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and answereth in his defence. CHAP. XXV. His discourse before Felix.

12 And they neither found 22 And when Felix heard me in the temple disputing with these things, having more perany man, neither raising up the fect knowledge of that way, he people, neither in the syna-deferred them, and said, When gogues, nor in the city: Lysias the chief captain shall

13 Neither can they prove come down, I will know the utthe things whereof they now termost of your matter.

accuse me.

23 And he commanded a cen

14 But this I confess unto turion to keep Paul, and to let thee, that after the way which him have liberty, and that he they call heresy, so worship I should forbid none of his acthe God of my fathers, believing quaintance to minister, or come all things which are written in unto him.

the law and in the prophets:

24 And after certain days,

15 And have hope toward when Felix came with his wife God, which they themselves Drusilla, which was a Jewess, also allow, that there shall be a he sent for Paul, and heard resurrection of the dead, both him concerning the faith in of the just and unjust.


16 And herein do I exercise 25 And as he reasoned of myself, to have always a con-righteousness, temperance, and science void of offence toward judgment to come, Felix tremGod, and toward men. bled, and answered, Go thy way

17 Now, after many years, I for this time; when I have a came to bring alms to my nation, convenient season, I will call and offerings.

for thee.

18 Whereupon certain Jews 26 He hoped also that money from Asia found me purified in should have been given him of the temple, neither with multi-Paul, that he might loose him : tude, nor with tumult: wherefore he sent for him the

19 Who ought to have been oftener, and communed with here before thee, and object, if him. they had aught against me.

27 But after two years Por

20 Or else let these same here cius Festus came into Felix' say, if they have found any evil-room: and Felix, willing to shew doing in me, while I stood be- the Jews a pleasure, left Paul fore the council,

21 Except it be for this one voice, that I cried, standing



Paul appealeth to Cesar.

among them, Touching the re- NOW when Festus was come

surrection of the dead I am into the province, after called in question by you this three days he ascended from day.

Cesarea to Jerusalem.

Paul accused before Festus : THE ACTS,

He appealeth to Cesar.

2 Then the high priest and Jews have I done no wrong, as the chief of the Jews informed thou very well knowest. him against Paul, and besought 11 For if I be an offender, him, or have committed any thing

3 And desired favour against worthy of death, I refuse not to him, that he would send for him die: but if there be none of to Jerusalem, laying wait in the these things whereof these acway to kill him. cuse me, no man may deliver

4 But Festus answered, that me unto them. I appeal unto Paul should be kept at Cesarea, Cesar. and that he himself would de- 12 Then Festus, when he had part shortly thither. conferred with the council, an

5 Let them therefore, said swered, Hast thou appealed he, which among you are able, unto Cesar? unto Cesar shalt go down with me, and accuse thou go. this man, if there be any wick- 13 And after certain days, edness in him. king Agrippa and Bernice came

6 And when he had tarried unto Cesarea, to salute Festus. among them more than ten days, 14 And when they had been he went down unto Cesarea; there many days, Festus deand the next day sitting on the clared Paul's cause unto the judgment-seat, commanded Paul king, saying, There is a certain to be brought. man left in bonds by Felix:

7 And when he was come, the 15 About whom, when I was at Jews which came down from Jerusalem, the chief priests and Jerusalem stood round about, the elders of the Jews informed and laid many and grievous me, desiring to have judgment complaints against Paul, which against him.

they could not prove;

16 To whom I answered, It is

8 While he answered for not the manner of the Romans to himself, Neither against the law deliver any man to die, before of the Jews, neither against the that he which is accused have temple, nor yet against Cesar the accusers face to face, and have I offended any thing at all. have license to answer for him

9 But Festus, willing to do self concerning the crime laid the Jews a pleasure, answered against him. Paul, and said, Wilt thou go up 17 Therefore, when they were to Jerusalem, and there be come hither, without any delay judged of these things before on the morrow I sat on the me? judgment-seat, and commanded

10 Then said Paul, I stand the man to be brought forth; at Cesar's judgment-seat, where 18 Against whom, when the I ought to be judged: to the accusers stood up, they brought

Agrippa desireth to hear Paul, CHAP. XXVI. who pleadeth before him. none accusation of such things thing to write unto my lord. as I supposed : Wherefore I have brought him

19 But had certain questions forth before you, and specially against him of their own super-before thee, O king Agrippa, stition, and of one Jesus, which that after examination had, I was dead, whom Paul affirmed might have somewhat to write. to be alive. 27 For it seemeth to me un

20 And because I doubted reasonable to send a prisoner, of such manner of questions, I and not withal to signify the asked him whether he would crimes laid against him. go to Jerusalem, and there be judged of these matters.


