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from hence it may appear what is the signification of these words in their spiritual sense. Jesus in the ship “rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still, and there was a great calm," Mark iv. 39, 40, Luke viii. 23, 24. By the sea is here signified hell, and by the wind influx from thence. Nor is any thing but strong influx signified by the east wind, Ezek. xvii. 10, Jerem. xviii. 17, xix. 12, Hosea xiii. 15, 39, Psalm xlviii. 7: nor by the same wind which dried up the red sea, Exod. xiv. 21, concerning which it is thus written by Moses: "And with the blast of thy nostrils the waters were gathered together as a heap,-thou didst blow with thy wind, the sea covered them," Exod. xv. 8, 10. From what has been said, it may now be seen, that by holding the four winds that the wind should not blow on the earth, is signified to withhold and prevent a nearer and stronger influx into inferior things.

344. "And I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun," signifies, the Lord providing and regulating. An angel here means the Lord as to his divine love, because he ascended from the east, and from the east or rising of the sun, is from divine love, for in the spiritual world the Lord is the sun and the east, and is so called as to that love. That he was providing and moderating, is evident from his command to the four angels, not to hurt the earth and the sea, till the servants of God were sealed on their foreheads. That the Lord's Divine Humanity is meant by an angel, in the supreme sense, is manifest from these passages: "The angel of the faces of Jehovah saved them; in his love and in his pity he redeemed them, and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old," Isaiah lxiii. 9. "The angel which redeemed me from all evil bless the lads," Gen. xlviii. 16. "The Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the angel of the covenant, whom ye delight in," Malachi iii. 1. "Behold, I send an angel before thee to keep thee in the way, beware of him, and obey his voice, for my name is in him," Exod. xxiii. 20-23. Angel and Sent, in the Hebrew language, are expressed by one and the same word; hence it is that the Lord so often calls himself the Sent of the Father, by which is to be understood vine Humanity. But an angel, in a relative sense every one who receives the Lord, both in heave the world.


345. "Having the seal of the living God," who alone knows all and every one, and can di and separate them one from another. Since th sealed on their foreheads with a seal, therefore b the seal of the living God, as spoken of the Lord, to know all and every one, and to be able to dis and separate the servants of God from those who

346. "And he cried with a loud voice to the gels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the signifies, the preventing and withholding by the L nearer and stronger influx into inferior things. T is the signification of these words, is evident from planation above, n. 343. In a literal sense, it four angels that withheld influx, but, in a spiritua it was the Lord. Not to hurt the earth, the sea, trees, signifies that they should not operate by a vel but by a moderate influx; for the Lord, by various of influx into the heavens, disposes, regulates, temp moderates all things there and in the hells, and, the heavens and the hells, all things in the world.

347. "Till we have sealed the servants of our their foreheads,” signifies, before they are separate are in truths originating in good from the Lord, th are interiorly good. By sealing them in their fore is not meant to set a seal there, but to distinguis separate those who are in the good of love from the for the forehead signifies the good of love. Tha who are in truths from good from the Lord are follows from such being understood by the serva God, n. 3. The reason why the forehead signifi good of love, is, because the face is the image of affections, and the forehead is the highest part of the the brain, from which is the origin of all things of life, being immediately under the forehead. As the head signifies love, good love in the good, and evil

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in the evil, therefore by sealing them on their foreheads, is signified to distinguish and separate one from another according to the love. Similar is the signification of this passage in Ezekiel: "Go through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh over the abominations," ix. 4, 5, 6. As the forehead signifies love, therefore concerning the plate of gold on the mitre of Aaron, on which was engraven Holiness to Jehovah, it is written, That it should be on the region of the faces of the mitre, that it might be over the forehead of Aaron, and that it should always be upon the forehead of Aaron, that he might be accepted of Jehovah, Exod. xxviii. 36, 37, 38. And moreover it was commanded that these words, "And thou shalt love Jehovah thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul," were to be upon the band and upon the forehead, Deut. vi. 5, 8, xi. 18. That they should have the name of Father written on their foreheads, Apoc. xiv. 1. And the name of God and of the Lamb in their foreheads, Apoc. xxii. 4. It may be observed, that the Lord looks at the angels in the forehead, whilst they look at the Lord through the eyes; by reason that the Lord views all from the good of love, and desires that they, on their part, should view him from the truths of wisdom: in this manner conjunction is effected. The forehead, in an opposite sense, signifies evil love in these places: Who have the mark of the beast on their foreheads, Apoc. xiii. 16, xiv. 9, xx. 4; and also the name of Babylon upon her forehead, Apoc. xvii. 5. The forehead of an adulterous woman, Jerem. iii. 3. Obdurate of forehead, and hard of heart, Ezek. iii, 7, 8. "Thou art obstinate, and thy forehead is brass," Isaiah

eral sense, it was de 1, in a spiritual se, earth, the sea, nor the Derate by a vebemest rd, by various degre egulates, tempers, e hells, and, throug in the world. vants of our God in * are separated who the Lord, thus wbc in their forebeads. to distinguish and ove from the Lor love. That they Lord are meani y the servants d nead signifies the image of man's part of the face things of man's 1. As the fore Lovil love

xlviii. 4.

