No. 15.-GENERAL ABSTRACT ACCOUNT of the CHARGES on Account of ADMINISTRATION and PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS, for the Year ended the 31st March 1867. Indian Secretariats; Foreign, Home, Financial, Public Works, and Military Depart ments Public Offices; comprising the Office of Comptroller General of Accounts, Central -S 32,562 3,024 51,207 Allowance to the Presidency Bank for conducting the duties of the General Treasury 6,591 52,311 328,439 Oude: Chief Commissioner at Lucknow; Salary and Allowances of the Chief Commissioner and his Secretary, Establishment and Contingent Charges 12,842 Financial Commissioner; Salary, Establishment and Contingent Charges 7,189 18,324 10 38,365 Central Provinces: Chief Commissioner at Nagpore; Salary and Allowances of the Chief Commissioner and his Secretary, Establisliment and Contingent Charges 16,596 Commissioners; Salaries, Establishment and Contingent Charges 18,835 Office of Account; Salary, Establishment and Contingent Charges 2,648 Paper Currency Department; Salary, Establishment and Contingent Charges 1,159 32 39,270 British Burmah : Chief Commissioner at Rangoon ; Salary and Allowances of the Chief Commissioner and his Secretary, Establishment and Contingent Charges Salary of the Military Secretary to the Resident at Hyderabad, Establishment and Contingent Charges 2,212 Salaries of Resident Councillors and Assistant Residents at Prince of Wales Island," Singapore and Malacca, and Superintendent of Province Wellesley, including Establishment and Contingent Charges 4,434 Board of Revenue; Salaries of the Members and Secretaries, Establishment and Contingent Charges Public Offices; comprising the Bengal Secretariat, the Office of Account and Audit, 1,319 43,108 27,785 53,382 Tour Charges of the Lieutenant Governor 869 Salary and Sumptuary Allowance of the Chief Commissioner, British Burmah and Secretary 4,688 548 834 34 No. 15.-General Abstract Account of Administration, &c., for Year ended 31 March 1867-continued. Household of the Lieutenant Governor Public Offices; comprising the Secretariat, Office of Account and Audit, Money Order Board of Revenue; Salaries, Establishment and Contingent Charges No Salary of the Lieutenant Governor 9,167 Household of the Lieutenant Governor 2,771 Public Offices; comprising the Secretariat, Office of Account and Audit, and Native 24,647 Financial Commissioner; Salary, Establishment and Contingent Charges 9,273 49,371 1,886 Tour Charges of the Lieutenant Governor Civi Cou 102,379 Madras: Salaries of the Governor and Members of Council, including portion of the Salary of a Household of the Governor 8,779 In Public Offices; comprising the Secretariats, Offices of Account and Audit, Money Board of Revenue; Salaries of the Members and Secretaries, Establishment and Contingent Charges Salary of the Commissioner of Sind, Establishment and Contingent Charges 8,378 Legislative Council Public Offices; comprising the Secretariats, Office of Account and Audit, Translators, &c. 2,981 57,579 No. 16.-GENERAL ABSTRACT ACCOUNT of the Charges on Account of Law and JUSTICE, for the Year ended the 31st March 1867. 17.-LAW AND JUSTICE. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA-GENERAL AND POLITICAL: £. બં £. High Court of Judicature: Salaries of the Chief Justice, Puisne Judges, Officers and) 114,887 Civil and Criminal Courts: Salaries, Establishment and Contingent Charges 2,093 188 Judicial Commissioner: Salary, Establishment and Contingent Charges 4,865 33,133 1,221 1,480 22,278 62,977 Central Provinces: Judicial Commissioner: Salary, Establishment and Contingent Charges Salaries of the Recorders and Registrar, Establishment of the Court of Judicature, 16,665 Jail Establishment and Charges 6,012 22,677 Bengal: Justices of the Peace: Salaries of the Justices, Establishment and Contingent Charges Provincial, Civil, and Criminal Courts: Salaries, Establishment and Contingencies Jail Establishment and Charges, including a portion of the Convict Charges at Port Blair 3,351 186,468 22,103 No. 16.-General Abstract Account of Law and Justice, &c., for Year ended 31 March 1867-continued. Civil and Criminal Courts: Salaries, Establishments and Contingent 211,952 Courts of Small Causes: Salaries, Establishments and Contingent Charges 5,730 3,994 63,057 Registration Department Punjab: 14,381 336,514 Chief Court Salary of the Judges, Establishment and Contingent Charges Civil and Criminal Courts: Salary of the Judges, Establishment and Contingent Charges 15,451 95,259 High Court of Judicature: Salaries of the Chief Justice and Puisne] Judges, Establishment and Contingencies, including those of Government Law Officers, &c. 40,781 High Court of Judicature: Salaries of the Chief Justice and Puisne Judges, Establishment and Contingencies, including those of Government Law Officers, &c. 73,401 868 14,714 6,537 12,388 £. No. 17.-GENERAL ABSTRACT ACCOUNT of the CHARGES on account of POLICE, for the Year ended the 31st March 1867. 18.-POLICE: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA-GENERAL AND POLITICAL: £. £. Suppression of Thuggee and Dacoity; Salaries, Establishment and Contingent Charges - 9,039 77 9,116 Oude: Inspector and Deputy Inspector General of Police; Establishment and Contingent Charges 3,305 72 District Executive Police Force; Salaries, Establishment and Contingencies Municipal Police 98,106 8,677 110,160 Central Provinces: Inspector General of Police; Salary, Establishment and Contingent Charges 3,661 District Executive Police Force; Salary, Establishment and Contingent Charges 3,239 108,478 12,372 British Burmah : 127,750 Inspector General and Personal Assistant; Salary, Establishment and Contingent Charges 2,824 103,546 10,167 116,537 East and West Berar: Inspector General of Police; Salary, Establishment and Contingencies Calcutta Police; Salary, Establishment and Contingent Charges of the Commissioner] and Executive Police Force, &c. Inspector and Deputy Inspector General of Police; Establishment and Contingent Charges 6,895 18,863 435,549 23,710 523,628 North Western Provinces: Inspector and Deputy Inspector General of Police; Salary, Establishment and Con-l tingent Charges 9,933 District Executive Police Force; Salary, Establishment and Contingent Charges Inspector and Deputy Inspector General of Police; Salary, Establishment and Con-1 tingent Charges -J 8,336 District Executive Police Force; Salary, Establishment and Contingent Charges 234,255 273,084 District Executive Police Force; Salary, Establishment and Contingent Charges Inspector and Deputy Inspector General of Police; Salary, Establishment and Contingent Charges 21,226 9,164 332,463 |