Paul pleadeth before Agrippa. 21 But when Paul had apHEN T Agrippa said unto pealed to be reserved unto the Paul, Thou art permitted hearing of Augustus, I com- to speak for thyself. Then Paul manded him to be kept till I stretched forth the hand, and might send him to Cesar.

answered for himself:

22 Then Agrippa said unto 2 I think myself happy, king Festus, I would also hear the Agrippa, because I shall answer man myself. To-morrow, said for myself this day before thee, he, thou shalt hear him. touching all the things whereof

23 And on the morrow, when I am accused of the Jews: Agrippa was come, and Bernice, 3 Especially, because I know with great pomp, and was en-thee to be expert in all customs tered into the place of hearing, and questions which are among with the chief captains and the Jews: wherefore I beseech principal men of the city, at thee to hear me patiently. Festus' commandment Paul was 4 My manner of life from my brought forth. youth, which was at the first

24 And Festus said, King among mine own nation at JeruAgrippa, and all men which are salem, know all the Jews, here present with us, ye see this 5 Which knew me from the man about whom all the multi-beginning, (if they would testitude of the Jews have dealt with fy,) that after the most straitest me, both at Jerusalem, and also sect of our religion, I lived a here, crying that he ought not Pharisee.

to live any longer.

6 And now I stand, and am

25 But when I found that he judged for the hope of the prohad committed nothing worthy mise made of God unto our of death, and that he himself fathers:

hath appealed to Augustus, I 7 Unto which promise our have determined to send him. twelve tribes, instantly serving 26 Of whom I have no certain God day and night, hope to



Paul, before Agrippa,


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For which hope's sake, thy feet: for I have appeared king Agrippa, I am accused of unto thee for this purpose, to the Jews. make thee a minister and a wit

8 Why should it be thought ness both of these things which a thing incredible with you, that thou hast seen, and of those God should raise the dead? things in the which I will appear

9 I verily thought with myself, unto thee;

that I ought to do many things
contrary to the name of Jesus

of Nazareth.

17 Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee, 10 Which thing I also did in 18 To open their eyes, and Jerusalem: and many of the to turn them from darkness to saints did I shut up in prison, light, and from the power of having received authority from Satan unto God, that they may the chief priests; and when receive forgiveness of sins, and they were put to death, I gave inheritance among them which my voice against them. are sanctified by faith that is in

11 And I punished them oft me. in every synagogue, and com- 19 Whereupon, O king Agrippelled them to blaspheme; and pa, I was not disobedient unto being exceedingly mad against the heavenly vision : them, I persecuted them even 20 But shewed first unto them unto strange cities. of Damascus, and at Jerusalem,

12 Whereupon, as I went to and throughout all the coasts Damascus, with authority and of Judea, and then to the Gencommission from the chief tiles, that they should repent priests, and turn to God, and do works

13 At mid-day, O king, I saw meet for repentance. in the way a light from heaven, 21 For these causes the Jews above the brightness of the sun, caught me in the temple, and shining round about me, and went about to kill me. them which journeyed with me. 22. Having therefore obtained

14 And when we were all help of God, I continue unto fallen to the earth, I heard a this day, witnessing both to voice speaking unto me, and small and great, saying none saying in the Hebrew tongue, other things than those which Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou the prophets and Moses did say me? It is hard for thee to kick should come:

against the pricks.

23 That Christ should suffer,

15 And I said, Who art thou, and that he should be the first Lord? And he said, I am Jesus that should rise from the dead, whom thou persecutest. and should shew light unto the 16 But rise, and stand upon people, and to the Gentiles.

Agrippa almost a Christian. CHAP. XXVII. Paul saileth towards Rome. 24 And as he thus spake for into Italy, they delivered Paul himself, Festus said with a loud and certain other prisoners unto voice, Paul, thou art beside one named Julius, a centurion thyself; much learning doth of Augustus' band.

make thee mad.

2 And entering into a ship

25 But he said, I am not mad, of Adramyttium, we launched, most noble Festus; but speak meaning to sail by the coasts of forth the words of truth and Asia, one Aristarchus, a Macesoberness. donian of Thessalonica, being

26 For the king knoweth of with us.

these things, before whom also 3 And the next day we touchI speak freely. For I am per-ed at Sidon. And Julius coursuaded that none of these things teously entreated Paul, and gave are hidden from him; for this him liberty to go unto his friends thing was not done in a corner. to refresh himself.

27 King Agrippa, believest 4 And when we had launched thou the prophets? I know that from thence, we sailed under thou believest. Cyprus, because the winds were

28 Then Agrippa said unto contrary. Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.

5 And when we had sailed over the sea of Cilicia and Pam

29 And Paul said, I would to phylia, we came to Myra, a city God, that not only thou, but also of Lycia.

all that hear me this day, were 6 And there the centurion both almost, and altogether such found a ship of Alexandria sailas I am, except these bonds. ing into Italy; and he put us

30 And when he had thus therein. spoken, the king rose up, and 7 And when we had sailed the governor, and Bernice, and slowly many days, and scarce they that sat with them: were come over against Cnidus,

31 And when they were the wind not suffering us, we gone aside, they talked between sailed under Crete, over against themselves, saying, This man Salmone: doeth nothing worthy of death, or of bonds.

32 Then said Agrippa unto Festus, This man might have been set at liberty, if he had not appealed unto Cesar. CHAP. XXVII.


8 And hardly passing it, came unto a place which is called, The Fair Havens; nigh whereunto was the city of Lasea.

9 Now, when much time was spent, and when sailing was now dangerous, because the fast was now already past, Paul

Paul's dangerous voyage.
ND when it was deter-admonished them,
mined, that we should saill 10 And said unto them, Sirs,

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