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his absence from the field, the General Board or Executive Committee shall designate one of the foreign missionaries as Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary pro tem., who shall discharge the duties specified in Sub-sections (b) and (c) of the regulations next preceding, except those of superintendency.

The General Conference shall elect the Superintendent of the Japan Missions, and the Superintendent of Missions in China shall be elected by the Board of Missions.

The provisions of Par. 367, Sub-sections 8 and 9, of the Discipline shall apply to the Superintendents of foreign mission fields.


378. The constitution and powers of the District Meeting shall be the same as those of the ordinary District, as in Part II., Chap. II., Secs. 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Discipline, so far as they can be adapted to the condition of things in the foreign field.


379. 1. When there are fifteen or more ordained ministers on the field, and the General Board or the Executive Committee recommends the step, the missions shall be erected into a Mission Conference, with power to divide into two or more Districts.

2. The constitution of the Mission Conference shall be the same as that of the ordinary Annual Conference, as in Part II., Chap. I., Secs. 4 and 5, of the Discipline, with the following limitations:

(a) The Conference shall not in any way interfere with the administration of the General Board of Missions, nor with the powers and duties of the Mission Council or the Superintendent of the Mission, as elsewhere defined.

(b) It shall elect representatives to the General Conference and the General Board of Missions only when authorized so to do by the General Board, which shall also designate the number of such representatives.

(c) To meet peculiar conditions of the work in Japan the Stationing Committee may appoint a native pastor to the same field for five consecutive years; but any exten sion beyond this term shall be only by a three-fourths vote of the Stationing Committee, but in no case shall the term exceed seven years.

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(d) When a missionary who has been transferred to a Mission Conference in the foreign field, returns perma nently to the Home Work, he shall be received and stationed by the Conference from which he was sent out. Nevertheless, it shall be competent for the General Superintendent to arrange for his transfer into some other Home Conference when the circumstances, in his opinion, justify such a course.

(e) That it shall be the duty of the native chairmen of districts, pastors and Annual Conferences to co-operate in all possible ways with the missionaries and the Superintendent of the mission.

XVII. Woman's Missionary Society.

380. 1. For the more successful prosecution of the missionary work of the Church among women, there shall be

an organization known as "The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church," to be governed and regulated by its constitution, which may be altered or amended by the General Conference, if so required by the necessities of the work.

2. The Society shall work in harmony with the authorities of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Church, and be subject to their approval in the employment and remuneration of missionaries or other agents, the designation of fields of labor, and in general plans and designs of work.

3. The funds of the Society shall be raised by collections in meetings convened in the interests of Woman's Missionary work, by securing memberships and life memberships, and by any other plans of collection arranged by the Society, but always in such manner as not to prejudice the other funds of the Church.

4. All funds raised for the Society shall be reported by the minister in charge to the Annual Conference; and be entered in a column among the benevolent collections in the Annual Minutes.

5. Plans for new work by the Woman's Missionary Society or its Council, before being finally decided, shall be laid before the Mission Council of the General Society and receive its approval.

(a) Propositions for new developments or modifications of the work of the Woman's Missionary Society, by any member of the General Mission Council, must first have the approval of said Council, and afterwards be sent officially to the Council of the Woman's Missionary Society for its approval or otherwise.

(b) The Mission Council of the Woman's Missionary Society shall meet in joint session with the Council of the General Missionary Society at least once in the year, for consultation in regard to matters of common interest, with the view of promoting harmony and co-operation between the agents of both societies.

XVIII. Collegiate Missionary Society.

381. 1. Students of any of our Colleges may organize themselves into Societies in affiliation with the Missionary Society, under the title of Auxiliary Missionary Societies; and they shall, respectively, be known as "The Students' Auxiliary Missionary Society of.... College."

2. For the purpose of the Society as above, they shall have power to frame a constitution not inconsistent with the constitution of the Missionary Society.

3. Such Societies shall work in harmony with the authorities of the Missionary Society; and if at any time. the said Societies should decide to send a missionary or missionaries to a foreign field, it shall be with the concur rence of the General Board of Missions.

4. They shall, year by year, report their income and expenditure to the General Board of Missions.




I. Name.

382. The name of this fund shall be "The Superannuaon Fund of the Methodist Church."

II. Object.

383. The object of this fund shall be to assist in the apport of Superannuated Ministers, Ministers' Widows, nd Children of deceased Ministers, as hereinafter provided.

III. Membership.

384. All ministers and probationers of the Methodist hurch in the Toronto, London, Hamilton, Bay of Quinte, Iontreal, Manitoba and North-West, British Columbia nd Japan Annual Conferences, shall be members of the und, except

1. Those who are given a supernumerary relation. 2. Those who are located.

3. Those who have commuted their claims.

4. Those whose claims have expired by limitation. 5. Those who are native ministers in foreign fields.

IV. Management.

385. The fund shall be managed by a Board composed f the Treasurers and sixteen other members, eight of whom shall be laymen who are members of the Church,

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