348. "And I heard the number of them which were sealed, a hundred and forty and four thousand,” signifies, all who acknowledge the Lord to be the God of heaven and earth, and are in truths of doctrine from the good of love from him through the Word. That these are signified by a hundred and forty and four thousand out of the twelve tribes of Israel, is, because the twelve tribes of Israel signify the church, as composed of those who are


in good and truth from the Lord, and acknow as the God of heaven and earth. By the nu hundred and forty-four thousand, all these are u for by this number the same is signified as b since it arises by multiplying twelve into tw then by multiplying it by one hundred and by sand; and any number whatever multiplied i and then by ten, one hundred, or one thousand same signification as the original number; ther number one hundred and forty-four thousand sig saine as one hundred and forty-four, and this th twelve, because twelve multiplied by twelve hundred and forty-four; so, likewise, the twelve sealed out of each tribe, being multiplied by twe one hundred and forty-four thousand. The numb signifies all, and is predicated of truths from g cause twelve is the product of three and four r by each other, and the number three signifies ev as to truth, and the number four every thing as hence twelve, in this instance, signifies every th truth derived from the good of love. That all signify the adjuncts of things, determining thei or quantity, may appear manifest from number Apocalypse, which, were they without some signification, would yield no sense whatever places. From what has been said it may be se by one hundred and forty-four thousand sealed, twelve thousand out of each tribe, is not to be stood that so many were sealed and elected ou tribes of Israel, but all who are in truths of doct rived from the good of love from the Lord. what is signified in general by the twelve tribes o and also by the Lord's twelve apostles; but, in pa some truth derived from good is signified by ea and by each apostle. But the signification of ea ticular tribe shall be explained presently. Since the tribes signify all truths of doctrine derived from th of love from the Lord, they also signify all things church; on which account the twelve tribes of represented the church, as did also the twelve a

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As twelve is predicated of the truths and goods of the church, therefore the New Jerusalem, by which is understood the Lord's New Church, is described by the number twelve in every particular, as that the length and breadth of the city was twelve thousand furlongs; that the wall thereof was one hundred and forty-four cubits: one hundred and forty-four is twelve multiplied by twelve; that there were twelve gates; and the gates were of twelve pearls; that over the gates there were twelve angels; and the names written of the twelve tribes of Israel; that the wall had twelve foundations; and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb; and they consisted of twelve precious stones; as also that the tree of life was there, bearing twelve fruits according to the twelve months. Concerning all these particulars, see chapters xxi. and xxii. From such as are here treated of, the new heaven is formed, and the new church is forming by the Lord; for they are the same who are mentioned in chapter xiv., where it is written of them : "And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the Mount Zion, and with him one hundred and forty-four thousand. And they sung, as it were, a new song before the throne, and no man could learn that song but the hundred and fortyfour thousand, which were redeemed from the earth,for they are virgins, which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth," verses 1, 3, 4. Because the twelve tribes signify the Lord's church as to all its truths and goods, therefore the number twelve became a number of the church, and was used in its holy ceremonies and solemnities. In the breast-plate of judgment, in which were the urim and thummim, and twelve precious stones, Exod. xxviii. 21. That twelve breads of faces were put upon the table in the tabernacle, Levit. xxiv. 5, 6. That Moses built an altar at the foot of Mount Sinai, and erected twelve pillars, Exod. xxiv. 4. That twelve men were sent to explore the land of Canaan, Deut. i. 23. Trat twelve men brought twelve stones out of the midst of Jordan, Josh. iv. 1-9, 20. That twelve princes at the dedication of the altar brought twelve chargers of silver, twelve bowls of silver, twelve censers of gold,

th. By the number de d, all these are understad is signified as by the twelve into twelve

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ultiplied by twelve nd. The number twe f truths from good. ree and four mul aree signifies ever every thing as to nifies every this to ve. That all termining their qu from numbers in without some spez se whatever in it may be seen tha usand sealed, and br is not to be underd elected out of the uths of doctrine de the Lord. This elve tribes of Isra s; but, in particula nified by each trile cation of each par Since the twelve ved from the good y all things of the e tribes of Israel twelve apostles.

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