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hæc paululum diversa leguntur ap. Galen. de Hippocr. et Plat. L. 1V. circa fuem, καὶ ἔτι τὰ τοιαῦτα εἰς τὸ κατὰ τὴν λύπην ἀγωγόν· τοῖς δὲ δυστυχοῦσι πως τερπνὸν τὸ κλαῦσαι καὶ ἀποδύρασθαι τύχας: hinc Valck. Diatr. p. 197. versum hunc formavit ut Εuripideum

τερπνὸν τὸ λέξαι καποδύρασθαι τύχας:

Musgravius, eodem Galeni loco adductus, reposuit Fragm. p. 459. Ed. Beck.

τεξπνὸν τὸ κλαῦσαι καὶ καποδύξασθαι τύχας,

sed non animadverterunt viri, in hoc literarum genere primarii, apud Galenum duo diversorum scriptorum loca inter se permutata esse, et confusa, unum Euripidis, alterum Æschyli, id quod in ejusmodi sene tentiis facile fieri potest, et alibi factum est. Eschyl. Prom. 642. Ed. Schutz.

ὡς καποκλαῦσαι καποδύρασθαι τύχας
ἐνταῦθ ̓, ὅπη μέλλει τις οἴσεσθαι δάκρυ

πρὸς τῶν κλυόντων, ἀξίαν τριβὴν ἔχει:

suum igitur utrique reddamus, quoniam possumus, et quidem Euripidi,

τερπνὸν τὸ λέξαι καποκλαύσασθαι πάλιν,

Æschylo, magna lectionum varietate h. l. laboranti,

ὡς καὶ τὸ κλαῦσαι καποδύρασθαι τύχας:

comparandum est Menandri fragm. Emendat. Bentl. p. 94.

καὶ γὰρ ἐποδύρασθαί τι μὴ γελώμενον

καὶ συναγανακτοῦνθ ̓ ὁπόταν οἰκείως ὁρᾷ
ἕκαστος αὐτῶν τὸν παρόντα, παύεται
τοῦτον μάλιστα τὸν χρόνον τοῦ δυσφρονείν :

-Sophocles Philoct. 691.

οὐκ ἔχω βάσιν

οὐδέ τιν' ἐγχώρων κακογείτονα,
παρ' ᾧ στόνον ἀντίτυπον

βαρυβρῶτ ̓ ἀποκλαύσειεν :

miserias igitur suas alteri narrare Græce dicitur, αποκλαίειν, ἀποδύρεσθαι v. c. στόνον τινὶ, et παρά τινι: accedit αποδύρεσθαι πρός τινα, ut loqui tur Demosthenes in Steph. I. καὶ ἐγὼ τῶν γεγενημένων ἀποδυράμενος τὰ πλεῖστα πρὸς ὑμᾶς, ὥσπερ ῥᾴων ἔσομαι.” Page 56 -8.

Mr. Blomfield's Note upon the passage of the Prom. is as follows: "v.658. ὡς ἀποκλαῦσαι Ald. Rob., sed recte τἀποκλαῦσαι Ald. Turn. Pors. C. Μ.2. Galenus Hippocr. et Plat. Dogm. τοῖς δὲ δυστυχουσί πως Τερπνὸν τὸ κλαῦσαι καποδύρασθαι τύχας, quem ad nostrum potius crediderim respexisse, quam, ut censet Valcken. Diatr. p. Euripidis nea apud Stob. Tit. LXXV. Σχολὴ μὲν οὐχὶ· τῷ δὲ δυστυχοῦνται πως Τερπνὸν τὸ λέξαι καποκλαύσασθαι πάλιν, vel etiam fortasse utrumque locum confudit Galen.: ita olim scripseram, sed meliora docet Porson. in Nota MSta. Imitatur Euripides ap. Stob. Gesn. p. 409. Grot. 469. Galenum IV. Fin. de Hippocr. et Plat. Dogm. qui veram lectionem servavit: Nostri locum oblitus erat Valcken. Diatr. p. 197. cf. Theb. 658. Sophocl. Electr. 1126. Plutarch. II. p. 455. C.' R. P.: Plutarchi locus est in p. 809. Ed. H. St. αἵ τε τοῖς πενθοῦσιν ἐφέσεις τοῦ ἀποκλαῦσαι καὶ ἀποδύρασθαι, πολύ τι τῆς λύπης ἅμα τῷ δακρύῳ συνεξάγουσιν-καποδύρεσ θαι Ald. Rob. Τurn. recte Brunck. aoristum reposuit, atque ita Med. E. D. G. M. 2. N. Viteb. Seld." Mr. Blomfield is here silent about the conjecture of Huschke, to which we are inclined to accede, and we therefore presume that, at the time of writing that note, Mr. Blomfield was unacquainted with the excellent work of Huschke. Mr. Blomfield has omitted in his Glossary the words αποκλαῦσαι, αποδύρασθαι.


"Ηκειν cum quarto casu construitur v. c. in fragmento Æschyli, quod servavit Stephanus Byz. v. "Αβιοι : hos versus, nomine Σκυθῶν interposito, ita restituit Valckenarius Adnott. in Adon. p. 217.

