No. 21.-GENERAL ABSTRACT ACCOUNT of the CHARGES on account of MEDICAL SERVICES, for the Year ended the 31st March 1867. 22.-MEDICAL SERVICES: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA-GENERAL AND POLITICAL: Medical Establishment, including Hospitals and Dispensaries Oude :. Medical Establishment, including Lunatic Asylum, Hospitals and Dispensaries Central Provinces: Medical and Vaccine Establishments, including Lunatic Asylum, Hospitals, and Dispensaries 13,131 British Burmah : Medical and Vaccine Establishments, including Hospitals and Dispensaries · 8,072 East and West Berar: Medical and Vaccine Establishments, and Allowances for Medical purposes 1,905 24 1,929 Eastern Settlements : Medical Establishments, including Lunatic Asylum, Hospitals, and Dispensaries 5,507 110 5,617 Bengal: Medical and Vaccine Establishments, including Chemical Examiner to Government, 55,561 Grants to private Medical Establishments 3,152 58,713 North Western Provinces: Medical and Vaccine Establishments, including Chemical Examiner to Government,' 31,019 Grants for Medical purposes 2,391 33,410 Punjab: Medical and Vaccine Establishments, including Chemical Examiner, Lunatic Asylum, 25,247 Madras: Medical and Vaccine Establishments, including Chemical Examiner, Lunatic Asylum, 49,983 Bombay and Sind: Medical and Vaccine Establishments, including Chemical Examiner, Lunatic Asylum, 44 1 No. 22.-GENERAL ABSTRACT ACCOUNT of the CHARGES on account of STATIONERY and PRINTING, for the Year ended the 31st March 1867. 23.-STATIONERY AND PRINTING: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA-GENERAL AND POLITICAL: Printing Establishments in the Secretariats and Office of Account, including Charges for Printing executed at the Military Orphan Press, &c. IN ENGLAND: 4 No. 23.--GENERAL ABSTRACT ACCOUNT of the CHARGES on account of POLITICAL 24.-POLITICAL AGENCIES AND OTHER FOREIGN SERVICES: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA-GENERAL AND POLITICAL: Residents and Political Agents, &c., at Foreign Courts: Salaries and Allowances, Durbar Presents, and Allowances to Vakeels, &c. Sundry Items · Central Provinces: Durbar Presents British Burmah: Political Establishments and Charges, including Expenses on account of Statel Political Establishments and Charges 2,473 Pay of British Envoy at Cabool, and other Political Establishments and Charges 5,239 3,747 Residents and Agents at Foreign Courts: Salaries, Establishments, and Contingent 8,955 Charges on account of State Prisoners 168 9,123 Bombay and Sind: Durbar Presents and Allowances to Natives of Rank, &c. Residents and Agents at Foreign Courts: Salaries, Establishments, and Contingent) 60,801 3,269 46 No. No. 24.-GENERAL ABSTRACT ACCOUNT of the ALLOWANCES and ASSIGNMENTS Out of the REVENUES, in accordance with Treaties or other Engagements, in the Year ended the 31st March 1867. 25. 25.-ALLOWANCES AND ASSIGNMENTS UNDER TREATIES AND ENGAGEMENTS: Government OF INDIA-GENERAL AND POLITICAL: Her Man Pension of Wazed Ally Shah, ex-King of Oude 110,000 Proportion of Pension of Maharajah Dulleep Sing 1,100 Syed Pension to Ally Bahadoor, ex-Newab of Banda, including Allowance to the Family of the late Zoolficar Ally Rais Pensions to the Family of the ex-Rajah of Coorg Pagoda and Mosque Allowances Pensions exceeding 5,000 rupees per annum, but not exceeding 20,000 rupees per Pensions not exceeding 5,000 rupees per annum Stipends and Extra Allowances, &c., to His Highness Prince Golam Mahomed, son of the late Tippoo Sultan Janojee Rao Bhonslah Rajah Bahadoor, and the Widows of the late Ruler 9,794 17,875 Eshwant Rao Goojur 917 2,273 Purbut Rao Goojur 599 Pensions exceeding 5,000 rupees, but not exceeding 20,000 rupees per annum No. 24.-General Abstract Account of the Allowances, &c. out of the Revenues, for Year ended 31 March 1867-conta. Newab Shumshe Jehan Begum (Consort of Furreedoonjah) Allowances to various Chiefs, their Families and Dependents, exceeding PENSIONS AND CHARITABLE ALLOWANCES: Rajah Bhoop Sing (Grandson of Rajah Kulyan Sing) Compensation to the Bhooteeahs for the resumption of Dooars in Assam - COMPENSATIONS: Compensation payable under Convention with the French Government in lieu of Salt formerly supplied to them £. 67,151 45,144 2,138 2,759 4,923 9,150 870 TERRITORIAL AND POLITICAL PENSIONS: Ishreepersad Narain Sing, Rajah of Benares 7,500 Pensions exceeding 5,000 rupees, and not exceeding 20,000 rupees per |