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Influence of Example.

march. He set off with a light heart, and did not sleep for several successive nights, except when he reclined, as usual, a little before day, with his back against a tree. As if it were by instinct, when he found he was free from his pursuers, he returned to the very place where he had been led to the torture, and where he had killed seven of his enemies. He digged them up, burned their bodies, and returned home in triumph. Some of the tribe, on the evening of the second day, arrived at the spot where their brothers had suffered; and, concluding that their single enemy, who had, unarmed, performed such surprising feats, was now well provided with instruments of defence, and believing him to possess supernatural powers, they abandoned the pursuit, and returned home.

A singular scene occurred between the falls of the Ohio and the river Wabash. A young white man, who had been, when a boy, taken prisoner by a tribe of the Wabash Indians, by whom he was brought up, and had imbibed all their notions, had so wounded a large bear, that he could not move from the spot; and the animal cried piteously. The young man went up to him, and with seeming great eagerness addressed him in the Wabash language, now and then giving him a slight stroke on the nose with his ramrod. He was asked what he had been saying to this bear? I have, said he, "upbraided him for acting the part of a coward; I told him that he knew the fortune of war, that one or the other of us must have fallen; that it was his fate to be conquered, and he ought to die like a man, like a hero, and not like an old woman; and if the case had been reversed, and I had fallen into the power of my enemy, I would not have disgraced my nation as he did, but would have died with firmness and courage, as becomes a true warrior."

We think Sir Henry Torrens could not do better than to make this anecdote the order of the day, and cause it to be read at the head of every regiment.

On the Influence of Example.


SIR, That the future character of children is often determined by the princi


ples which have been communicated to them in their earliest years, and by the conduct of their parents or guardians, is a truth which I think none will deny. In all probability, therefore, the child who has been instructed in the principles of religion at an early period, who has been taught to fear God and keep his commandments, and who has been strictly prohibited from associating with persons who are addicted to swearing, or vicious actions, under the penalty of severe punishment, will, when he arrives at the years of maturity, become a blessing to the country in which he dwells, a useful member of society, and a bright ornament to the Christian church. But, on the contrary, the child who has not been early taught the truths of Christianity; who has not been told that there is a God; who, though invisible, is, nevertheless, an observer of his conduct; who regards the righteous, and bestows upon them his best blessings, while he abhors the wicked, and despises all their actions; and who, in short, has been left to wander hither and thither, without any to take charge of him, to correct him when he does evil, to commend him when he does good, and to encourage him in the practice of virtue; will, no doubt, be characterised, in maturer years, by all manner of wickedness; and, therefore, will be viewed by the pious and the good, as an object of deep commiseration. Hence the indispensable necessity of an early religious education, and a becoming behaviour exhibited to youth.

But the influence of example has also a very powerful effect upon persons in every period of life. In youth, I presume, it operates most strongly, and gives rise to the best or the worst consequences. Men are naturally disposed to imitate the example, and to follow the practice, of one another. The man, therefore, who manifests a very inconsistent character, who leads a life of debauchery and lewdness, and who never regulates his conduct by the principles of morality or religion, while he is a disgrace to the country in which he resides, may be the cause of much evil, by leading others astray from the paths of righteousness, and thus exposing them to future misery; while he, on the contrary, who maintains a dignified and respectable character, a character formed by every amiable and virtuous principle, will, by the sweetness


Influence of Example.

Nor is the influence of example without effect in riper years. The child who has been brought up to the love of pleasure and pernicious enjoyments, is often restrained, in a more advanced period of life, in his wicked course, by the good example of others. Formerly he derived all his enjoyment from associating with idle and profane company, indulging in all the sinful gratifications of a corrupted nature; but now, since he has beheld the happiness to be derived from uprightness of conduct and regularity of life, he has been induced to renounce all the former amusements which afforded him delight, and to turn to those more exalted and rational employments, which communicate to the mind more satisfactory and permanent felicity.


