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f. Amendment.

g. Amendment to the amendment.

12. When any member is about to speak in debate or deliver any matter to the Conference, he shall rise and ddress the President, and shall proceed only when the President announces his name.

13. No person shall speak more than once on the same question without leave of the Conference, except the mover, who shall be entitled to a general reply.

14. No person shall speak more than ten minutes at one time without leave of the Conference, which shall be granted or refused without debate.

15. Any member who voted in the majority may move a reconsideration of a resolution. A motion to reconsider may be carried by a majority. This may be done during the session in which it was passed; but if done at any other time a notice of motion for reconsideration must be given at the session immediately preceding that in which the vote for reconsideration is to be taken. A resolution may be reconsidered once only.

16. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order.

17. Motions relating to the rights and privileges of the Conference, or of individual members, and orders of the day, shall be considered questions of privilege.

18. The previous question being moved, the President shall put it at once by asking, "Shall the vote be now taken ?" If the previous question is carried, all debate shall cease save the right of reply on the part of the mover of the original motion, and after the mover shall have replied the President shall proceed to take the vote on the several motions before the Conference.

19. No member shall absent himself from the sessions of the Conference without leave, unless he be sick or unable to attend.

20. No member who is not within the bar when any question is put by the President shall be allowed to vote on such question, except by leave of Conference.

21. Before the President rises to put a motion to the Conference, he shall ask, "Is the Conference ready for the question?" No member shall speak after the President has risen to put the question; and all members present shall vote unless excused by the Conference.

22. No member shall be interrupted when speaking. except by the President, to call him to order when he departs from the question, or uses personalities or disre spectful language; but any member may call the attention of the President when he deems the speaker out of order, and any member may explain if he is misrepresented. 23. No business shall pass from individuals to the Committees without reference through the Conference.

24. Any member may call for the yeas and nays on any question before the Conference, provided he be sustained by twenty members. Any member may require that the number of votes for and against a resolution be announced.

25. When yeas and nays are ordered in relation to any motion, they shall be taken at that session of the Conference.

26. In the General Conference fifty members shall constitute a quorum.

27. The Secretary shall provide a bulletin, upon which

announcements of meetings of committees, and relating to other Conference business may be made.

28. Members presenting memorials, petitions and other papers for reference, shall prepare the paper by writing in a plain hand on the back of it the following items in the following order, viz.:-(1) Subject to which it relates. (2) Name of the member presenting it, and the Conference to which he belongs, or the name of the body sending it, as the case may be. (3) Name of Committee to which the Conference refers it. Papers thus presented shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Conference, and by him sent to the Committee according to endorsement.

29. A motion consisting of two or more distinct proposi tions shall, if a call for its sub-division be sustained by two members of the Conference, be subdivided into two or more sections, and the vote shall be taken on each section separately.

30. In all cases in which an amendment of the Discipline is moved, the motion shall be so framed as to show the form in which the section or paragraph, as the case may be, will stand when amended.

31. Committees reporting changes in the Discipline shall so frame their reports as to show how the section or paragraph, as the case may be, will stand after the changes shall have been made.

32. When a motion is submitted, it may be amended, and an amendment to the amendment is also in order. In case the amendment to the amendment be rejected, it is in order to propose other amendments to the amendment, which shall be disposed of one by one. When these have

been voted on, if one be adopted, the vote shall then be taken on the amendment thus amended, and if it be adopted the discussion may proceed, and other amendments to the main motion as thus amended are then in order. When all amendments have been disposed of, the motion as then before the Conference shall be voted on.

33. When any committee shall ascertain that a subject which has been referred to it has also been referred to another committee, it shall promptly report the fact to the Conference, and the Conference shall decide which committee shall have permanent charge of said subject.

34. In all cases for which these Rules of Order do not make provision, the proceedings of the Conference shall be conducted according to the Rules and Usages of the House of Commons of Canada.



Form 1.-Complaint.


Conference. ..District. ...Circuit.

In the matter of

A. B., Complainant,

and C. D., Defendant.

I, A. B. (a member, minister, or as the fact may be), of the Church on the ........ Circuit, hereby charge that the said C. D. (a minister or member, as the fact may be), of the Church upon... ....Circuit, on or about the.... day of....... .A.D. 189.. at (here put in the time and place at which the offence charged was committed), did (here state the offence; if the charge is one of false teaching, give as nearly as possible the words, and if they were repeated, give the other times and places, the object being to give him the best information as to what he is accused of, and when and where it is alleged he committed the offence).

I charge that this is an offence against the law of God (or the rules or Discipline of the Church, as the case may be). And I hereby request you to take the proper steps to bring the said C. D. to trial.


Yours, etc.,

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