection is declared by angels, to the women that came to the sepulchre.
Christ appeareth first to Mary Magdalen, and afterwards J to his disciples, and dineth with [some of] theni.
Christ bringing his apostles to mount Olivet, commandeth Ma them to go to Jerusalem, and there to wait the sending 9,1 down the Holy Ghost. He then commissions them to teach and baptize all nations and having blessed them, while they behold, he is taken up, and a cloud receives him out Luke of their sight.
Upon his ascension, the disciples are warned by two angels to depart, and to set their minds upon his second coming: they accordingly return, and giving themselves to prayer, choose Matthias to be an apostle in the place of Judas.
On the day of Pentecost [May 24], the Holy Ghost descendeth on the apostles, in the form of cloven tongues (like as of fire), and enableth them to speak all languages. The same day, Peter preacheth Christ and the resurrection, and about 3000 souls were added to the church.
The same afternoon, Peter and John going into the temple, at the time of evening prayer, heal a man lame from his mother's womb; and Peter takes the opportunity of again preaching to the people.
The rulers of the Jews, offended at Peter's sermon, and the miraculous cure of the lame man, cast both Peter and John into prison. Upon their examination, they boldly avouch the lame man to be healed by the name of Jesus, and that by the same Jesus we must eternally be saved. After this, the Jews forbidding them to speak any more in that name, let them go.
Ananias and his wife Sapphira are, for their prevarica- tion and hypocrisy, suddenly struck dead.
Peter and John are, for their preaching and working mi- racles, committed to prison, but delivered by an angel.
They are again apprehended, but saved by the prudent advice of Gamaliel.
The number of believers increasing at Jerusalem, the apostles ordain seven deacons, who should distribute the alms of the church to the widows and poorer sort of believers.
Stephen, one of these deacons, having, in argument, confounded some Jews who disputed with him, is by them falsely accused of blasphemy.
Stephen being brought before the Sanhedrim, justifies Acts vii. himself, and charges upon them the murder of Jesus the Messiah, in consequence of which he is cast out of the city, and stoned to death; but dies praying for his murderers.
A great persecution of the church at Jerusalem follows the death of the first martyr, Stephen.
Philip, another of the deacons, preaching in Samaria, and working miracles, converteth many. Simon Magus, see- ing the miracles wrought by Philip, professes also to believe, and is baptized.
The apostles at Jerusalem hearing that Samaria had re- ceived the faith, send thither Peter and John to confirm, and to enlarge the church.
Simon (above named) seeing that the apostles, by prayer and imposition of hands, conferred the Holy Ghost upon be- lievers, offers them money, that he might receive the same power; but is sharply reproved by Peter.
The apostles return to Jerusalem; but an angel sends Philip to teach and baptize the Ethiopian eunuch, then upon a journey; after which he is carried by the Spirit to Azotus, or Ashdod.
Saul, a violent persecutor of all who call on the name of Jesus, and who consented to the death of Stephen, goes to Damascus, with authority from the Sanhedrim to bring all the disciples in those parts, bound unto Jerusalem. On the way, however, he is miraculously converted by a heavenly vision; and is, three days afterwards, baptized by Ananias at Damascus, where he preaches the gospel with great bold- ness, to the astonishment of all who knew him.
Pilate is removed from his government, after ten years' conti- nuance.-Mr. Benson.
The Emperor Tiberius dies, and is succeeded by Caius Caligula. Saul having preached some time at Damascus, the Jews lay wait to kill him; but he escaping thence by the aid of his friends, comes to Jerusalem, where he meets Peter and
A.D. | James, the brother of our Lord, and abides with them fifteen days. Here he disputes boldly with the Grecians (or those Jews who used the Greek tongue), many of whom consult how they might kill him. The brethren finding this, for- ward him to his own country, Tarsus; from whence he travels into Syria and Silesia.
Peter visits the churches of Judea, Galilee, Samaria, &c. At Lydda, he cureth Eneas of the palsy; and, at Joppa, raises Tabitha to life.
At Cesarea, Cornelius, a Roman centurion, is directed by an angel to Peter, now at Joppa, who had been prepared for his invitation; and going to his house, preaches to a great company there assembled, upon whom the Holy Ghost descending, Peter immediately baptizeth them,
On his return to Jerusalem, Peter is accused by those of the circumcision, for conversing with the Gentiles; but on declaring to them the vision he had seen, and how God had been pleased to bless his preaching to Cornelius and his com- pany, they glorified God for granting repentance and sal- vation unto the Gentiles.
The believers who, after the martyrdom of Stephen, were dispersed through Phenice and Cyprus, come now to An- tioch, and preach the gospel to the Greeks there, having hitherto preached only to the Jews. The church at Jerusa- lem hearing this, send Barnabas, who calling for Saul at Tarsus, takes him with him to Antioch, where they continue a year; multitudes are converted to the Christian faith, the professors of which are here first called Christians.
Herod Agrippa beheads James, the brother of John, and imprisons Peter; but the latter is delivered by an angel. This same Herod, not long after, addressing an oration to the people of Cesarea, some of them cry out, "It is the voice of a god, and not of a man;" upon which an angel of the Lord instantly smites him, and he is eaten of worms, and dies miserably.
Barnabas and Saul sent forth to preach the gospel in Se- leucia, Cyprus, and other places. At Paphos, they preach to Sergius Paulus, the governor; but Elymas the sorcerer withstanding them, and endeavouring to turn them from the faith, is suddenly struck blind by a divine judgment. From this time, Saul is always called by his new name- Paul.
