THE STUDENT'S TREASURY OF ENGLISH SONG. Keeley Halowoll COLUMBUS DISCOVERING AMERICA page 304 LONDON, EDINBURGH AND NEW YORK. : THE STUDENT'S TREASURY OF ENGLISH SONG CONTAINING Choice Selections from the Principal Poets of the Present Century. EDITED, WITH BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL NOTICES, PARALLEL PASSAGES, PREFACE, HE present volume is intended as a sequel and com panion to the "Household Treasury of English Song," a book of poetical selections which has been received by both the Press and the Public with great favour. In our preface to that volume we remarked that it was designed to furnish youthful readers with a New Manual of English Poetry; a manual which might be of service in their systematic studies, and yet a source of recreation in their leisure hours; while, at the same time, it was intended to supply the tutor and the parent with a poetical text-book of unpretending character but comprehensive scope. In the following pages our object is the same; but it should be observed that they are intended for more advanced readers, and are confined, in their selections, to the poets of the present century. Within this limit we have endeavoured to extend our choice of suitable passages over the widest possible range. We have endeavoured to introduce almost every distinguished name in modern English poetry; and if some are omitted whom the student would fain have seen represented, while others are but sparsely quoted whom the reader would fain have seen quoted |