If a Vigil falls within an Octave, the Mass is of the Vigil with a Commemoration of the Octave. If a Vigil falls in Lent, or on an Ember Day, the Mass is of the Feria, with a Commemoration of the Vigil. DIRECTIONS FOR FINDING OUT WHAT COMMEMORATIONS ARK TO BE MADE AT MASS. I. Upon all Doubles, one only Collect is said, viz., that which is assigned for the proper day; except it falls upon a Sunday, or within some Octave, or upon some Vigil, or in the time of Advent or Lent, or except it concurs with some Simple: in all which cases two Collects are to be said, one of the Double, the other of the Sunday, Octave, Vigil, Feria, or Saint occurring upon the same Day. 2. Upon Sundays and all Semidoubles three Collects are said; excepting Sundays which occur within an Octave, on which only two Collects are said, viz., one of the Sunday, the other of the Octave. 3. Upon all Sundays and Semidoubles occurring between the Octave of Whitsunday and Advent, or between Candlemas and Lent, the second Collect is, A cunctis (page 139), and the third is left to the choice of the Priest, to be taken from among the Occasional Collects, &c. at the end of the Missal, (page 773.) 4. Upon Sundays and other Semidoubles, between the Oc. tave of the Epiphany and Candlemas, the second Collect is, Deus qui salutis (page 126); and the third Ecclesiæ tuæ, for the Church, or Deus omnium, for the Pope, (page 87.) 5. Upon all Semidoubles between Ash Wednesday and Passion Sunday, the second Collect is of the Feria, that is to say, of the Day of the Week, as in the Proper for Lent; and the third Collect A cunctis, (page 139.) But upon the Ferias between Passion Sunday and Maundy Thursday, the second Collect is Ecclesiæ tuæ or Deus omnium (page 87); a third Collect is not said. 6. Upon Sundays and all Semidoubles between Low Sun, day and Ascension-Day, the second Collect is Concede (page 548); the third for the Church, or for the Pope, (page 87.) Which same Collects are also said upon all Vigils (excepting the Vigils of Christmas, Easter, and Whitsunday, which have only one Collect) and within all Octaves, when the Mass is said of the Octave; (except the Octaves of Easter and Whitsunday, in which is added only a second Collect for the Church or for the Pope; except also the Octaves of the Blessed Virgin, and of All Saints, in which, the second Collect is Deus qui corda (page 550 and the third, for the Church or for the Pope, (page 87.) 7. Upon Semidoubles which occur within Octaves, or upon Vigils, &c. the second Collect is a Commemoration of the Octave or Vigil; and the third Concede, (page 548): but within the Octaves of the Blessed Virgin, the third Collect is Deus qui corda, (page 550.) Upon all Semidoubles occurring in Advent, the second Collect is a Commemoration of the time of Advent, to be taken from the foregoing Sunday, and the third Collect is Deus qui, (page 87.) 9. Upon Simples and Ferias, three Collects are said, as upon Semidoubles. 10. The Gospels that are assigned for the Sundays are never omitted. Wherefore, if it happens that any Double is kept upon a Sunday, the Gospel which belongs to the Sunday is read at the end of the Mass, instead of the "Beginning of the Gospel of St. John;" which same thing is also observed whenever a Double or Semidouble is kept upon any day in Lent, or on a Vigil, or Ember Day. The Calendar, Or General Index to the Immoveable Feasts. JANUARY XXXI Days 1 CIRCUMCISION of our Lord, double 11. class, of the Octaves, PAGE 126 127 127 3 Octave of St. John, double, with com. of the Octaves, 127 4 Octave of Holy Innocents, double, com. of the Oct. 5 Octave of St. Thomas, double, com. of the Vigil and of St. Telesphorus, p. m. 6 EPIPHANY of our Lord, d. I. cl. with an Octave 7 Of the Octave, semidouble 8 Of the Octave, semidouble 9 of the Octave, semidouble 127 10 of the Octave, semidouble 11 Of the Octave, sd. with com. of St. Hyginus, p. m. 131 582 ***The second Sunday after Epiphany, Feast of the most holy Name of Jesus, d. II. cl. 14. St. Hilary, bp. conf. semidouble, com. of St. Felix, m. 584 15 St. Paul the first Hermit, double, com. of St. Maurus, ab. 18 St. Peter's Chair at Rome, gr. double, com. of St. Prisca, v. 19 St. Wolstan, bp. of Worcester; c. double, com. of 22 SS. Vincent and Anastasius, mm. semidouble, · 593 23 Espousals of the B. V. Mary, gr. double, com. of St. Emerentiana, v. m. 24 St. Timothy, bp. m. semidouble, 25 Conversion of St. Paul, ap. gr. double, 26 St. Polycarp, bp. m. semidouble, 27 St. John Chrysostom, bp. c. D. double, 28 St. Raymund of Pennafort, c. semidouble, com. of 31 St. Peter Nolasco, c. double, FEBRUARY XXVIII or XXIX Days, 1 St. Ignatius, bp. m. semidouble, 2 Purification of the B. V. Mary, double II. class, 11 22 St. Peter's Chair at Antioch, gr. double, |