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POST OFFICE (England and Wales)-Letter Car- | POST OFFICE (England and Wales)- Letters-

Memorial of Postmen, Question, Mr. Pickers-
gill; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr.
Raikes) July 29, [318] 535
Metropolitan District Auxiliary Postmen,
Question, Mr. Henniker Ileaton; Answer,
The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes)
Mar 31, [313] 68;-Case of Henry Good-
child, Question, Mr. Isaacs; Answer, The
Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) May 19,
[315] 505;-Memorial of, Question, Mr.
Kimber; Answer, The Postmaster General
(Mr. Raikes) Aug 29, [320] 253
Queen's Jubilee Celebration, Question, Major
Ross; Answer, The l'ostmaster General
(Mr. Raikes) Mar 10, [311] 1732;-Postal
Deliveries on Bank Holidays, Question, Sir
Roper Lethbridge; Answer, The Postmaster
General (Mr. Raikes) July 1, [316] 1477
Sunday Delivery of Letters-Postmen's Wages,
Question, Mr. Cavendish Bentinck; An-
swer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes)
Mar 25, [312] 1472

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Sunday Night Despatch of Letters, Question,
Mr. D. Crawford; Answer, The l'ostmaster
General (Mr. Raikes) Aug 29, [320] 256
Transfer of Letters from Railway Station
Pillar Boxes to Railway Post Office Travel-
ling Vans, Question, Mr. Cavendish Ben-
tinck; Answer, The Postmaster General
(Mr. Raikes) Aug 26, [320] 23; Question,
Mr. W. G. Cavendish Bentinck: Answer,
Sir Herbert Maxwell (A Lord of the Trea-
sury) Sept 12, [321] 274


Newspapers for India and the Colonies-Non-
Delivery, Question, Mr. Ilenniker Heaton;
Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr.
Raikes) May 2, [314] 555
Newspaper Press, The-Conveyance of Parcels
by Trains-The Alleged Post Office Order,
Question, Mr. Paleston; Answer, The Post-
master General (Mr. Raikes) April 22,[313]


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POST OFFICE (England and Wales)-- Telegraph | POST OFFICE (England and Wales) — Telegrams Department-cont.

Foreign Telegraph Stations, Question, Mr.
Staveley Hill; Answer, The Postmaster
General (Mr. Raikes) Feb 8, [310] 877
Insulators, Questions, Colonel Hughes-[lallett:
Answers, The Postmaster General (Mr.
Raikes) May 12, [314] 1679; July 29, [318]
533; Aug 1, 712
Rural Telegraph Extension

Guarantees, Question, Major Banes; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) Sept 13, [321]


Submarine Telegraph Company, Questions, Mr. Montagu; Answers, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) Feb 7, [310] 758; June 13, [315] 1727

Superintendents, Question, Mr. Dillwyn; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) July 1, [316] 1480

Telegraph Branch and the Postal Branch, Question, Mr. Broadhurst; Answer, The l'ostmaster General (Mr. Raikes) Mar 18, [312] 715

Telegraph Inspectorship at Liverpool, Question, Mr. Bradlaugh; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) Mar 10, [311]


Telegraph to the Ben Nevis Observatory, Questions, Mr. Buchanan; Answers, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) July 18, [317]


Telegraph Stations, Observations, Question,

The Earl of Milltown; Reply, The Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (The Marquess of Salisbury) Aug 4, [318] 1125

Telegraphic Communication with the Western Isles (Islay), Question, Colonel Malcolm; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes, July 11, [317] 336

Telegraphists' Overtime, Question, Mr. Broadhurst; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) April 4, [313] 352


Question, Mr. II. S. Wright; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) Feb 21, [311] 177

Riilway and Telegraph Clerks-Compensation. Question, Mr. O, V. Morgan; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) May 23, [315] 871

Stamped Telegraph Cards, Question, Mr. Puleston; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) Mar 7, [311] 1406 Telegraphs Act, 1863-Pre-Transfer Telegraph Clerks, Question, Mr. II. S. Wright; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) Mar 3, [311] 1063; Question, Mr. Broadhurst: Answer, The Attorney General (Sir Richard Webster) Mar 18, [312] 716

