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make rules and regulations for the entire Church. (See "Annual Conferences," par. 9.)

2. No change shall be made in the Basis of Union, affecting constitutional questions, or the rights and privi leges of Ministry or Laity, excepting by a three-fourths majority of the General Conference, and, if required by either order of Ministry or Laity, a two-thirds majority of each order, voting separately.

3. There shall be one or more Itinerant General Superintendents elected by the General Conference, to hold office for the term of eight years. But if it be decided at the

meeting of the General Conference after Union to elect two General Superintendents, one of them shall be elected for four years only, so that there may be a recurring election or re-election every four years.

4. A General Superintendent shall preside over all Sessions of the General Conference, and over all Standing Committees of the same.

2. Annual Conferences.

1. The territory occupied by the Church shall be divided into Conferences as the General Conference may from time to time direct.

2. Each Annual Conference shall be composed of all Ministers in full connection within its bounds, and an equal number of Laymen, elected as elsewhere provided. (See "District Meetings," par. 6.)

3. Laymen elected shall have the right to be present at all ordinary Sessions of the Annual Conference, and to speak and vote on all questions, except the examination of Minis

terial character and qualification; the Reception, by vote, of Probationers into full connection, and their Qrdination; and the granting of the Superannuated or Supernumerary relation, on which exceptive questions Ministers alone shall take action. In case any Minister's character shall be arrested, it shall be competent for the ministerial members to meet in Special Session to examine into the case and pronounce judgment, reporting their action to the Mixed Conference,—such report to be for information and record, and not for discussion.

4. Each Annual Conference shall have authority to elect a President from among its ministerial members.

5. The General Superintendent, when present, shall open the Annual Conference, and preside during the first day of its Sessions, and afterward alternately with the President elected by the Conference. In the absence of a General Superintendent, the President of the previous year shall take the Chair and open the Conference. In association with the President, the General Superintendent shall conduct the Ordination Service, and they shall jointly sign the Ordination Parchments. But all other duties pertaining to the presidency of the Annual Conference shall be vested in the President elected by that body, and in the absence of the General Superintendent he shall conduct the Ordination Service.

6. The President of the Annual Conference shall be, ex officio, Superintendent of the District in which he may be stationed during the year of his presidency.

7. The Annual Conference shall elect by ballot, without debate, a Secretary or Secretaries as the case may require.

8. The Annual Conference shall elect by ballot, without debate, a Superintendent for each District from among the ordained Ministers within the bounds of such District.

9. Each Annual Conference, at the Session next preceding the Session of each General Conference, shall divide into Ministerial and Lay Electoral Conferences, for the purpose of electing Delegates to the General Conference, each body electing its own Representatives. The Delegates shall be elected from within the bounds of the said Conference, and votes shall be by ballot.

10. Each Annual Conference shall have a Stationing Committee, composed of the President of the Conference (who shall preside in the Committee), the Superintendents of Districts, and one Minister elected by each District Meeting, such election to be by the joint votes of Ministers and Laymen.

11. Each Annual Conference shall have authority to elect into full connection and ordain any Probationer within its bounds who has travelled four years and fulfilled all discip linary requirements. Also, to elect and ordain Probationers of less than four years' standing, when the necessities of the work require it.

12. All preachers who have received ordination in any of the uniting bodies, and are in good standing at the time of the Union, shall retain all rights and privileges conferred by such ordination.

3. District Meetings.

1. The territory occupied by each Annual Conference shall be divided into Districts.

2. Each Annual District Meeting shall consist of all the Ministers and Probationers for the Ministry within its bounds, and one Lay Delegate for each Minister or Probationer in the active work, from each Circuit, Mission, or Station throughout the District; said Delegates to be elected by the Quarterly Official Meetings as hereinafter provided.

3. Each District shall be under the Supervision of a presiding officer, to be called the District Superintendent, who shall be elected by the Annual Conference, as elsewhere provided. He shall preside in the District Meetings, oversee the temporal and spiritual interests of the Church in his District; and, with the Ministers and Probationers under his charge, shall administer and enforce the Discipline of the Church, being responsible therefor to the Annual Conference.

4. The District Superintendent shall fix the time and place of the first District Meeting; after which he shall fix the time, and the District Meeting shall fix the place. In the absence of the District Superintendent, the District Meeting shall elect from among its ministerial members, by ballot, without debate, a Chairman pro tem.

5. The examination of ministerial character shall be the business of the first day of the District Meeting, and shall be confined to the ministerial members alone.

6. The Lay Members of the District Meeting shall meet separately some time during the Session, and elect by ballot, without debate, Lay Representatives to the Annual Conference, in the proportion of one for each Minister in full connection within the bounds of the District. Laymen, to

be eligible, must be at least twenty-five years of age, and must have been members of the Church in good standing for the five consecutive years next preceding the election.

4. Quarterly Meetings.

1. There shall be a Quarterly Official Meeting on each Circuit, Mission, or Station, consisting of the Ministers and Probationers for the Ministry, the Local Preachers, the Exhorters, the Circuit Stewards, the Leaders of Classes, the Superintendents of Sabbath Schools (being members of the Church), one Representative from each Board of Trustees (he being a member of the Church); and also of additional Representatives who may have been appointed by the Societies of the Circuit. The apportionment scale, and mode of election, shall be arranged by the Fourth Quarterly Offcial Meeting of the year; but such additional Representatives shall not exceed the number of the Stewards on the Circuit.

2. The Superintendent of the Circuit shall be the Chairman of the Quarterly Official Meeting, except when the Superintendent of the District shall be present, in which case the latter may preside.

3. The Quarterly Official Meeting shall hear complaints, and receive and try appeals; recommend Candidates for the Ministry; manage and control Circuit finances; and dis charge such other duties as the General Conference may from time to time determine.

4. The Quarterly Official Meeting shall, at the fourth regular meeting of the year, elect by ballot, without debate, the Lay Delegates to attend the ensuing Annual District

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