controls every movement, even to the fall of a sparrow, which takes place throughout this inconceivable extent of his domin ions. William. Now I see more fully than ever, why the fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom. THE VISITER'S MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS TO SABBATH SCHOLARS.-No. XXI. In what place was water turned into wine? What other question might I ask you in connection with this? In what place did water gush from a rock? What other question, &c.? In what place were bitter waters made sweet? What other, &c. ? Where was it that an iron axe head was buoyant in the water? What other, &c. ? To what place did Jonah flee? What other, &c.? Name of the place where those wicked children lived who abused Elisha? What other, &c.? In the streets of what city did Ezra read the Bible to a great congregation? What other, &c.? To what place did Jacob once flee for safety? What other, &c. ? At what place did Joseph's brothers conspire to kill him? What other, &c. ? Where did the king of Egypt command the infant sons of Israel to be thrown? What other, &c. ? A distinguished man whose name had only three letters, lived in a country the name of which had only two letters. What man? What country? What other, &c. ? In what place did Moses see a burning bush unburnt? What other, &c. ? From what place was Elijah taken up by the chariot and horses of fire ? What other, &c. ? In what city did Nehemiah accomplish a great work in fifty-two days? What other, &.c.? Of what maritime city, its commerce, riches and ruin, do we find a particular account in the book of Ezekiel ? (Answer without looking.) What other, &c. ? Where was Jeremiah twice imprisoned and twice put into the stocks? What place was destroyed and sown with salt? What other, &c. ? Where, on a very interesting occasion, did Elijah assemble the Israelites ? What other, &c. ? Where was Solomon when the Lord appeared to him the first time ?Where was he at the Lord's second appearance? What other, &c.? In the streets of what place was there one day seen, by the astonished inhabitants, a man tripping along with nimble step, who, but the day before, was a most helpless cripple, and who had been so more than a third of a century? What other, &c. ? GRATITUDE FOR A TEACHER'S FIDELITY. "In a letter from a scholar to a teacher, (says the report of the South Carolina S. S. Union, which has been kindly furnished us by a friend,) the utmost gratitude is expressed for the fidelity, the patience, and the kindness with which that teacher had labored (though for a long time in vain) to awaken her attention to her eternal interests, and a humble hope is professed that those labors were at last, by the Divine blessing, made instrumental of her salvation. Would that every Sabbath school teacher had the same reason to thank God and take courage." Would not like fidelity, patience, and kindness, probably, afford every teacher "the same reason to thank God and take courage?" Experiment is the best mode of obtaining an answer to this question. Will not teachers make the experiment, and furnish us with the results. CONSECRATION OF CHILDREN TO THE MINISTRY. The Mother of Christian Frederick Swartz, (says the report of the A. E. Society,) on her dying bed, "informed her husband and her pastor, that she had dedicated her son to the Lord, and obtained a promise from them that her then infant son should be trained in the remembrance of this sacred destination, and if he should in due time express a desire to be educated for the ministry, they would cherish and promote it to the uttermost of their power." Swartz became the missionary apostle to India, and died when about fourscore years old, having been instrumental, as is supposed, of the conversion of thousands of souls. Such facts show, that God does regard the consecration which Christian parents make of their children to his service, and that He does hear the prayers of those parents whose hearts are so set upon the advancement of the cause of Christ as earnestly to desire their children to be laborers in the Lord's vineyard. Let maternal associations be encouraged, and let parents solemnly consecrate their infant sons to the work of the ministry. Let this be the burden of their prayers, let this shape their instruction and education. ANOTHER EXAMPLE. A father in O, in conversation with his wife, expressed a willingness that all his sons should go on a Foreign Mission. His wife seemed greatly astonished at such a declaration, and exclaimed, "What should we do if all should go? We are old and have but little property to sustain us, and what could we do?" "If the Lord Jesus Christ," replied her husband, "wishes our sons and is not willing to provide for our support, then we will lie down and die, and go home to heaven." SABBATH SCHOOL CELEBRATIONS. We can conceive of no more appropriate, or delightful mode of celebrating the birth-day of our nation's Independence, than by assembling her