burn up the chaff wi 1, 12. Jesus said. La together, and in the time pers, Gather ye toge t gather the whent I have heard the or Dovah God; "he lared pointed barley; fo on, and doth teach h shall lead thee to "ti . viii. 7, 8. A land 1 d of Canaan, by m Dre they shall come al all flow together to and for wine," Jerets thee "with the fat 13, 14, Psalm/xxi • . Jehovah said unto ould make to himself and eat them, 9. 12, osea, to take a woman ought for “a homer d y,” iii. 1, 2: which that they might rep e church, for barley dung, denotes truths woman also signifies oil and the wine," Lord that the holy concealed in the ned. Oil signifies that good, there holy truth; see provided by the nd profaned; for our animals, thus the Lord, the t is so provided, That oil signi fies the good of love will be seen below, n. 778, 779; but that wine signifies truth from that good, is evident from the following places: "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money, come ye, buy and eat, yea come, buy wine and milk without money," Isaiah Iv. 1. "And it shall come to pass in that day, that the mountains shall drop down new wine, and the hills shall flow with milk," Joel iii. 18, Amos ix. 13, 14. "And gladness is taken away from Carmel, and in the vineyards there shall be no singing: -the treaders shall tread out no wine, I have made their vintage shouting to cease," Isaiah xvi. 10, Jerem. xlviii. 32, 33. By Carmel is signified the spiritual church, because there were vineyards there. "Howl, all ye drinkers of wine, because of the new wine; for it is cut off from your mouth; howl, O ye vine-dressers," Joel i. 5, 10, 11. Nearly the same words occur in Hosea ix. 2, 3, Zeph. i. 13, Lament. ii. 11, 12, Micah vi. 15, Amos v. 11, Isaiah xxiv. 6, 7, 9, 10. "He washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes; his eyes shall be red with wine," Gen. xlix. 11, 12; speaking of the Lord: wine signifies divine truth. This is the reason why the holy supper was instituted by the Lord, in which the bread signifies the Lord as to his divine good, and the wine the Lord as to his divine truth, and with the recipients the bread signifies holy good, and the wine, holy truth, from the Lord: therefore he said, "I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom," Matt. xxvi. 29, Luke xxii. 18. Because bread and wine had this signification, therefore, also, Melchisedek, going to meet Abram, "brought forth bread and wine; and he was the priest of the most high God, and he blessed Abram," Gen. xiv. 18, 19. Similar is the signification of the cakes and drink-offering, in sacrifices, concerning which see Exod. xxix. 40, Levit. xxiii. 12, 13, 18, 19, Numb. xv. 2-15, xxviii. 6, 7, 18, to the end, xxix. 1-7, and following verses. The cakes were of wheat flour, and were therefore instead of bread, and the drink offering was of wine. From which it may ap VOL. I. 24 pear what is meant by these words of the Lord do men put new wine into old bottles, but th wine into new bottles, and both are preserved 17, Luke v. 37. New wine is the divine New Testament, thus of the new church, an is the divine truth of the Old Testament, thus church. Similar is the signification of these wo at the marriage in Cana of Galilee: "Eve first setteth forth good wine, and when men drunk, then that which is worse; but thou ha good wine until now," John ii. 1-10. The signified by wine in the Lord's parable of the was wounded by robbers, into whose wounds tan poured oil and wine, Luke x. 33, 34: that was wounded by robbers, are meant they spiritually wounded by the Jews by evils an whom the Samaritan gave assistance, by pouri wine into his wounds, that is, by teaching goo and, so far as he was able, by healing. Ho also signified by new wine and wine in other p Word: as in Isaiah i. 21, 22, xxv. 6, xxxvi. vii. 4, 5, 14, xiv. 6, 7, 8, Amos ii. 8, Zech. Psalm civ. 14, 15, 16. Hence it is that a vi the Word, signifies a church that is in truths Lord. That wine signifies holy truth, may a from its opposite sense, in which it signifies tru and profaned; as in these places: "Whor wine, and new wine, take away the heart. 1 is sour, they have committed whoredom co Hosea iv. 11, 17, 18. Whoredom signifies th tion of truth, as do wine and new wine. "I hand of Jehovah there is a cup, and the wine is full of mixture, and he poureth out of the the dregs thereof all the wicked of the earth s them out and drink them," Psalm lxxv. 8. is a cup of gold in the band of Jehovah, tha the earth drunken: the nations have drunk wine; therefore the nations are mad," Jer "Babylon is fallen, because she made all nat of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. I ds of the Lord: "Neithe Ottles, but they put ne are preserved," Matt.is the divine truth of the w church, and old wi estament, thus of the on of these words, spole alilee: “Every man i d when men have we but thou hast kept -10. The like parable of the inani ose wounds the Santuar : x. 33, 34: for by e meant they who wer s by evils and false nce, by pouring oil teaching good and cult Dealing. Holy math ne in other parts of the v. 6, xxxvi. 17, Hove i. 8, Zech. ix. lá, is that a vineyard. a is in truths from the truth, may also appes signifies truth falstie “Whoredom, and s: e heart. Theit wi oredom continually. signifies the falsifier wine. "For in the d the wine is red; it out of the same, but the earth shall win! xxv. 8. "Babyka hovah, that made ve drunken of ber ad," Jerem. li.. de all nations drink ation. If any man worship the beast, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation," Apoc. xiv. 8, 9, 10. Babylon hath made all nations drink of the wine of her fornication, Apoc. xviii. 