ἔπειτα δ' ἥξεις δῆμον ἐνδικώτατον

[Σκυθῶν] ἁπάντων, καὶ φιλοξενώτατον
Γαβίους· ἵνοὔτ ̓ ἄροτρον, οὔτε γατόμος
τέμνει δίκελλ ̓ ἄρουςαν, ἀλλ' αὐτόσποροι
γύαι φέρουσι βίοτον ἄφθονον βροτοῖς :

hic Valcken. Homeri 'Αβίους, ait, ab Æschylo dictos Γαβίους, Stephano
Grammatico narranti fidem adhibuimus; forsau hac etiam in re nimis
credulo: potuit enim is vitio Codicis sui deceptus esse: cur, obsecro, Ho-
meri ̓Αβίους, Γαβίους diceret Æschylus? alii hoc verum arbitrentur, αλλ'
οὐκ ἐγώ τις ταχυπειθής
enimvero Stephanum non nimis credu-
lum hac in re fuisse, testatur Schol. Venet. ad Il. Ν. 6. τούτους Αἴσε
χύλος Γαβίους φησίν : idem tradidit Eustathius 1. c. p. 916. scribens,
Αἰσχύλος δέ φασιν αὐτοὺς Γαυίους λέγει : atque hanc Eustathii et Scho-
liasta Veneti animadversionem referendam esse ad Æschyli Prom. F.

v. 419. putabat Godofr. Hermannus, vir egregius, Obss. crit. c. I. p. 9: sed Eschylus Homeri 'Aßious dixerat Taßious in Prom. Soluto, præfixo Tex F Æolico nato, ut diserte ait Stephanus, Alrxúλos Te Taßious dià τοῦ γ ̓ ἐν Λυομένῳ Προμηθεί, unde primam syllabam in Γάβιο brevem esse intelligitur." Page 79. Mr. Blomfield's note on the passage in the Prom. V. v. 428. Ed°. 2a. is this: "Hermannus Obss. crit. p. 9. scribendum putat Γάβιοί τ', ἄρειον ἄνθος, cui respondet Κολχίδος τε γᾶς VOIXO: sed recte monet Butlerus primam in Táßio corripi in Fragm. Prom. Soluti ap Steph. Byz. in v. "Aßio: Valck. in Theocr. Adoniaz. p. 217. B. Stephanum vitio Codicis sui deceptum fuisse scribit, dum Taßious pro Homerico 'Aßlous scriberet: Toup. ad Suid. III. p. 493. Faßious cum digammate scribendum putat, satis infeliciter." ARISTOPHANES ILLUSTRATED, AND VALCKENAER CORRECTED. Λυκιδεῖς, λαγιδεῖς, περιστεριδεῖς, pulli animalium.

• Pullum hirundinis, quem νεηγενὲς χελιδονίδος τέκνον vocat Antipater, Achæus Tragicus, teste Eustathio ad Homer. Il. I. p. 655. 2. dixerat χελιδόνος μόσχον hoc versu,

χάσκοντα λιμῷ μόσχον ὡς χελιδόνος,

quicum cf. Juvenal Sat. X. 230.

Ipse ad conspectum cœnæ diducere rictum

Suetus, hiat tantum, ceu pullus hirundinis, ad quem
Ore volat pleno mater jejuna,

quoniam sc., ut ait Homer. Il. I. 323.

ὡς δ ̓ ὄρνις ἀπτῇσι νεοσσοισι προφέρῃσι

μάστακ', ἐπεὶ κε λάβῃσι, κακῶς δ ̓ ἄρα οἱ πέλει αὐτῇ, Platon. Sympos. p. 239. Ed. Βip. καὶ αὐτὰ τῷ λιμῷ παρατεινομένα, ὥστ ̓ Ensiva ExTgépe: istam Achæi audaciam non ferens Eustathius adfirmat; poetam dicere debuisse non μόσχον, sed νεοττὸν aut χελιδονιδῆα: ita enim Græci pullos animalium vocare solebant, nomine parentum flexo in δεὺς ut λυκιδεῖς, λαγιδεῖς, περιστεριδείς etc. dicebant, luporum, leporum, columbarum pullos, de qua re suo more disputavit Valck. ad Theocr. Adoniaz. v. 121. p. 401. ita quidem, ut in editis Grammaticis vix quic quam præter ea loca, quæ ibi congesta sunt, repertum iri sibi ipse per suaderet vir unus omnium eruditissimus, quod tamen secus est: extant duæ glossæ apud Suidam, quæ non modo doctrinam illam egregie con firmant, sed illustrant etiam locum quendam Aristophanis, cujus venus tatem interpretes non satis assecuti esse videntur: Suidas igitur in v Χαριδεῖς, ὑπὸ τοῦ Χαίριδος πεπαιδευμένοι, ἢ μελετῶντες· Χαίρις δὲ αὐλη τῆς Θηβαῖος ἄμουσος· οὕτω δὲ λέγουσιν Αττικοὶ ἀπὸ τοῦ Χαίριδος, Χαριδεῖς,

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καὶ ἀπὸ τῆς περιστερᾶς, περιστεριδεῖς : exscripsit Suidas Scholiasten ad Aristoph. Acharn. 864.