of his temper, the delicacy and refine- which they act, depends, in a great ment of his manners, and his concilia-measure, the character of those with tory and winning affections, draw mul- whom they are more immediately contitudes from the practice of vice, to the nected. This consideration, therefore, more ennobling and advantageous prac- ought to make a deep impression upon tice of virtue and goodness. their minds; nor, indeed, should it be ever absent from them; fór, if the cha racter, and consequently the happiness or misery, of mankind, depends upon the conduct or the example which they manifest, surely, then, it becomes them at all times, and in all circumstances, to fashion their lives, not according to the maxims and prevailing customs of the country of which they are inhabitants, but according to the doctrines which they preach--according to the truths of the Bible; and although this, unquestionably, should be the case, yet it is a lamentable truth, that many of the Ministers of Religion live and act in direct opposition to the precepts which they inculcate, as being necessary to regulate the lives. and actions of men, thus manifesting the grossest inconsistency: while there are not a few, of quite a different description, who conform their lives agreeably to what they advance from the pulpit, and who, therefore, may be well denominated, "the lights of the world."

Even at the greatest period of human life, example has a very powerful effect. The aged man bending under the weight of advanced years, upon the very verge of another world, who has all his lifetime lived in open rebellion against the laws of the Divine government, has even been seen renouncing his former ways, and turning to the paths of holiness; and this has been effected by the example and advice of a more respectable and worthy character. Thus, then, at all times, example operates very strongly over the minds of men.

But I am very far from ascribing this change of character to the influence of example alone. God works by means; and it is his province to change and soften the heart, and to turn the sinner from the ways of iniquity to the paths of righteousness; and, in doing this, he generally uses means or agents; and they, indeed, are highly honoured whom he employs as instruments for this purpose.

Hitherto I have been speaking of the effects produced by the influence of example exhibited in general-by mankind at large; but I shall more particularly attempt to state some of those which are effected by the conduct and example of the Ministers of Religion. Now, these men occupy the most important stations in society; they are set up, as it were, as models for imitation; and according to the manner in

The former class of Ministers open a door to every species of vice and immorality; in place of diminishing the evils of human life, they actually perpetuate and increase these evils, by the encouragement which they afford to licentiousness and vice. The profligate, who delight in drunkenness, and theft, and malice, and, in short, in gratifying the lusts of the flesh, derive fresh encouragement to persevere in their evil ha bits, when they behold the men, indulging in these sinful and ruinous practices, who should be the pattern of every moral excellence; and hence, it is no difficult thing to account for the vice and immorality which are so prevalent in the land, and which, like an infectious distemper, carry along with them death and destruction. These are aw ful reflections, but they are just; and what shall be the condition of those in another world who have assumed the office of the holy ministry, and who shall be found chargeable with these offences? If this communication shall happen to fall into the hands of any such characters, it would be well for them, and for their flocks, both in this world and in that which is to succeed


Influence of Example.


it, if they were to think upon these | our predecessors, so we may form a things, and to forsake their evil prac- very strong conjecture of what the futices; so that those who have continued | ture character of children shall be, from to live according to this world, may that which has been exhibited to them. have no reason to charge them, on If, then, they have been shewn a bad another day, for having shewn them a example, it may be presumed, that the bad example. Let them remember the example which they will exhibit will words of the New Testament, "If the be no less inconsistent; or, if a good blind lead the blind, both shall fall example has been manifested to them, into the ditch." with the same confidence it may be remarked, that their future conduct will bear a very close resemblance to it; and thus, through successive generations, an observer of mankind may be able to delineate, or to form, a very accurate conception of the future character of a rising race; and, consequently,


