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such steps as may be judged expedient to raise and increase the missionary income; pledge, hypothecate or mortgage the property under the control of the said Board, when found necessary, as security for moneys obtained from Banks or other sources; and in general oversee and control the Mission work of the Church, in so far as this is not provided for in the constitution and powers of the Annual Conferences. The action of the Board in all matters within its jurisdiction shall be final.

5. In the appropriations of the General Mission Board during the next quadrennium 42 per cent. of the amount appropriated each year shall be given to domestic missions. When an appropriation is made by the General Board to any particular department of the work, or for any special object, the Annual Conference Missionary Com. mittee shall not be at liberty to divert any part of such grant to any other department or object.

6. Vacancies occurring amongst Conference Representatives may be filled by the Special Committee of the Conference affected; vacancies occurring among those appointed by the General Conference may be filled by the Executive Committee, but in case such a vacancy occur during the session of the General Conference, it shall be filled by the General Conference.

7. In case any of the twelve members of the Missionary Board elected by the General Conference become thereafter an ex officio member of the Missionary Board, a vacancy is thereby created.

8. In the event of the death or disability of any of the Officers of the Society, the Executive Committee shall

appoint a suitable person to fill the vacancy till the next meeting of the General Board, when such appointment may be confirmed or changed, pending the meeting of the next General Conference.

9. The Executive Committee shall also have authority to suspend any officer of the Missionary Society for incompetence or for culpable neglect of the duties of his office, and supply his place till the next meeting of the General Board, which shall have authority to fill the vacancy till the next General Conference.

IX. Executive Committee.

368. A Committee, to be called the Executive Committee, shall be annually appointed by the General Board, consisting of the General Superintendents, the Officers of the Missionary Society, and eighteen other members-nine ministers and nine laymen-a majority of whom shall be members of the General Board, who shall meet at the call of the General Secretary to consider and decide any matters referred to them by the General Board; review correspondence from the Mission field; consider and decide special claims or other accounts; fill vacancies among General Conference representatives on the General Board, or among its own members; and provide, ad interim, for any exigencies that may arise between sessions of the General Board. All the proceedings of said Committee shall be entered in a minute book, and reported to the General Board at its next annual meeting.

X. Annual Meeting.

369. An Annual Public Meeting of members and friends of the Society shall be held at the time and place appointed by the General Board, when an abstract of the Annual Report shall be presented, and such religious services held as may be deemed expedient.

XI. General Officers and Their Duties.

370. 1. The General Conference shall appoint the General Secretary, the Associate Secretary, and the Treasurers of the Missionary Society, who shall be ex officio members of the General Board.

2. The duties of the General Secretary shall be chiefly administrative. He shall, previously to each Financial District Meeting, furnish each Chairman of a District with a schedule to be filled up by said Chairman at the Finan cial District Meeting, showing the estimated income and expenditure of each Mission for the support of the minis ters and preachers, the amount of missionary grant recommended by the Financial District Meeting, etc., etc., which schedule shall be forwarded to the General Secretary without delay. From these schedules he shall prepare a tabulated statement for the information of the General Board, in order that its members may intelligently and justly apportion the funds of the Society to the several Conferences, and other parts of the work. He shall also publish the Annual General Report of the Society, with a statement of the income and expenditure.

3. The duty of the Associate Secretary shall be chiefly

to visit as many of our fields as possible, to give information, and to awaken interest and enthusiasm in the mission


4. In the discharge of their duties, the officers of the Society shall act in harmony with the legally appointed courts and officers of the General and Annual Conferences. In case of any emergency arising, that may require prompt action in the matter of supplying any remote Mission, it shall be competent for said officers, on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, to request the proper authorities of any Annual Conference to aid them in meeting such emergency, by allowing one of its ministers or probationers to proceed to such Mission.

XII. Superintendent of Missions for Manitoba and

the North-West.

371. 1. The Superintendent of Missions shall be a member, ex officio, of the Stationing Committee and local Missionary Boards of the Conferences within his jurisdiction.

2. He shall travel at large through the Missions and new settlements within the bounds of the Conferences, and report to the respective district meetings, and through them to the Annual Conferences, on the condition and prospects of existing Missions, suggesting changes and the formation of new Missions when, in his judgment, such action is deemed advisable; and he shall have authority, in the absence of the Chairman of the District and the Superintendent of the Circuit or Mission, with the consent of the Superintendent of the Circuit or Mission, to preside

at the Quarterly Official Boards of those Circuits or Missions on which probationers or supplies are stationed.

3. He shall have authority, under the provisions of the Discipline, and after consultation with the President of the Conference and the Chairmen of the Districts affected to organize new Missions where he deems it necessary, and to secure missionaries from the other Conferences to fill the work. He shall also, when in the Eastern Conferences, solicit subscriptions for the Church and Parsonage Aid Fund, so as to extend the work in the North-West and British Columbia where needed.

4. His salary shall be fixed by the General Board of Missions, and paid, together with his travelling expenses out of the Mission Fund.

5. He shall be, ex officio, one of the members of the Central Board of Missions.

XIII. Regulations Respecting Home Missions.

372. 1. The allowance of a Missionary shall be under stood as including all the items of a minister's support, such as salary, board, fuel and travelling expenses, but not house rent, horse-keep or hire, or incidentals.

2. The minimum allowance for a married minister on a Home Mission shall be $600 per annum, with a free house; the house to be provided by the mission. For single ordained men the minimum allowance shall be $350, and for single unordained men, $300.

3. A special committee of each Annual Conference shall make arrangements for a visitation of Home Mission fields

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