παῦ' ἐς κόρακας· οἱ σφῆκες οὐκ ἀπὸ τῶν θυρῶν ;
πόθεν προσέπταν οἱ κακῶς ἀπολούμενοι

ἐπὶ τὴν θύραν μοι Χαιριδεῖς βομβαύλιοι ;

Dicæopolis, qui tibicines istos Thebanos appellaverat σφήκας, ut sibi constet, eosdem deinceps vocat Χαριδείς q. d. pullos Charidis, qui a Charide, tanquam vespæ a parentibus, didicissent τὸ βομβεῖν: similis locus est in Avibus 860.

παῦσαι σὺ φυσῶν· Ἡράκλεις, τουτί τι ἦν

τουτί; μα Δί ̓ ἐγὼ πολλὰ δὴ καὶ δεῖν· ἰδὼν,
οὔπω κόρακ ̓ εἶδον ἐμπεφορβιωμένον:


eodem respexit Suidas in v. Περιστεριδεῖς, ὥσπερ ἀπὸ τοῦ Χαίριδος Χαρι δεῖς, οὕτω καὶ ἀπὸ τῆς περιστερᾶς περιστεριδεῖς : paululum conturbari ista Valck. ratio videbatur animadversione aliqua, quam e Philemonis Lexico Technologico MS. delibatam cum amico communicaverat D. Ruhnken, Λαγίδης, πατρωνυμικὸν, ἐκ τοῦ λαγωοῦ, ὡς, ὁ τοῦ πελαργοῦ γόνος, Πελαργίδης, του λύκου, Λυκίδης, Αλεκτορίδης, Χηνίδης, Περδικιόνης : huic etiam glossa adstipulatur Suidas in v. Λαγίδης, ὁ τοῦ λαγωοῦ: sed ut a Philemone de gradu se dejici non passus Valck. ista omnia in deus terminanda esse recte statuit, ita et Suidam aut errasse arbitror, aut scripsisse Λαγιδεύς, ὁ τοῦ λαγωοῦ: atque hinc intelligitur, quo spectet brevis illa, sed docta Wyttenbachii, viri cl., animadversio ad Plutarchum de Educ. Lib. c. II. ubi vulgo legitur, πάνυ δ' ἄξιον ἐπαινεῖν καὶ Λακεδαιμονίους τῆς μεγαλοφροσύνης, οἵτινες ̓Αρχίδαμον, τὸν βασιλέα ἑαυτῶν, ἐζημίωσαν χρήμασιν, ὅτι μικρὰν τὸ μέγεθος γυναῖκα γάμῳ λαβεῖν ὑπέμεινεν, ὑπειπόντες, ὡς οὐ βασιλέας, ἀλλὰ βασιλίσκους παρασχείν αὐτοῖς διανοοῖτο: admodum hic variant libri in v. βασιλίσκους, exhi bentes βασιλείδια, βασιλείδας, βασιλιδες: Wyttenbach., Forte, ait, βασιλιδείς, licet a nullo codice confirmatum, verum est: βασιλίσκους tamen hos Archidami regulos futuros vocat Athen. XIII. 566. Α. βασιλείδια Theophrastus T. I. p. 597. Α. οὐ γὰρ βασιλεῖς ἄμμιν, ἀλλὰ βασιλείδια γεννάσει.” Ρ. 103.

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On that most beautiful Latin Ode by Mr. Lawson, inserted in a late Number of your Journal, I have a remark to offer to its author, whose talents, if we may judge from the composition before us, are of no ordinary kind, relative to the position of the word "Cometa" in the seventeenth line. The licence, if I am not much mistaken, is indefensible; as Horace never begins either of the two first lines of the Alcaic stanza in any other than one of these two forms, viz. either — — U —- or U — Ù The only line which seems to countenance the form admitted by Mr. Lawson in the passage just referred to, viz. — — U — U, is to be found in Hor. Odd. iii. 5. 17. Si non perirět immiserabilis. But, as this is a solitary instance, I do not scruple for a moment to write perirent. Virgil. Æn. ii. 477. "Unà omnis Scyria pubes Succedunt tecto, et flammas ad culmina jactant.” En. v. 119. "Triplici pubes quem Dardana versu Impellunt; terno," &c. And in both these instances the metre might have

admitted singular verbs.

We take leave of this Ode for the present, promising at the same time not to overlook its merits on a future occasion. A composition like this ought not to be passed over in silent neglect, especially in this age of reason and refinement, when little else seems to meet with encouragement, except what is scholastically exact, and few things to command our attention except such as are first tried by the cold and unmeaning subtilty of what we are pleased to call-mathematical preciseness!




Qu. Several verses are quoted by Suidas from a poet of the name of Babrius, written in iambic scazon: is nothing known of this man beyond the short account of him which is given by that Lexicographer?1

We refer our Correspondent to Tyrwhitt's Dissertatio de Batrio, London, 1776. Auctarium Dissertationis de Babrio, 1781. Bentley's Dissertations, 1777, pp. 433, 434. EDIT.

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