: Danger of relapsing into sin. II. PETER, Of Christ's second coming. that count it pleasure to riot in 21 For it had been better for the day-time. Spots they are them not to have known the and blemishes, sporting them-way of righteousness, than, after selves with their own deceivings they have known it, to turn while they feast with you; from the holy commandment 14 Having eyes full of adul-delivered unto them. tery, and that cannot cease from 22 But it is happened unto sin; beguiling unstable souls: them according to the true proa heart they have exercised verb, The dog is turned to his with covetous practices; cursed own vomit again; and, The sow children: that was washed, to her wallow. CHAP. III. 15 Which have forsaken the ing in the mire. right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the Certainty of the last day. son of Bosor, who loved the THIS second epistle, beloved. wages of unrighteousness; I now write unto you; in 16 But was rebuked for his both which I stir up your pure iniquity: the dumb ass, speaking minds by way of remembrance: with man's voice, forbade the 2 That ye may be mindful of madness of the prophet. the words which were spoken 17 These are wells without before by the holy prophets, and water, clouds that are carried of the commandment of us the with a tempest; to whom the mist apostles of the Lord and Saviour: of darkness is reserved for ever. 3 Knowing this first, that there 18 For when they speak great shall come in the last days scoffswelling words of vanity, they ers, walking after their own lusts. allure through the lusts of the 4 And saying, Where is the flesh, through much wantonness, promise of his coming? for since those that were clean escaped the fathers fell asleep, all things from them who live in error. continue as they were from the 19 While they promise them beginning of the creation. liberty, they themselves are the 5 For this they willingly are servants of corruption: for of ignorant of, that by the word of whom a man is overcome, of the God the heavens were of old, same is he brought in bondage. and the earth standing out of 20 For if after they have the water and in the water: escaped the pollutions of the 6 Whereby the world that world through the knowledge then was, being overflowed with of the Lord and Saviour Jesus water, perished: Christ, they are again entangled 7 But the heavens and the ! 1 Certainty of the judgment. CHAP. III. Exhortation to holiness. day of judgment and perditioning to his promise, look for new of ungodly men. heavens and a new earth, where 8 But, beloved, be not igno-in dwelleth righteousness. rant of this one thing, that one 14 Wherefore, beloved, seeday is with the Lord as a thou-ing that ye look for such things, sand years, and a thousand years be diligent that ye may be found as one day. of him in peace, without spot, 9 The Lord is not slack con- and blameless. cerning his promise, as some 15 And account that the longmen count slackness; but is long-suffering of our Lord is salvasuffering to us-ward, not willing tion; even as our beloved brothat any should perish, but that ther Paul also, according to the all should come to repentance. wisdom given unto him, hath 10 But the day of the Lord written unto you; will come as a thief in the night; 16 As also in all his epistles, in the which the heavens shall speaking in them of these things; pass away with a great noise, in which are some things hard to and the elements shall melt with be understood, which they that fervent heat, the earth also and are unlearned and unstable the works that are therein shall wrest, as they do also the other be burned up. scriptures, unto their own de 11 Seeing then that all these struction. things shall be dissolved, what 17 Ye therefore, beloved, manner of persons ought ye to seeing ye know these things bebe in all holy conversation and fore, beware lest ye also, being godliness, led away with the error of the 12 Looking for and hasting wicked, fall from your own steadunto the coming of the day of fastness. God, wherein the heavens being 18 But grow in grace, and in on fire shall be dissolved, and the knowledge of our Lord and the elements shall melt with fer- Saviour Jesus Christ. To him vent heat? be glory both now and for ever. 13 Nevertheless we, accord- Amen. T The First Epistle general of JOHN. CHAP. I. Person of Christ described. upon, and our hands have handled, of the word of life; 2 (For the life was manifestand we have seen it, and HAT which was from the beginning, which we have ed, heard, which we have seen with bear witness, and shew unto our eyes, which we have looked you that eternal life which was Comfort against sins of infirmity. I. JOHN, Of keeping God's commandments. with the Father, and was mani- 2 And he is the propitiation fested unto us ;) for our sins: and not for ours 3 That which we have seen only, but also for the sins of the and heard declare we unto you, whole world. that ye also may have fellowship 3 And hereby we do know with us: and truly our fellowship that we know him, if we keep is with the Father, and with his his commandments. Son Jesus Christ. 4 He that saith, I know him, 4 And these things write we and keepeth not his commandunto you, that your joy may be ments, is a liar, and the truth is full. not in him. 5 This then is the message 5 But whoso keepeth his which we have heard of him, word, in him verily is the love and declare unto you, that God of God perfected: hereby know is light, and in him is no dark- we that we are in him. ness at all. 6 He that saith he abideth 6 If we say that we have fel- in him, ought himself also so to łowship with him, and walk in walk, even as he walked. darkness, we lie, and do not the 7 Brethren, I write no new truth: commandment unto you, but an 7 But if we walk in the light, old commandment which ye as he is in the light, we have had from the beginning: The fellowship one with another, and old commandment is the word the blood of Jesus Christ his which ye have heard from the Son cleanseth us from all sin. beginning. 