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Every perfect truth to see;

In the Truth I shall defend thee;→
Search my word, that's on record,
And see how all do stand;

And then they'll find 'tis from theirLord,
That did the whole command.

I said, the bread must be My Word,
And now My Word is come-boo
I said, My Flesh should be your food,
And now thy food is known.

The virtue here that doth appear

From simple sheep to be;

But know the flesh thou canst not bear,

No, 'tis the flesh of Me

Is all thy Food, that do allude

With herbs is mingled here;
It is the water from my side,
Is all that thou can'st bear,

And know the wine, for 1 AM the vine
That doth thee here support;

And now I'll tell thee of mankind,
The way the Bread doth hurt-
I said, at first My Bread was plac'd,
To be the Bread for man;

The way my body they should taste,
But they did ne'er discern;

That at the last My Flock should burst,
From heav'n 't must all come down:
And now I tell thee of thy taste,-

Thy appetite is found

Sicken'd of all that men do call

The perfect Bread of Me;

No, 'tis the water and the blood,

That now must set you FREE.

The Bread of Life must end the strife Which comes from Heaven's High Throne

The bread of man may soon be gone,

For, now I shall disown

All those that come now in My Name,

And do My Flesh deny;

I'll put My Shepherds all to shame,


They like the Sheep may die
And be the Flesh for to bring forth
A Food thou can'st not bear;

No, 'tis from Me they all shall see,
The blood and water here:

For now I AM come, I tell you plain,
So perfectly like thee;-

My appetite from all is gone;
My body I do see

Is broken here as men appear,
To make it earthly food→→

And nothing but the bran is here,
They've all refus'd the good:
'Tis but a few I well do know,

That in the vine do stand:

Tho' they as fruit their works do shew,
They are ripen'd to my hand.
But now their taste will not digest
I say, no more to Me;

Than thou can'st bear the earthly fruit,
That's ripen'd on the trees:

Just so is min their fruit become,
As loathsome in My sight;

And they shall find, before 'tis long,

I do them all dislike:

As thou dost here, all fruit appears

Quite loathsome unto thee:

And loathsome let the Shepherds hear,

Their fruit is all to ME:

Because their fruit is to the root,

To slay their LORD once more;

Then let such shepherds all stand mute,

Their fruit I cannot bear

No! there the axe I now will fix,

To cut such Branches down:

And then to satan I shall fix,
For he shall feel his wound.
The fruit is gone I see in man,
And barren minds appear,

To think My Gospel e'er must stand,
To have no change appear:-

Then of My death, and of My worth,

You nothing make of Me;
Only to change a worthless race,
Still worse and worse to be.

The Jews at first you know were cast,
When I did first appear,

Their sacrifices then did cease;
And all their prophets there

Did fall with ME; blind mortals see,
What change did then take place;
But my Apostles then judg'd ME,
That I should all embrace
Another day, they then did say;
And now the day is come

That I shall change the scenes for all,
My gospel now make known.

It was from heaven My word was given,
That there the bread must come;
And that my flesh must be your food,
Your ROCK to build upon.-

And now I shall answer thee in plain words, as the verse may appear stumbling to the readers; for thy tears prevented ME from making it clear. And now I shall go back to Sacrifices and Burnt Offerings. It was the command of the Lord that was given to Moses for Burnt Offerings to be offered up to the Lord; but these Burnt Offerings and Sacrifices were but Types and Shadows, of MY being offered up for the Sins of Mankind, as the Paschal Lamb, to make atonement for man. thy writings I have told thee, what the meaning of the Two Rams was, and what the Burnt Offering of Sin, IS; and why the Blood of Bulls and of Goats is mentioned in the Scriptures to make no atonement for sin. Now these things that were mentioned in the Scriptures I have already told thee, and now I tell thee again, though they were commanded, they only stood as Types and



Shadows OF THE LAST DAYS. But did these Types and Shadows last for ever? Look at the Jews, though they do not believe in ME, nor in MY Gospel, yet, these Types and Shadows are done away by them. For as the Changes of the Season bring Summer and Winter, Seed time and Harvest; and one whole Crop is cut down which is ripe for the Harvest-and NEW SEED is sown again: so the time came for the cutting off the Jews, and the NEW SEED was sown in the Gentiles, and then instead of Sacrifices and Burnt Offerings, I COMMANDED THE BREAD AND WINE TO BE KEPT IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME, till I came with THE WORD AND THE BREAD that cometh down from Heaven: then know, it is MY FLESH that must be your Food; and MY BLOOD that was shed, must be your Drink. And now I shall explain the meaning of the words, "Ye have kept the Sacrament in remembrance of ME"-not as MY Flesh as must change your vile Bodies, and make them like My Glorious Body, that death might be swallowed up in Victory; and MY WORD to be THE BREAD of Life

that as in Adam all died; even so in CHRIST shall all be made alive. This is THE BREAD of Heaven; and these are MY words left on record, which, if a man BELIEVE, he will find MY Flesh to be Flesh indeed-Spiritual Food; Spiritual Meat.-And My Blood shall cleanse you from all Sins. He that denieth this, denieth MY Bible, and do not keep My Sacrament according to My Words, the Bread of Life coming down


from Heaven, but according to the Customs of Men the Bread of Men-and not according to the Word of GOD."

adieu, &c.


From the same to the same

Reverend Sir,

Sunday Afternoon, July 22nd, 1804.

We received a Letter from Mr. Sharp, wherein he informs us the Clergy are preaching against Joanna and her Friends from the Pulpit, without reading her Books. Here Joanna was deeply answered; the Truth of the Gospel was here made manifest-"Blind Leaders of the Blind, till all fall into the Ditch together." For they are judging of things they know nothing about; and where are the Gentiles better than the Jews? For, they are doing despite to the Spirit of God, saying, they want not the knowledge of the MOST HIGH, and they are crucifying the LORD daily IN THE SPIRIT, as the Jews did IN THE BODY, and are bringing the day of Vengeance on themselves; and, was it not for the NEW COVENANT that the LORD said HE would make with man, that the Iniqui"ties of the Fathers should no more be laid upon "the Children, but it was the soul that sinned “should die" and this NEW COVENENT, HI

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