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Christ, ending his sermon, glory was not arrayed like one out the beam out of thine own of these. eye; and then shalt thou see 30 Wherefore, if God so clothe clearly to cast out the mote out the grass of the field, which to- of thy brother's eye.

MATTHEW, exhorteth to prayer, and

day is, and to-morrow is cast 6 Give not that which is into the oven, shall he not much holy unto the dogs, neither cast more clothe you, O ye of little ye your pearls before swine, lest faith? they trample them under their 31 Therefore take no thought, feet, and turn again and rend saying, What shall we eat? or, you.

what shall we drink? or, where- 7 ¶ Ask, and it shall be given withal shall we be clothed? you; seek, and ye shall find;

32 (For after all these things knock, and it shall be opened do the Gentiles seek) for your unto you:

heavenly Father knoweth that 8 For every one that asketh, ye have need of all these things. receiveth; and he that seeketh, 33 But seek ye first the king-findeth; and to him that knockdom of God, and his righteous-eth, it shall be opened. ness, and all these things shall 9 Or what man is there of be added unto you. you, whom if his son ask bread, 34 Take therefore no thought will he give him a stone? for the morrow: for the morrow 10 Or if he ask a fish, will he shall take thought for the things give him a serpent? of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.


11 If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in

Christ endeth his sermon. UDGE not, that ye be not heaven give good things to them judged. that ask him?


2 For with what judgment 12 Therefore all things whatye judge, ye shall be judged: soever ye would that men should and with what measure ye mete, do to you, do ye even so to it shall be measured to you them: for this is the law and again. the prophets. ¶

3 And why beholdest thou 13 Enter ye in at the strait the mote that is in thy brother's gate; for wide is the gate, and eye, but considerest not the broad is the way, that leadeth beam that is in thine own eye? to destruction, and many there 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy be which go in thereat: brother, Let me pull out the 14 Because, strait is the gate, mote out of thine eye; and be- and narrow is the way, which hold, a beam is in thine own eye? leadeth unto life, and few there 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast be that find it.


Christ's miracles.

to beware of false prophets. 15¶ Beware of false prophets, and the floods came, and the which come to you in sheep's winds blew, and beat upon that clothing, but inwardly they are house; and it fell not: for it was ravening wolves. founded upon a rock.

16 Ye shall know them by 26 And every one that heareth their fruits: Do men gather these sayings of mine, and doeth grapes of thorns, or figs of this- them not, shall be likened unto tles? a foolish man, which built his

17 Even so every good tree house upon the sand: bringeth forth good fruit; but a 27 And the rain descended, corrupt tree bringeth forth evil and the floods came, and the fruit. winds blew, and beat upon that 18 A good tree cannot bring house; and it fell: and great forth evil fruit, neither can a was the fall of it. corrupt tree bring forth good 28 And it came to pass when Jesus had ended these sayings, 19 Every tree that bringeth the people were astonished at not forth good fruit is hewn his doctrine. down, and cast into the fire. 29 For he taught them as one 20 Wherefore, by their fruits having authority, and not as the ye shall know them.


21 Not every one that saith unto me Lord, Lord, shall en


Christ's miracles.

ter into the kingdom of hea-W from the mountain, great ven; but he that doeth the he was come down

of my Father which is in hea- multitudes followed him.


2 And behold, there came a 22 Many will say to me in leper and worshipped him, saythat day, Lord, Lord, have we ing, Lord, if thou wilt, thou not prophesied in thy name? canst make me clean. and in thy name have cast out 3 And Jesus put forth his devils? and in thy name done hand, and touched him, saying, many wonderful works? I will; be thou clean.


23 And then will I profess immediately his leprosy was unto them, I never knew you: cleansed. depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

4 And Jesus saith unto him, See thou tell no man; but go

24 Therefore, whosoever thy way, shew thyself to the heareth these sayings of mine, priest, and offer the gift that and doeth them, I will liken Moses commanded, for a testihim unto a wise man, which mony unto them.

built his house upon a rock :

5 ¶ And when Jesus was 25 And the rain descended, entered into Capernaum, there


The centurion's servant,
came unto him a centurion, be-
seeching him,

6 And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented.

and many others, healed.

15 And he touched her hand, and the fever left her: and she arose, and ministered unto them. 16¶When the even was come, they brought unto him many that

7 And Jesus saith unto him, I were possessed with devils: and will come and heal him. he cast out the spirits with his 8 The centurion answered word, and healed all that were and said, Lord, I am not worthy sick;

that thou shouldest come under 17 That it might be fulfilled my roof: but speak the word which was spoken by Esaias only, and my servant shall be the prophet, saying, Himself healed. took our infirmities, and bare

9 For I am a man under au- our sicknesses.

thority, having soldiers under

18 Now when Jesus saw great

me: and I say to this man, Go, multitudes about him, he gave and he goeth; and to another, commandment to depart unto Come, and he cometh; and to the other side.

doeth it.

my servant, Do this, and he 19 And a certain scribe came, and said unto him, Master, I 10 When Jesus heard it, he will follow thee whithersoever marvelled, and said to them that thou goest. followed, Verily I say unto you, 20 And Jesus saith unto him, I have not found so great faith, The foxes have holes, and the no, not in Israel. birds of the air have nests; but

11 And I say unto you, That the Son of man hath not where many shall come from the east to lay his head.

and west, and shall sit down with 21 And another of his disciAbraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, ples said unto him, Lord, suffer in the kingdom of heaven: me first to go and bury my fa

12 But the children of the ther. kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be

22 But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead

weeping and gnashing of teeth. bury their dead.