8 If we say that we have no 8 Again, a new commandsin, we deceive ourselves, and ment I write unto you, which the truth is not in us. thing is true in him and in you: 9 If we confess our sins, he is because the darkness is past, and faithful and just to forgive us the true light now shineth. our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. CHAP. II. Christ our advocate. MY 9 He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now. 10 He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him. 11 But he that hateth his bro things write I unto you, ther is in darkness, and walketh that ye sin not. And if any in darkness, and knoweth not man sin, we have an advocate whither he goeth, because that with the Father, Jesus Christ darkness hath blinded his eyes. the righteous: 12 I write unto you, little F : The apostle cautioneth CHAP. II. against antichristian errors. sake. they were not all of us. 13 I write unto you, fathers, 20 But ye have an unction because ye have known him that from the Holy One, and ye is from the beginning. I write know all things. unto you, young men, because 21 I have not written unto ye have overcome the wicked you because ye know not the one. I write unto you, little chil-truth, but because ye know it, dren, because ye have known and that no lie is of the truth. the Father. 22 Who is a liar but he that 14 I have written unto you, denieth that Jesus is the Christ? fathers, because ye have known He is antichrist, that denieth him that is from the beginning. the Father and the Son. I have written unto you, young 23 Whosoever denieth the men, because ye are strong, Son, the same hath not the and the word of God abideth in Father: [but he that acknowyou, and ye have overcome the ledgeth the Son hath the Father wicked one. also.] 15 Love not the world, nei- 24 Let that therefore abide ther the things that are in the in you, which ye have heard world. If any man love the from the beginning. If that world, the love of the Father is which ye have heard from the not in him. beginning shall remain in you, 16 For all that is in the ye also shall continue in the world, the lust of the flesh, and Son, and in the Father. the lust of the eyes, and the 25 And this is the promise pride of life, is not of the Fa- that he hath promised us, even ther, but is of the world. eternal life. 17 And the world passeth 26 These things have I writaway, and the lust thereof: but ten unto you concerning them he that doeth the will of God that seduce you. abideth for ever. 27 But the anointing which 18 Little children, it is the ye have received of him abideth last time: and as ye have heard in you, and ye need not that that antichrist shall come, even any man teach you: but as the now are there many antichrists; same anointing teacheth you of whereby we know that it is the all things, and is truth, and is last time. no lie, and even as it hath 19 They went out from us, taught you, ye shall abide in but they were not of us; for if him. they had been of us, they would 28 And now, little children, no doubt have continued with abide in him; that when he The nature, extent, and God's great love to mankind. I. JOHN, shall appear, we may have con- manifested, that he might defidence, and not be ashamed stroy the works of the devil. before him at his coming. | 9 Whosoever is born of God 29 If ye know that he is doth not commit sin; for his righteous, ye know that every seed remaineth in him; and he one that doeth righteousness is cannot sin, because he is born born of him. B CHAP. III. of God. 10 In this the children of God's singular love to us. God are manifest, and the chilEHOLD what manner of dren of the devil: whosoever love the Father hath be-doeth not righteousness is not stowed upon us, that we should of God, neither he that loveth be called the sons of God! not his brother. therefore the world knoweth us 11 For this is the message not, because it knew him not. that ye heard from the begin2 Beloved, now are we the ning, that we should love one sons of God, and it doth not another. yet appear what we shall be: 12 Not as Cain, who was of but we know that, when he shall that wicked one, and slew his appear, we shall be like him; brother. And wherefore slew for we shall see him as he is. he him? Because his own works 3 And every man that hath were evil, and his brother's this hope in him purifieth him-righteous. self, even as he is pure. 13 Marvel not, my brethren, 4 Whosoever committeth sin if the world hate you. transgresseth also the law; for 14 We know that we have sin is the transgression of the passed from death unto life, law. because we love the brethren. 5 And ye know that he was He that loveth not his brother, manifested to take away our abideth in death. sins; and in him is no sin. 15 Whosoever hateth his bro 6 Whosoever abideth in him ther, is a murderer: and ye know sinneth not: whosoever sinneth that no murderer hath eternal hath not seen him, neither life abiding in him. known him. 16 Hereby perceive we the 7 Little children, let no man love of God, because he laid deceive you: he that doeth right-down his life for us: and we eousness is righteous, even as ought to lay down our lives for he is righteous. the brethren. 8 He that committeth sin is 17 But whoso hath this of the devil; for the devil sinneth world's good, and seeth his from the beginning. For this brother have need, and shutteth purpose the Son of God was up his bowels of compassion from |