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"Night" or Half-Rate" Telegraphic Mes

sages, Question, Mr. Sinclair ; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) Aug 12, [319] 241 ;-Reduction of Charges, Question, Mr. Sinclair; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) Aug 12, [319] 242 Registered Addresses, Question, Mr. Blane; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) Mar 18, [312] 706

Telegraphic Address, House of Commons," Questions, Sir Richard Paget, Mr. O'llea; Answers, The l'ostmaster General (Mr. Raikes) Mar 3, [311] 1064; Question, Sir Richard Paget; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) Mar 25, [312] 1472 Telegrams from Liverpool to Bremen and Havre via New York, Questions, Mr. BadenPowell Answers, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) My 9, [314] 1271; May 12,


Telegrams to and from France-The Submarine Cable Company, Question, Mr. Henniker Ileaton; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) Feb 28, [311] 707 Transmission of a False and Unsigned Telegram, Question, Mr. Conybeare; Answer, The Attorney General (Sir Richard Webster) Feb 18, [311] 33

Central Telegraph Ofice

Bank Holidays, Questions, Mr. Lafone: Answers, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) July 29, [318] 547

Detention of Telegraphist Clerks on the Jubilee Day, Questions, Mr. Lawson; Answers, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) July 7, [317] 66; July 14, 770

Petition from the Male Staff, Question, Mr. Lawson; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) Aug 8, [318] 1549 Promotion, Qucation, Mr. Bradlaugh; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) Feb 28, [311] 694;-Non-Promotion of Clerks, Question, Mr. P. M'Donald; Answer, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) Aug 12, [319] 250

Salaries, Question, Mr. Crew; Answer, Sir Herbert Maxwell (A Lord of the Treasury) Sept 12, [321] 270

Vacant Clerkships, Questions, Mr. M'Cartan ; Answers, The Postmaster General (Mr. Raikes) July 29, [318] 520; Aug 5, 1387; Aug 18, [319] 927

Post Office


East India and China Mail

Questions, Mr. Provand, Dr. Clark; Answers, The First Lord of the Treasury (Mr. W. II. Smith) June 7, [315] 1232

Moved, "That the Contract dated the 18th day of March 1837, for the conveyance of the East India and China Mails, bo approved" (Mr. Jackson) June 7, [315] 1331; Moved, That the Debate be now adjourned (Dr. Clark); Question put, and agreed to; Debate adjourned

Debate resumed June 23, [316] 883! Amendt. to leave out "be approved," add "be referred to a Select Committee of the House



Post Office-East India and China Mail Con- | Post Office-Sunday Delivery of Letters-cont.

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POWELL, Mr. F. S., Wigan

Ambleside Railway, Instruction to the Com-
mittee, [311] 149, 150

Charity Commission-Scheme for Christ's
Hospital, [311] 701

Church Sites (Compulsory Powers Repeal), 2R.
[313] 673

316] Coal Mines, &c. Regulation, Comm. 610;
¡cl. 4, 709, 712, 718; cl. 8, 746, 785; cl. 13,
842, 846; cl. 14, 968

Post Office Mail Contract (Highland Fish- 319]cl. 21, 500; cl. 28, 533; cl. 34, 536; cl. 35,

eries Company, Limited)

Ordered, That the Contract with the Highland
Fisheries Company, Limited, for the convey-
ance of Mails between Oban, Coll, Tyree,
Barra, and Loch Boisdale, be approved (Mr.
Jackson) Feb 22

Post Office-Sunday Delivery of Letters
Moved, "That, in the opinion of this House, it
is desirable that, on and after Sunday the
26th of June next, the Sunday Delivery of
Letters, &c., by letter-carriers and rural
messengers should cease throughout the
United Kingdom, except in those districts
where, after the date named, the receivers
of two-thirds of the correspondence of the
district petition the Postmaster General for
a Sunday Delivery" (Dr. Clark) April 19,
[313] 1289

Amendt. to leave out from "That," add " a
Select Committee be appointed to consider
the whole question of Sunday labour, in con-
nection with the Post Office, outside the
Metropolitan District" (Sir John Kenna-
way); Question proposed, "That the words,
&c.;" after short debate, Question put, and

Words added; Main Question, as amended,
put, and agreed to.