13 And Jesus said unto the 23¶ And when he was entered centurion, Go thy way; and as into a ship, his disciples followthou hast believed, so be it done ed him. unto thee. And his servant was

24 And behold, there arose healed in the self-same hour. a great tempest in the sea, in14 And when Jesus was somuch that the ship was cocome into Peter's house, he saw vered with the waves: but he his wife's mother laid, and sick was asleep. of a fever.

25 And his disciples came to


Christ stilleth the tempest, and cureth the palsy. him, and awoke him, saying, city came out to meet Jesus: Lord, save us: we perish. and when they saw him, they 26 And he saith unto them, besought him that he would deWhy are ye fearful, O ye of part out of their coasts.

little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.

Christ cureth the palsy.

27 But the men marvelled AND he entered into a ship,

saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!

and passed over, and came

into his own city.

2 And behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, 28 ¶ And when he was come lying on a bed: and Jesus, seeing to the other side, into the coun- their faith, said unto the sick of try of the Gergesenes, there the palsy, Son, be of good cheer; met him two possessed with thy sins be forgiven thee. devils, coming out of the tombs, 3 And behold, certain of the exceeding fierce, so that no man scribes said within themselves, might pass by that way. This man blasphemeth.

29 And behold, they cried 4 And Jesus, knowing their out, saying, What have we to thoughts, said, Wherefore think do with thee, Jesus, thou Son ye evil in your hearts?

of God? art thou come hither 5 For whether is easier to to torment us before the time? say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; 30 And there was a good or to say, Arise, and walk? way off from them a herd of ma- 6 But that ye may know that ny swine, feeding. the Son of man hath power on

31 So the devils besought him, earth to forgive sins, (then saith saying, If thou cast us out, suf- he to the sick of the palsy,) fer us to go away into the herd Arise, take up thy bed, and go of swine. unto thy house.'

32 And he said unto them, 7 And he arose, and departGo. And when they were come ed to his house.


out, they went into the herd of 8 But when the multitude swine and behold, the whole saw it, they marvelled, and gloherd of swine ran violently down rified God, which had given a steep place into the sea, and such power unto men. perished in the waters.

9 ¶ And as Jesus passed forth 33 And they that kept them, from thence, he saw a man fled, and went their ways into named Matthew, sitting at the the city, and told every thing; receipt of custom: and he saith and what was befallen to the unto him, Follow me. And he possessed of the devils. arose, and followed him. 10 ¶ And it came to pass, as

34 And behold, the whole

The disciples vindicated.

MATTHEW, The issue of blood healed.

Jesus sat at meat in the house, ter is even now dead: but come behold, many publicans and and lay thy hand upon her, and sinners came and sat down with she shall live.

him and his disciples.

19 And Jesus arose, and

11 And when the Pharisees followed him, and so did his saw it, they said unto his disci- disciples.

ples, Why eateth your Master 20 ¶ (And behold, a woman with publicans and sinners? which was diseased with an is12 But when Jesus heard that, sue of blood twelve years, came he said unto them, They that behind him, and touched the be whole need not a physician, hem of his garment.

but they that are sick.

21 For she said within her

13 But go ye and learn what self, If I may but touch his garthat meaneth, I will have mercy, ment, I shall be whole. and not sacrifice: for I am not 22 But Jesus turned him come to call the righteous, but about, and when he saw her, sinners to repentance. he said, Daughter, be of good

14 ¶ Then came to him the comfort: thy faith hath made disciples of John, saying, Why thee whole. And the woman do we and the Pharisees fast was made whole from that hour.) oft, but thy disciples fast not? 23 And when Jesus came in

15 And Jesus said unto them, to the ruler's house, and saw Can the children of the bride- the minstrels and the people chamber mourn, as long as the making a noise,


bridegroom is with them? but 24 He said unto them, Give the days will come, when the place for the maid is not dead, bridegroom shall be taken from but sleepeth. And they laughthem, and then shall they fast. ed him to scorn.

16 No man putteth a piece of 25 But when the people were new cloth unto an old garment: put forth, he went in, and took for that which is put in to fill it her by the hand, and the maid up, taketh from the garment, arose. and the rent is made worse.

26 And the fame hereof went

17 Neither do men put new abroad into all that land. wine into old bottles: else the 27 ¶ And when Jesus debottles break, and the wine run- parted thence, two blind men neth out, and the bottles perish: followed him, crying, and saybut they put new wine into new ing, Thou son of David, have bottles, and both are preserved. mercy on us.

18 ¶ While he spake these 28 And when he was come things unto them, behold, there into the house, the blind men came a certain ruler, and wor- came to him: and Jesus saith shipped him, saying, My daugh- unto them, Believe ye that I

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