FAMILY PRAYERS COLLECTED FROM THE SACRED SCRIPTURES, THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, AND THE WORKS OF BISHOP WILSON. BY THE RIGHT REV. WILLIAM MEAD, D. D. ASSISTANT BISHOP OF VIRGINIA. ALEXANDRIA, D. C. PUBLISHED BY WM. M. MORRISON. Wm. Greer, Printer. 1834. C9930.13.2.5 44.26.13- .: HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY -1858. Ala...12. Gift of Entered according to Act of Congress, on the 15th of April, in the year 1834, by WILLIAM M. Morrison, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the District of Columbia. : PREFACE. The following prayers, with a few exceptions, and some alterations, have been used in the family of the compiler, alternately with other forms and extemporaneous addresses to the Throne of Grace, for many years. They are now offered to the public, not without the advice, and even importunity of some friends, in the hope that they will be both useful and acceptable. Nothing need be said in commendation of the sources from whence they are derived. The words which the Holy Ghost useth, and in which the saints of all ages have delighted to express their religious feelings, must be the most suitable of all others as the vehicle of prayer. Five of the following prayers are in that consecrated language. Others are taken from the book of Common Prayer, and are chiefly composed of collects used only on the Sabbath, and on certain public occasions, but whose superior excellency renders it desirable that they should be brought into more frequent use. The pious commentator, Mr. Thomas Scott, in speaking of the different books of devotion which he tried in the earlier part of his life, says, "but had I duly considered the subject, the common prayer book of our Church, with a little arrangement, would have supplied me with far more suitable words than any book of the kind I had then seen, or have ever yet seen. A selection of collects, parts of collects, and extracts from the litany, varied as circumstances should require, I am now fully convinced, might be rendered in all respects preferable to any |