And, on May 4, Committee nominated as fol-
lows:-Mr. Baggallay, Sir Edward Bates,
Mr. G. Cavendish Bentinck, Mr. Channing,
Dr. Clark, Mr. Dixon-Hartland, Mr. Finu-
cane, Mr. Gedge, Mr. E. Harrington, Mr.
iloworth, Sir John Kennaway, Mr. Mar-
riott, Mr. Pickard, Mr. Quilter, Mr. John
Roberts, Mr. Storey, and Mr. Ilenry Wilson

[ocr errors]

544; cl. 40, 561; cl. 44, 605; cl. 50, 690;
Rule 5, 720; Rule 24, 795, 798; Rule 28,
851; cl. 63, 866; cl. 71, 883; cl. 76, 896
320] Consid. cl. 12, 1103; cl. 13, Amendt. 1105;
cl. 47, 1114; Lords' Amendts. Consid. [321]

Criminal Law Amendment (Ireland), Comm.
cl. 4, [315] 1521

Education Department-New Code, 1887, [311]


First Offenders, Comm. cl. 1, [314] 1084; add.
cl. [315] 805

Labourers' Allotments, Comm. cl. 2, [319]

1146, 1147; cl. 3, 1228, 1966; cl. 5, [320]
206; cl. 6, 209; Consid. add. cl. 1284;
cl. 3, 1322

Margarine (Fraudulent Sale), Comm. cl. 3,
[317] 195; cl. 11, 203; Consid. Amendt.

Municipal Corporations Acts (Ireland) Amend-
ment (No. 2), Comm. cl. 5, [315] 810; add.

cl. 813

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310-311-312-313-314-315–316–317–318-319-320–321. Powis, Earl of

POWELL, Mr. F. S.-cont.

Stationery, Printing, &c. [318] 1581
Supplementary Estimates, 1886-7-Science
and Art Department, [311] 1433
Survey of the United Kingdom, &c. [316]
1894, 1898

Technical Instruction-Reprint of the Report, [319] 677

Truck, Comm. [314] 680 ; add. cl. [316] 1236,


Ways and Means-Financial Statement, Comm. [313] 1447

Willesden Local Board, Lords' Amendts. Consid. [317] 1597

POWER, Mr. P. J., Waterford, E.

Criminal Law Amendment (Ireland), 2R. [313] 569; Comm. cl. 1, [314] 616, 1325, 1310, 1549, 1556, 1592, 1871; cl. 1, [315] 398; cl. 3, 1383, 1384; el. 4, 1506; cl. 5, 1783; cl. 6, [316] 165

Harbour Loans, Res. [313] 413

Arms Act-Gun Licences-Ballymacarbery
Petty Sessions, [313] 349
Evictions-Evictions at Bodyke, Co. Clare
-Captain E. W. D. Croker, [316] 263
Magistracy-Sir Thomas G. Esmonde,
M.P., High Sheriff of Co. Waterford,
[311] 481

Piers and Harbours-IIarbour Accommo-
dation in Donegal. [316] 1534

Royal Irish Constabulary-Notices issued
by the Deputy Sheriff of Co. Waterford,
[311] 1081, 1082

Irish Land Law, Lords' Amendts. to Commons'
Amendts. Consid. cl. C, [319] 303
Parliament-Business of the House-Rules of
Procedure, Res. [310] 1811, 1815
Parliament-Business of the House (Rules of
Procedure)-Rule 1 (Closure of Debate),
Res. [311] 515, 618, 940, 1003, 1004, 1639;
Res. [312] 75

Parliament-Queen's Speech, Address in An-
swer to, [310] 619, 1603; Report, [311]


Supply-Civil Services and Revenue Departments, [315] 156

Criminal Prosecutions, &c. in Ireland, [320] 1000, 1001

Public Buildings in the Department of the
Commissioners of Public Works in Ire-
land, &c. [317] 667

Supplementary Estimates, 1886-7-Local
Government Board, &c. [311] 807

POWER, Mr. R., Waterford

Ireland-Board of National Education-Mr.
Fitzgerald, late Inspector, [316] 1588
War Office-Report of the Ordnance Inquiry
Commission, [315] 1735


