the CHARGES of COLLECTION, and other PAYMENTS out of those REVENUES, the NET RECEIPTS into the were Collected, converted into Sterling Money, at the Rate of Two Shillings the Rupee. IN ENGLAND. IN INDIA. Stores. Other 74 TOTAL. No. II.-AN ESTIMATED ACCOUNT of the TOTAL INCOME of the Revenues of INDIA in the Year ending 31st March 1868; together with an Account of the PUBLIC EXPENDITURE, including REPAYMENTS, ALLOWANCES, and DRAWBACKS, and ALLOWANCES and ASSIGNMENTS under Treaties and Engagements, and other PAYMENTS made out of the REVENUES, but exclusive of the Sums applied to the Reduction of Debt. £. IN INDIA. I. Repayments, Allowances, Refunds, and Drawbacks 341,700 Land Revenue, including Tributes and Contributions] from Native States, Forest and Abkaree Revenues, &c.f 23,467,700 PAYMENTS in realization of the REVENUE: License Tax 658,000 Customs 2,545,200 Land Revenue, &c. License Taxes Customs Salt 6,024,300 Salt 358,300 353,300 Opium 8,814,200 Opium 1,863,200 1,863,200 27,523 118,323 Stamps 2,393,900 Mint 118,400 52,946 171,346 Mint 237,300 Post Office 486,600 9,770 46,979 543,349 Telegraph 527,800 90,997 27,137 645,934 Post Office 652,300 Allowances and Assignments under Treaties and En-1 2,062,500 19,879 2,082,379 Telegraph (includes England, 26,916 l.) 298,916 gagements Allowances to District and Village Officers, &c. 398,200 898,200 Law and Justice 734,400 Police 261,700 Marine 259,200 TOTAL of the direct Claims and Demands upon the Revenues, including Charges of Collection and Cost of Salt and Opium 8,952,100 181,236 93,995 9,227,331 Education 73,400 III. Interest 227,600 Charges, including Interest on Debt and Public Works Ordinary 29,556,600 970,123 5,711,692 36,238,415 Miscellaneous (includes England, 61,4527.) 500,252 Army-Miscellaneous (includes England, 16,401 7.) Guaranteed Interest on the Capital of Railway and other Companies, in India and in England, deducting Net Traffic Receipts 1,242,400 1,242,400 479,500 £. 38,508,700 1,151,359 7,048,087 46,708,146 Excess of Income over Expenditure, excluding Public 1,655,123 Excess of Expenditure over Income, including Public 48,363,269 1,106,077 Public Works Extraordinary 2,761,200 2,761,200 £. 49,469,346 £. 41,269,900 1,151,359 7,048,087 49,469,346 in the 31st Year ending March 1868 (after abating the EXPENDITURE No. III. AN ESTIMATED ACCOUNT of the NET PUBLIC INCOME of INDIA, in the Year ending 31st March 1868 (after abating the Expenditure defrayed thereout by the several REVENUE DEPARTMENTS, and the ALLOWANCES and ASSIGNMENTS under Treaties and Engagements, and other PAYMENTS made out of those REVENUES), and the actual Issues or Payments within the same Period, exclusive of the Sums applied to the Reduction of Debt. £. £. £. £. No. IV.--ABSTRACT ACCOUNT of the Aggregate of ESTIMATED BALANCES of CASH in the TREASURIES of INDIA, on the 31st March 1867; the Amount of DEBT estimated to be incurred and discharged during the Year 1867-68; the Amount of ADVANCES and REPAYMENTS on various Accounts; the SUPPLIES to and from LONDON; the BALANCE of SUPPLIES between the several PRESIDENCIES and PROVINCES on unadjusted Accounts, and the TOTAL ESTIMATED BALANCE in the Indian Treasuries on the 31st March 1868. Local Indian Surplus Advances, less Repayments Prize Money to be discharged Supplies to London : Remittances and Bills drawn by the Secretary of State` discharged, Advances to Railway and other Companies, and Miscellaneous Payments on account of London Less,-Bills drawn on England, Payments in England] for Interest on India Loan Property, Receipts in repayment of Advances made in England to Service Funds, Net Traffic Receipts of Railways, &c. Balance of Supplies between the different Presidencies and Provinces on unadjusted Accounts 22,035 Estimated Balance of Cash in the Treasuries of India on the 31st March 1868 11,125,992 6,988,600 |