Paul preaches at Antioch; the Gentiles believe, but the Jews blaspheme, whereupon he turns unto the Gentiles. At Iconium, Paul and Barnabas are persecuted, and, to Acts xiv. avoid stoning, fly to Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, where the ignorant heathen, seeing a miracle which Paul, wrought, took him and his companion for Jupiter and Mer- cury, and were with difficulty restrained from sacrificing to them.
Soon after, however, some wicked Jews from Antioch and Iconium, excite the multitude against them, and Paul is 2Cor. xi.25. actually stoned by them, and carried out of the city as
A.D. dead; his friends, however, gathering round him, he re- covers, and departs the next day with Barnabas to Derbe, and thence to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch, &c.
Certain Judaizing Christians come from Judea to An- tioch, and teach that the Gentiles ought to be circumcised, and observe the law of Moses: these Paul and Barnabas oppose, and a council being held by the apostles and others at Jerusalem, to determine this controversy, the decrees of the Synod are sent to the churches.
Paul and Barnabas intending to visit the churches, differ as to the choice of their companion, in consequence of which they separate; Barnabas and Mark, therefore, go to Cyprus, and Paul and Silas into Syria and Silicia.
Paul coming to Derbe, there finds Timothy, whom he causes to be circumcised, and takes with him. He is, by a vision, admonished to go into Macedonia; when coming to Philippi, a chief city of that province, he converts Lydia and her family; but casting out of a certain female slave, in that city, a spirit of divination, her master brings Paul and Silas before the magistrates, who cause them to be im- prisoned. At midnight, however, they are released by mi- racle; the Jailer is converted and baptized, with his whole family. Next day, the magistrates hearing of these extraor dinary events, request Paul and Silas peaceably to depart the city, to which, accordingly, they agree.
From Philippi, Paul takes his journey to Thessalonica, Acts xvii. where he preaches three Sabbaths successively in a Jewish synagogue, with some success, but is persecuted by Jason and his rabble.
Leaving Thessalonica, he comes to Berea, where his hearers are commended for searching the Scriptures. Soon after, he arrives at Athens, and preaches to them that UN- KNOWN GOD whom they ignorantly worshipped. After dis- puting with the philosophers, and converting Dionysius the Areopagite, he passes on to Corinth.
At Corinth, Paul meets with Aquila and Priscilla, who Acts xviii. had been banished from Rome by a decree of Claudius; also with one Justus, whose house adjoined the synagogue.
He continues with them about a year and a half.
In the latter part of this year, Nero succeeds to Claudius as Em- peror of Rome. Lardner.
Paul being accused by the Jews, is brought before Gallio, Pro-consul of Achaia, who refuseth to be judge in a con- troversy about religion, and drives them from his judgment seat in apparent rage.
Paul departs from Corinth, and passeth to Ephesus; thence he sets out for Jerusalem, that he may attend the feast. Landing at Cesarea, goes down to Antioch, and comes into the regions of Galatia and Phrygia, confirming the disciples in all those places.
The character and success of the eloquent Apollos.
Paul returns to Ephesus, according to his promise, and some of John's disciples are baptized in the name of Jesus; afterwards Paul disputes daily in the school of one Tyran- nus, and continues preaching there, and in the neighbouring parts, for some time.
At Ephesus, one Demetrius, a maker of silver shrines for Diana, jealous of his gain, raises a tumult against Paul, which is judiciously appeased by the town-clerk, advising them to "do nothing rashly."
Paul leaving Ephesus, comes into Macedonia, and gathers a contribution for the relief of the poor saints, which he meant to carry with him to Jerusalem; but, hearing that the Jews laid wait for him, changes his purpose, and returns unto Macedonia by the way he came. From Miletus he sends for the elders of Ephesus, and delivers to them a very solemn charge.
Paul persists in his design of visiting Jerusalem, notwith- standing all the persuasions of his Christian friends; de- claring his perfect readiness to become a martyr for the cause of Christ. He goes, therefore, and the Jews raise a tumult against him, and would have torn him in pieces, but for the captain of the Roman guard, who rescues him, and, as a Roman, allows him the privilege of self-defence.
Paul addresses his countrymen in the Hebrew language, and gives an account of his former manner of life, and his conversion.
Next," the chief priests and council being summoned," Acts xxiii. Paul pleads his cause before them, which occasions a dis- sension among the Jewish sects, and a plot is laid to kill him.
The chief captain understanding this, sends him under guard by night to Felix, the governor at Cesarea.
Five days after, Ananias and the Jews come to accuse Paul before Felix; and Tertullus, the orator, pleads against him. He is detained in prison till Felix, about two years afterwards, is succeeded by Festus, when he leaves Paul still in prison, to please the Jews.
On the arrival of Festus, the Jews come again to Cesarea, and accuse Paul before Festus. Paul defends himself, and appeals to Cesar-at that time Nero.
King Agrippa coming to visit Festus at Cesarea, Paul Acts xxvi. again defends himself before Agrippa, who is " almost per- suaded to be a Christian."
Paul, however, having appealed to Cesar, is sent to Acts xxvii. Rome; but, by the way, he suffers shipwreck, and the vessel is dashed to pieces, but Paul and all the crew are
The island on which they are cast proves to be Melita, or Acts xxviii. Malta, where Paul and his companions experience great kindness during the three months of their continuance; and from thence, in another vessel, they sail toward Rome, and there safe arrive.
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