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Presidents) as there are departments at work, following the model of the Epworth League-a President, Vice-President, Secretary and a Treasurer. These officers, with the pastor, and under his presidency, shall form the Executive Committee of the League.

The officers, except those appointed, shall be elected annually by the members of the League at a regular meeting, shall assist the pastor in his provision for the leadership of the catechumen classes, and maintain the efficiency of their respective departments to the best of their ability.


To meet expenses, voluntary collections may be taken in the League.


Modification of this constitution may be made by the Executive Committee in any locality to meet its special needs.


ARTICLE I. This Society shall be called the Junior Epworth League of*.


II. Its object shall be to win the boys and girls to accept Christ, to train them to work for Him everywhere and at all times, and to guide them in forming the right kind of Christian character.

III. Its Active Members shall be those between .... and years who shall show that they are trying to live a Christian life, and who sign the following Pledge, provided that none shall be retained in membership who are over sixteen years of age :

"Trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ for strength, I promise Him that I will try to do whatever He would like to have me do; that I will pray and read the Bible every day; and that, just so far as I know how, I will try to lead a Christian life. I will be

*EXPLANATORY NOTE.-Any Society may fill this blank with "Christian Endeavor," and thus be entitled to fellowship in the Unions and Conventions of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor.

present at every meeting of the Society when I can, and will take some part in every meeting."


I am willing that....

should sign this Pledge, and will do all I can to help.. keep it.

Parent's Name


IV. Associate Members shall be those who wish to attend, and promise to keep good order when at the meeting. These shall have their names on the roll, and sign the following Pledge, but not serve as leaders for the meeting:

"I do hereby promise, with the help of God, to try always to do right; to read the Bible daily; to come to every meeting of the Society when I can, and to be attentive and orderly while present."


I am willing that......

should sign this Pledge, and will do all I can to help.......... keep it.

Parent's Name


V. The officers of the Society shall be a Superintendent, Assistant Superintendents, President and Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. There shall be a Lookout Committee, and such other committees as may be needed.

VI. The Superintendent shall have full control of the Society, and be its Honorary President.

The Assistant Superintendents shall aid the Superintendent in the work. The Assistant shall take care of the funds of the Society during the time between the meetings. There shall be as many Assistant Superintendents (Honorary Presidents) as departments at 186


The President shall conduct the business meetings, under the direction of the Superintendent, and see that the different committees perform the duties devolving upon them.

The Vice-President shall act in the absence of the President. The Secretary shall keep a correct list of the members, take the minutes of the business meetings, and call the roll at each meeting. The Treasurer shall take up the collections, enter the amount in the account-book, and turn over the money to the Assistant Superintendent, and also enter all expenditures as directed by the Superintendent.

VII. The Superintendent and Assistants shall be appointed by the Pastor, or by the senior Society (if one exists), with the approval of the Pastor. The other officers and committees shall be nominated by the Superintendent and Assistant, and elected by the Society. All officers shall be chosen once in six months.

VIII. A prayer meeting shall be held once every week. A consecration meeting shall be held once a month, at which the pledge shall be read and the roll called, and the responses of the members shall be considered a renewal of the Pledge of the Society. If any member is absent from three consecutive consecration meetings without excuse, his name shall be dropped from the list of members.

IX. Part of the hour of the weekly meeting shall, if deemed best, be used by the Pastor or Superintendent of the Society for instruction, or for other éxercises which they may approve.

X. The Committees and their duties shall be as follows:

The Lookout Committee shall bring new members into the Society, and affectionately look after and reclaim any who seem indifferent to their pledge.

The Prayer-Meeting Committee shall select topics, assign leaders, and do what it can to secure faithfulness to the prayer-meeting pledge.

The Social Committee shall welcome the children to the meetings and introduce them to the other members of the Society. They may also arrange for occasional sociables.

The Temperance Committee shall arrange for an occasional

temperance meeting, and circulate the following temperance pledge among the members :

"I do hereby pledge myself to abstain from the use of all alcoholic liquors as a beverage, from the use of tobacco in any form, from the use of profane language, the reading of bad books and papers, and to earnest efforts to secure the prohibition of the liquor traffic."

The Sunday School Committee shall secure the names of children who do not attend Sunday School and invite them to become members of the Sunday School.

The Missionary Committee shall try to interest the members in home and foreign mission work and arrange for occasional missionary meetings.

The Musical and Literary Committee shall endeavor to make the singing a success, provide for occasional literary meetings, and, where possible, try to carry on some definite plan of Bible study, or other reading course.

The Visiting Committee should call on strangers, visit the sick, try to render relief to the needy, distribute flowers and perform such other "deeds of mercy and help" as they can.

All committees shall meet at least once a month for consultation with the Superintendent in regard to their work.

Other committees may be added, according to the needs of local societies, and duties defined.

. XI. The Junior Society, being a part of the Senior, should have all posible aid and support the latter can give it; and it is expected that when the members of the Junior have reached the age limit, they will enter the Senior Society as Active Members. XII. Miscellaneous sections:

1. The regular meetings shall be held every



from.... to

The last meeting of each month shall be a consecration meeting, and should be led by one of the Superintendents. The first meeting of each .... shall be a business meeting.

2. The officers shall be elected and committees appointed in .... and .....

3. A voluntary collection shall be taken at each consecration meeting, to help meet expenses of the Society.

4. Special meetings may be held by the Superintendent at any time.

5. All expenditures shall be made under the direction of the Superintendents.

6. The By-laws may be altered or amended any time the Superintendents and Executive Committee of the Senior Society find it necessary.



I. The Book Committee-Its Powers and Duties.

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330. The General Conference shall, quadrennially, appoint a Book Committee, to be composed of ministers and laymen residing within the bounds of the several Annual Conferences, as follows -Four members from each of the following Conferences: Toronto, London, Hamilton, Bay of Quinte and Montreal, and one from the Manitoba Conference; from the Nova Scotia Conference, five members; from the New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Conference, five members; and from the Newfoundland Conference, two members. These members shall be elected by the delegates of the several Annual Conferences, meeting separately, and with the Book Stewards and Editors shall constitute the Book Committee for the quadrennial term following their appointment.

331. At the first meeting after its appointment the Book Committee shall divide into two Sections, to be called, respectively, the "Western" and "Eastern" Sections of the Book Committee.

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