Family Prayers: Collected from the Sacred Scriptures, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Works of Bishop Wilson |
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Family Prayers: Collected from the Sacred Scriptures, the Book of Common ... William Mead No preview available - 2016 |
Family Prayers: Collected From the Sacred Scriptures, the Book of Common ... William Mead No preview available - 2018 |
Family Prayers: Collected From the Sacred Scriptures, the Book of Common ... William Mead No preview available - 2017 |
Common terms and phrases
Amen art in heaven BISHOP WILSON Bishop Wilson-Evening BISHOP WILSON.-Morning bless thee BOOK OF COMMON Christ our Lord comfort COMMON PRAYER conscience creatures daily bread day our daily death deliver desire devo didst duty earth eternal evermore evil faith fear forgive Give us grace God the Father godly gracious grant hallowed be thy hast promised hath hear hearts Holy Ghost infinite Let thy live living sacrifice Lord be thou Lord Jesus Christ love thee magnify thy merciful Father mind Morning ness never ourselves pardon penitent praise thee pray Rejoice repent righteousness Scriptures-Morning serve thee temptation tender mercy thine things Thou art thou hast thou merciful thy blessing thy Church thy glory thy grace thy hands thy heavenly thy Holy Spirit thy holy word thy kingdom thy mercy thy name thy servant thy sight thy Son Jesus thy word trespass truth unto thee unworthiness vouchsafe WILSON.-Evening world without end
Popular passages
Page 90 - We bless thee for our creation, preservation and all the blessings of this life; but above all, for thine inestimable love In the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ; for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory.
Page 59 - BLESSED Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning; Grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience, and comfort of thy holy Word, we may embrace, and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Page 57 - God, who hast given us grace at this time with one accord to make our common supplications unto thee; and dost promise that when two or three are gathered together in thy Name thou wilt grant their requests; Fulfil now, O Lord, the desires and petitions of thy servants, as may be most expedient for them; granting us in this world knowledge of thy truth, and in the world to come life everlasting.
Page 76 - Maker of all things, Judge of all men ; We acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness, Which we from time to time, most grievously have committed, By thought, word, and deed, Against thy Divine Majesty, Provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent, And are heartily sorry for these our misdoings ; The remembrance of them is grievous unto us ; The burden of them is intolerable.
Page 89 - ALMIGHTY God, Father of all mercies, we, thine unworthy servants, do give thee most humble and hearty thanks for all thy goodness and loving-kindness to us, and to all men. We bless thee for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life...
Page 89 - Almighty and most merciful Father, We have erred and strayed from thy ways like lost sheep. We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have offended against thy holy laws. We have left undone those things which we ought to have done; And we have done those things which we ought not to have done; And there is no health in us.
Page 14 - The eyes of all wait upon thee; and thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.
Page 84 - O Lord, save thy people : and bless thine heritage. Govern them : and lift them up for ever. Day by day : we magnify thee ; And we worship thy Name : ever world without end.
Page 59 - Christ, who at thy first coming didst send thy messenger to prepare thy way before thee; Grant that the ministers and stewards of thy mysteries may likewise so prepare and make ready thy way, by turning the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just...
Page 78 - And we also bless Thy holy Name for all Thy servants departed this life in Thy faith and fear ; beseeching Thee to give us grace so to follow their good examples, that with them we may be partakers of Thy heavenly kingdom.