Dialogue on the True Faith in GodRobert A. Pretty, G. W. Trompf Robert Pretty's introduction and translation of the Adamantius Dialogue provides access to the last important extant source about ancient Gnosticism(s) left unavailable in a modern European language. Little or no new material has come to light concerning some other groups than those reflected at Nag Hammadi - the Marconites, for example, and the followers of Bardesanes. These last mentioned groupings, together with the later Valentinians, are the very ones involved in the Adamantius Dialogue. The book is written in the form of a dialogue between a member of the Catholic Church and various heretical opponents who debate with him in turn. |
From inside the book
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Common terms and phrases
accept Adamantian Adamantius Dialogue adjudicator Alexandria angels Apostle appearance argument Bakhuyzen Bardesanes believe belong blood body Bonwetsch edn brackets called century Christ Christian claim Clement of Alexandria command created Creator Creator God dead death debate Demiurge Dialogue of Adamantius Dionysius of Alexandria disciples Divine Docetic doctrine Droserius earth enclosed Eusebius EUTR Eutropius evil exist faith Father flesh Gnostic Gospel Greek Greek MSS Greek text Harnack heaven Hebrew heretics human Irenaeus Jesus Latin of Rufinus Latin translation Lord main recensions Manichaeism Marcion Marcionite Marcus Marinus Masoretic Text Matt Matter means Megethius Methodius Methodius Bonwetsch Migne nature opponents Origen orthodox passage Paul preached Principle Prophets reference resurrection Rufinus salvation saved Scripture sect sense someone soul speak spirit statement substance teaching Tertullian Testament things trans truth uncreated Valentinus words writings written καὶ