But I hasten to mention some of the blessed effects produced by the example which the latter description of Ministers exhibit. These men let their light so shine, that many are induced to glorify their heavenly Father. They adorn the doctrines of God in all things, by their lives, and conversations, and deal-will be enabled also to determine, in ings among men. They endeavour to some measure, their prosperity or adimitate the example of their blessed versity, their happiness or misery. Saviour, in meekness, and gentleness, Now, the man who shews an example and charity, and love, and heavenly-worthy of imitation to his children, mindedness, and in every amiable qua- may expect that his offspring, in more lity which shed a pleasing lustre around advanced years, will become peaceable and thus, while they procure the and dutiful subjects; will not engage esteem and the affection of the good, in those riotous proceedings and rebeland encourage them to the practice of lious acts which are opposed to the every Christian duty, they, at the same prosperity of the nation, the laws, and time, silence the wicked, put them to the constituted authorities of the land, shame and confusion, and not unfre- and which tend most directly to proquently draw forth from them expres- mote the misery and perpetuate the sions of respect and admiration. While calamities of those who are chargeable they prescribe rules for the regulation with them; and farther, he may expect of the conduct of others, they act in that they will be just in their dealings strict conformity to these rules them- with their neighbours; regular in their selves, exhibit their practical influence mode of life, without indulging in those in their lives, and are always careful acts of intemperance and inebriety not to deviate from the paths of moral which disturb the peace of society, rectitude. The benefits, therefore, that and speedily ruin both constitution and such men may render to society are character, and, which is worst of all, incalculable. Every word that drops destroy the soul; and, besides, he may, from their lips in the way of exhorta- with no less confidence, hope that they tion, carries along with it a peculiar will be distinguished by piety and force and energy, and not unfrequently goodness, by the fear of God, by love stills the tumultuous passions of the to his laws and commandments; the soul, and makes the most profligate observance of which so effectually protremble and stand in awe before their motes the happiness of man. These presence, and acknowledge that the are some of the effects which may be principles by which they are governed expected to result from the influence of are truly divine. While they obtain a good example. But I need not menthe approbation of their divine Lord, tion some of those which, with equal and promote his glory among mankind, certainty, may be expected to accomthey save the souls of men; and this is pany the influence of a bad example, the grand and the sole object of all because they are the very reverse of these suffice it to say, that they are, in general, the loss of health, of power, of confidence, of God, and of the soul.

their ministrations.

I cannot close this Essay, without adverting to some of the advantages that would necessarily result to society, from a good example being invariably shewn to the rising generation. As there is a natural propensity in the human mind to follow the footsteps of

That there may be exceptions from these general observations, I do not entertain the smallest doubt. This, however, affords no argument in justi

Folly of Deism.


231 Advantages of Revelation, and Folly of Deism. fication of the conduct of those who | The Advantages of Revelation, and the discover a bad example. By no means. It is the duty of every person always to shew a good example; and those who have a spark of genuine philanthropy in their bosoms, and who have any regard to the present and future welfare of man, will ever keep this particularly in view.

But before I have done, it may be necessary that I should explain what I mean by a good example. There is what is termed a moral character; a character which has respect merely to the external conduct, and which originates from a regard to what are called moral precepts. The man who is under the influence of these precepts, will, no doubt, exhibit a very becoming behaviour in the sight of men, but in the sight of God it may be vastly deficient. He looketh upon the heart; and a man may assume all the decencies of human life, and all that appears amiable in human estimation, without undergoing that change of heart, of character, of feelings, and of sentiments, which must be experienced by every genuine disciple of the Son of God. That such a person may promote the good of his fellow-creatures, by his conduct towards them, I readily admit; but that he is qualified for exhibiting to such perfection, that excellence of character, and amiableness of conduct, which every sincere Christian must, and does, exhibit, I cannot allow; and, therefore, this is not what I mean by a good example. That example which I recommend as a pattern worthy of imitation, arises from supreme love to God and man, implanted by the divine Spirit; it springs from that entire renovation of heart, which is implied in the term, "being born again;" and it is manifested by every individual who has the same mind in him which was in Christ Jesus.

I trust that I have said enough, to shew the necessity and importance of a good example-especially as exhibited by ministers of the gospel, and heads of families-that it promotes the peace and prosperity of a nation, and the comfort and happiness of mankind; and if ministers and preachers were to insist upon it more frequently than they do, perhaps it would be productive of the most beneficial results. I am, Sir, Your's, respectfully,

Aberdeen, August, 1820.



To every mind aspiring after knowledge, the means of information are highly gratifying. Hence the great Author of our existence, having endowed us with the power of perception and a disposition for inquiry, has, for our moral and spiritual improvement, indulged us with those sacred pages, that contain the sublimest discovery of his will. A greater benefit than the Scriptures, a benignant God could not have conferred. Without these, all the purposes of mercy, and the glorious designs of redemption, would have been but of little avail to us; for as the plans and operations of God involve the necessity of human agency, there is an essential need of the Scriptures, to direct mankind into that mode of procedure which the Deity has ordained as the medium of their accomplishment.