young sons and daughters-they to whom her interests are so soon to be entrusted-and instructing them in the great principles of civil and moral freedom. The number of Sabbath School Celebrations was, probably, larger this year than ever before, and so far as we have been able to learn, they were seasons of no ordinary joy and gladness. Norfolk Sabbath School Society. The schools connected with this society, as we learn by a letter from a friend, held a public meeting on the fourth, at Randolph first parish, which was fully attended by teachers and scholars from that town and the vicinity. "The house," says the letter, "was literally filled to overflowing. Such was the interest felt in Dorchester that every teacher, both in the Infant and Juvenile departments, was present. As the hour of meeting approached, children and teachers came flocking in, in all sorts of conveyances, with warm hearts and cheerful countenances. Resolutions were offered and sustained by interesting addresses, by several gentlemen, all of whom are practically engaged in Sabbath school operations. The music by the Juvenile Choir, gave additional interest to the meeting. It was indeed good to be there." South Reading. Five schools from Woburn, Stoneham, Reading South Parish, and South Reading celebrated the day at the latter place. Four addresses were made, and the meeting is said to have been pleasant and profitable. Charlestown. All the schools in town, six in number, united in commemorating the day. As we might expect, in a town so associated with the struggles and sufferings of our fathers, much interest was manifested on the occasion. The collection of children and youth and other friends of Sabbath schools, was very large, Interesting and appropriate addresses were made by Rev. Mr. Hague and Mr. Waterston, of Boston. The singing was performed by a choir of about 70 children and youth, selected from the various schools. Boston. The Superintendent of the Belknap-street Sabbath School (composed of colored children) has furnished us with the following order of the exercises at the celebration, at his school. Singing-Prayer-Reading of Scriptures-Recitations of Select Pieces-Statistics of colored people in Boston-Declaration of Independence [see p. 185]-Remarks-Distribution of Cakes to the scholars, with this inscription: HE IS THE FREEMAN, WHOM GOD'S TRUTH MAKES FREE; ALL OTHERS ARE BUT SLAVES. There was also a celebration by the Baptist Schools of the city, at which there were present about 70 of the boys from the "Farm School." Address by J. A. Bolles, Esq. Andover. A friend has furnished the following particulars of the meeting at Andover. 'l'here were, in the procession, 960 scholars and teachers from ten schools. Prayers were offered by Dr. Woods and Rev. Mr. Hall. Singing by the choir and the children-reports of the schools and addresses by the Rev. Messrs. Langstroth and Page. Eight of the schools reported, whole number, 1,460 scholars-average attendance 1,070. Forty-seven hopeful conversions during the year. Salem and Marblehead. We were permitted to participate, with the friends of Sabbath schools in Salem and Marblehead, in celebrating this joyful Anniversary. In the former place nine schools, and in the latter four were united in the exercises of the occasion. The exercises at S., which commenced at 9 o'clock, A. M., were reading the Scriptures, and prayers, by Rev. Messrs. Worcester, Banvard, and Downing,-Address by the Secretary of the Mass. S. S. Society,-and singing by a Juvenile Choir of 200, under the direction of Mr. Jacob Hood. The congregation at the Tabernacle, which was crowded, was variously estimated at from 1,500 to 2,000. At Marblehead, it was supposed that between 1,000 and 1,200 were present. The exercises at M. commenced at half past 11 o'cloek, A. M. The singing was performed by a Juvenile Choir of about 60, under the direction of Mr. Hood. Address by the Secretary, &c. We have seldom witnessed a more intelligent, animated, and interesting company of children and youth than were assembled at these meetings. O, were they all to become the freemen of the Lord, what a blessing they would be to the Church and the world, even, (should they themselves live,) after their beloved parents are sleeping in the grave! And should those sweet voices, that awakened so much joy at those meetings, learn the sweet songs of heaven, O, what soft and yet thrilling notes of melody will they strike from their golden harps, when they sing "loud hosannas to their King" above! Similar celebrations were held in several other towns, from which we have heard no particulars. NOTICES OF NEW PUBLICATIONS BY THE SOCIETY. THE NEW ENGLAND PRIMER: OR AN EASY AND PLEASANT GUIDE TO THE ART OF READING. Adorned with cuts. To which is added, the Catechism. Stereotype edition. See p. 181 of this No. of the Visiter. SCRAPS FROM AN AGENT'S NOTE BOOK. Second edition. ADVENTURES OF LOT, THE NEPHEW OF ABRAHAM. By William A. Alcott. 100 pp、 |