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WHAT we know best, we often think least about; and this I am afraid is too often the case with the Lord's Prayer. All its words come so natural to us, that a man often says them without thinking what he is saying. And yet there is more in it to be thought about than in any prayer that ever was written. And unless we do say it over thoughtfully, we cannot hope to have our voices heard on high. So, as a help, I have here set down some things for a Christian to think of, as he says over the Lord's Prayer.

I. Our Father, which art in heaven.

OUR Father, I call Thee; not My Father because Thou art the Father of us all alike.

Thou art a Father, Thou didst bring me into this world. Thou didst make me Thy child by Holy Baptism. Thou providest for me and for all them that dwell upon the earth.

Thou art My Father. Then I must love, honour and obey Thee, as a good son should do. Then Thou wilt teach me, and lead me in the right way as a father does. Then Thou wilt forgive me my sins. Like as a father pitieth

his children, so art Thou merciful unto them that fear Thee.

Thou art a heavenly Father. Thou art far above out of our sight. But Thou lovest us more tenderly and watchest over us more carefully, and providest for us more bountifully, than any earthly father can do.

II. Hallowed be Thy Name.

MAY I and all men keep Thy Name holy, as it ought to be. May sinners leave off blaspheming it. May I never take Thy Name in vain, either swearing by it profanely, or speaking it irreverently in common talk. Keep me from saying my prayers carelessly, and dishonouring Thy Holy Name that way. Keep me mindful to bow the knee at the name of Thy Holy Child Jesus.

III. Thy kingdom come.

THE Church, I know, is God's kingdom upon earth. O Lord, make her power to spread.

Bless her ministers. Enable them to convert the heathen, and recover sinners to true repentance, and so establish Thy kingdom over all men. Establish Thy kingdom within me. Come into my heart, O Lord Jesus, and drive out all bad thoughts and habits there. Make me and all Christian people more dutifully to obey Thee. And when Thou hast made us fit for Thy glorious kingdom in heaven, then come and take us to it. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

IV. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. WHATSOEVER Thou mayest appoint for me, be it done, O Lord, according to Thy will. If I fall sick, if I am unfortunate in this world, if I come to poverty, if Thou art pleased to take from me those I love best; still let me say with Eli, "It is the Lord, let Him do what seemeth Him good," (1 Sam. iii. 18;) or with patient Job, "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away: blessed be the Name of the Lord." (Job i. 21.) And when Thy hand brings me to death, I will be willing to die: and whatsoever pain and agony Thou shalt put upon me, I will be saying ever Jesus' prayer in His agony, "not My will,

but Thine be done."

And while I live; whatsoever Thy will ap

points me to do, Lord, give me a heart to do it. Help me to do what Thou wilt, and not what men would sometimes have me do. Strengthen all Thy children so. Make them to do Thy will on earth, as constantly, as unweariedly, as readily, as happily, as the angels do in heaven.

V. Give us this day our daily bread.

I ASK Thee, Lord, to give it me. For what man gets God giveth. Thou givest us strength to labour for our bread, and health to eat it. Give these blessings, Lord, to all. Keep me and mine from poverty, and let us never want for bread. I ask no more. I do not ask for dainty food, or luxury, but just for simple bread. Give me food to eat and raiment to put on, and a contented heart to be happy with it. Give it me to-day; I may not be alive to want it tomorrow. Or if I am, I will pray for it again. Day by day will I ask my God for my daily bread.

VI. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us.

FORGIVE us all, O Lord; for we have all trespassed and sinned against Thee. But oh, forgive me my trespasses. I have sinned, wretched

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