Remove the Scriptures from the world, and what is man? He is dignified, it is true, with the possession of an immortal principle, and those astonishing powers that belong to his rational nature; but this high distinction of person, tends only to aggravate his wretchedness, and swell the miseries occasioned by surrounding circumstances. Here is a being, the offspring of God, destined to an existence parallel with the Eternal, yet destitute of every thing that is essential to his well-being, and left to wander in awful darkness, in reference to that which concerns his immortal interests. such a person what are his views of God and his Providence; of the way to true happiness; of the soul and its immortality; of future rewards and punishments? alas! not one can be found who can give a satisfactory answer. All these things hang in trembling uncertainty; nor does any solid basis appear, on which to build our hopes of the Divine favour and blessing. And, indeed, in these dark mazes we must have wandered for ever, had not the light of revelation emanated from the Deity, and scattered its rays over the face of the globe.


Indulged with such noble discoveries, the mists of ignorance disperse, and the lustre of divine wisdom irradiates our paths. In these, all the at


Advantages of Revelation, and Folly of Deism.

tributes of God are drawn forth in the full blaze of their glory: the plan of mercy is developed; that system of mediation, which allays the fears and excites the confidence of the agitated sinner, is exhibited; yea, and every anxious inquiry which the mind can originate, concerning God and eternity, is satisfactorily answered and set at rest for ever. O the matchless excellence and infinite importance of scripture knowledge! This is, indeed, a knowledge of the highest kind; it is the wisdom which cometh down from above, and leads back again to the mansion of the blessed. It is the true knowledge and glory of a rational creature, and assigns him the most delightful post in the scale of being. Without this, the most exalted personage sinks into degradation; with this the most mean and humble creature is elevated to the highest rank, even to be like God himself.



Now, could this be substantiated, it would be a satisfactory reason for not admitting the pretensions of the revelation of God; for it were irrational to give our assent to any system as divine, while it wants the stamp of heavenly origination. But where is the Deist that ever overthrew the scheme of revelation, or, in the least degree, darkened that shining evidence, which God has poured around the record of his testimony. Only let the Bible have fair play, and allow it to plead its own cause, and disclose the grounds on which its claims are founded; then will it stand unshaken amidst the violent attacks of its enemies, and will wrap the tongue of Infidelity in eternal silence, by the force of its irresistible eloquence. Why should Infidelity demand more evidence for the Scriptures, than is (by universal consent) sufficient to prove the truth of any other writings? "What proofs have we that the works of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Varro, and other profane authors, were written by those whose names they bear; unless it be that this has been an opinion generally received at all times, and by all those who have lived since these writers?"

Surely discoveries so amazingly sublime and awfully momentous, in reference to the final destinies of men, ought to be endeared to the heart of every individual of Adam's apostate family. Yet how alarming it is to reflect, that numbers, who call themselvés rational, treat them with ridicule and scorn. These boasted philosophic geniuses, and pretended sons of science, one would think, must have found some super-excellent system, in order to justify their bold attacks on revelation, and determined rejection of that religion, in the army of whose advocates are ranked some of the wisest and holiest men that ever moved on the surface of the globe. And what grand and consoling discoveries have these scoffing and brutalized wretches made? Grand and consoling, indeed! if we may be allowed the indulgence of irony. But this the subject is too awful to admit. And what has Deism to offer in defence of its bombastic rant? What has it to substitute for that noble system, the grandeur of whose discoveries, and the sublimity of whose diction, have aston-nies of men. Natural religion is not ished some of the profoundest sages under heaven, and extorted the most flattering encomiums from its avowed adversaries themselves?

Deism is replete with folly in the very outset. It pretends to reject the religion of the Bible, on account of there not being sufficient evidence to support its claims to authenticity. No. 25.-VOL. III

If, therefore, Deists admit the force of the above reasoning, in reference to pro. fane authors; why, in the name of common sense, I ask, should it be rejected with regard to the sacred writers? On what principle of logic are we authorized to make such difference in questions existing under the very same circumstances? O Deism! conceal thy haughty head under that midnight gloom, into which the blazing evidence of the gospel will finally cause thy deluded votaries to shrink. Display not thy awfully degraded features, nor vent the hellish poison of thy heart. Reject not Christianity, till thou canst produce a system, more important in its discoveries-sublime in its doctrines-pure in its morals-and satisfactory in its intimations relative to the eternal desti

opposed to the Bible. So far from this, that it is the very basis on which the first principles of revelation rest.

There is nothing of which the advocates of Deism can boast, that Christianity does not exhibit in its brightest glory, and to its utmost extent. there is that in Christianity, which swells beyond the confines of Deism,


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