3. "Great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath," Apoc. xvi. 19. "The inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication," Apoc. xvii. 1, 2. By the wine which Belshazzar, king of Babylon, and his princes, and his wives, and his concubines, drank out of the vessels of the temple of Jerusalem, and at the same time "praised the gods of gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone," Dan. v. 2-5, nothing is meant but the holy truth of the Word and of the church profaned; wherefore the hand-writing then appeared upon the wall, and the king was slain that night, verses 25, 30. Wine signifies truth falsified also in Isaiah v. 11, 12, 21, 22, xxviii. 1, 3, 7, xxix. 9, lvi. 11, 12, Jerem. xiii. 12, 13, xxiii. 9, 10. The same is signified by the drink-offering which they offered to idols, Isaiah lxv. 11, lvii. 6, Jerem. vii. 18, xliv. 17, 18, 19, Ezek. xx. 28, Deut. xxxii. 38. That wine should signify holy truth, and, in an opposite sense, truth profaned, is from correspondence; for the angels, who perceive all things spiritually, understand nothing else, when man reads about wine in the Word; such a correspondence is there between the natural thoughts of men and the spiritual thoughts of angels. It is the same with the wine in the holy supper, and hence it is, that introduction into heaven is effected by the holy supper, n. 224, at the end. 317. "And when he had opened the fourth seal," signifies, exploration from the Lord of those upon whom the last judgment was to be executed, as to their states of life, as above, n. 296, 303, only with the difference explained below. 318. "I heard the voice of the fourth animal say," signifies, according to the divine truth of the Word, as above, n. 296, 303. 319, "Come and see," signifies, a manifestation concerning the fourth class, or those who wer order, as is evident from the explanation abo but there it is applied to the first class, here to 320. "And I looked, and behold, a pale nifies, the understanding of the Word destro to good and as to truth. A horse signifies standing of the Word, n. 298, and paleness want of vitality. In the Word, this want predicated of those who are not in the good of ed in the truths of doctrine; for the Word, sense, is not understood without doctrine, and not perceived without a life according to it; is, because a life according to doctrine wh the Word, opens the spiritual mind, when into it from heaven and illustrates and imparts That this is the case, he is not aware of who k of doctrine, and yet does not live accordin The reason why the fourth animal showed a was, because that animal was like a flying therefore it signified the divine truth of the knowledges and as to the understanding de them, n. 244; therefore it indicated, that ar who were now seen there were no knowledg and truth from the Word, nor any understandin and such in the spiritual world appear pale, a of life. 321. "And his name that sat on him was hell followed with him," signifies, the extinctio ual life, and thence damnation. By death is he spiritual death, which is the extinction of spi and by hell is signified damnation, which is a co of that death. Every man, indeed, has by cre therefore by birth, spiritual life, but that life is ex when he denies God, the sanctity of the Word, a life; it is extinguished in the will, but remains derstanding, or rather in the faculty of unde By this, man is distinguished from the brute. signifies the extinction of spiritual life, and hell quent damnation, therefore death and hell in so are named together; as in these: "I will rans those who were fourth explanation above, n. First class, bere to the bu behold, a pale horse e Word destroyed ba horse signifies the 3, and paleness signe rd, this want of vita Ot in the good of life grow for the Word, in its at doctrine, and docie according to it; the re doctrine which is from the power of hell, I will redeem them from death: 322. "And power was given them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill," signifies, the destruction of all good in the church. Since death signifies the extinction of man's spiritual life, and hell signifies damnation, it follows that to kill, here, means to destroy the life of man's soul; the life of the soul is spiritual life; a fourth part of the earth, signifies all the good of the church; the earth is the church, n. 285. That a fourth part denotes all good, cannot be known by any one, unless he knows what numbers in the Word signify. The numbers two and four, in the Word, are predicated of goods, and signify them; and the numbers three and six, of truths, and signify them; thus a fourth part or simply a fourth, signifies all good, and a third part, or simply a third, signifies all truth; therefore to kill a fourth part of the earth, here signifies to destroy all the good of the church. That power was not given to him that sat upon the pale horse to kill a fourth part of the habitable earth, is evident. Besides, four, in the Word, signifies the conjunction of good and truth. That four has these significations, may indeed be proved out of the Word; as by the four animals or cherubs, Ezek. i. vii. x., Apoc. v. By the four chariots between the two mountains of brass, Zech. vi. 2. By the four winds, Zech. ii: and by the four horns of the altar, Exod. xxvii. 1-9, Apoc. ix. 13. By the "four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth," Apoc. vii. 1, Matt. xxv. 31; as also "by visiting their sins upon the third and fourth generation," Numb. xiv. 18; and in other places, by the third and fourth generation. By these, and by 1 mind, when light on him was Death, and 24* |