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Pastor of the First Church of Christ in Cambridge.



Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1832, by PEIRCE & PArker,

in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts.


The first part of this book was originally a Review of a Treatise "On the Formation of the Christian Character; addressed to those who are seeking to lead a Religious Life,-By Rev. Henry Ware, Jr., Professor in the Divinity School, Cambridge." The article was written as the most convenient method of complying with the request of several friends that the Book, which had been placed in the hands of many of their acquaintances, should receive some notice. Whilst the Book commends itself by its simplicity of thought and expression, and by the unaffected seriousness which pervades it, the deficiency in its directions is not so manifest to those in whom religious interest is accompanied with a confiding feeling, which oftentimes prevents discrimination. Being requested to reprint the Review, the writer has given it its present form, with the addition of Remarks on a Tract by the same Author, called, an Outline of Scripture Testimony against the Trinity.' It was thought important to enlarge upon the latter subject, and to present the objections to the Doctrine by means of some Unitarian Treatise; but if a better Tract, by another, could have been found, it would, for obvious reasons, have been adopted.

That part of the book which treats of the Lord's Supper, will explain itself.

Cambridge, August 14, 1832.

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