Army-Dublin Garrison, Motion for a Return, [316] 754

Margarine (Fraudulent Sale), 2R. [317] 1575; [318] 873, 876

Glebe Lands, 2R. [310] 1494

Markets and Fairs (Weighing of Cattle), 2R. [314] 1653

Pluralities Act Amendment Act (1835) Amendment, 2R. Amendt. [315] 636; Comm. cl. 1, [316] 374

Tithe Rent-Charge, on Question "That the
Bill do pass?" cl. 8, Amendt. [317] 8
Wales (Church of England)-Income from
Ecclesiastical Property, Motion for a Re-
turn, [311] 1254

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Primogeniture Bill
(Mr. Courtney | Prisons (England and Wales)-cont.
Kenny, Mr. Courtney, Mr. Milnes-Gaskell)

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Prison (Officers' Superannuation) (Scot-
land) Bill
(The Lord Advocate,

Mr. Solicitor General for Scotland, Sir Her-
bert Maxwell)

c. Ordered; read 10* April 20

[Bill 233]
Read 2, after short debate July 12, [317] 580
Committee; Report; read 3o Sept 10

7. Read 1* (M. of Lothian) Sept 12 (No. 261)
Read 2; Committee negatived; read 3a
Sept 13

Royal Assent Sept 16 [50 & 51 Vict. c. 60]

Prisons (England and Wales)

Alleged Ill-Treatment of a Lunatic in Stafford
County Gaol, Question, Mr. W. J. Corbet;
Answer, The Secretary of State for the

Home Department (Mr. Matthews) July 12, |
[317] 508; July 19, 1437

Death of a Convict from Sunstroke, Question,
Mr. Bonsor; Answer, The Secretary of State
for the Ilome Department (Mr. Matthews)
July 22, [317] 1773

"Hard Labour" at Horfield Gaol, Bath,
Question, Colonel Laurie; Answer, The
Secretary of State for the Home Depart-
ment (Mr. Matthews) Aug 11, [319] 63
Lady Visitors to Female Prisoners, Question,
Sir Richard Temple; Answer, The Secrc-
tary of State for the IIome Department (Mr.
Matthews) Sept 8, [320] 1654
Prison Discipline-The Reformatory Element,
Question, Mr. Hubbard Answer, The Se-
cretary of State for the Home Department
(Mr. Matthews) Aug 4, [318] 1141
Mat-Making, Question, Mr. II. Gardner; An-
swer, The Under Secretary of State for the
Home Department (Mr. Stuart-Wortley)
Feb 18, [311] 37; Question, Mr. Quilter;
Answer, The Under Secretary of State for
the Ilome Department (Mr. Stuart-Wortley)
Mar 3, 1068; Observations, Mr. Quilter
May 24, [315] 1036

Tenders for Drugs, &c., Question, Mr. Picton;
Answer, The Secretary of State for the
Home Department (Mr. Matthews) June 30,
[316] 1307

Prison Sites

Clerkenwell Prisons, Question, Captain Penton;
Answer, The Secretary of State for the Ilome
Department (Mr. Matthews) Feb 7. [310]
770-Clerkenwell and Coldbath Fields -
Sale of Sites. Question, Mr. Pickersgill:
Answer, The Secretary of State for the Home
Department (Mr. Matthews) Aug 22, [319]

Housing of the Working Classes, Question, Mr.
J. Rowlands; Answer, The Secretary of
State for the Ilome Department (Mr. Mat-
thews) Feb 7, [310] 769; Questions, Mr.
Jennings, Captain Penton; Answers, The
Secretary of State for the Ilome Department
(Mr. Matthews) Feb 24, [311] 458

[blocks in formation]

Millbank Prison, Questions, Mr. Fell Pease,
Mr. Bradlaugh; Answers, The Under Se
cretary of State for the IIome Department
(Mr. Stuart-Wortley) May 12, [314] 1686
Prison Rules-Communications to Convicts,
Question, Mr. Rowntree; Answer, The
Secretary of State for the Ilome Depart-7.
ment (Mr. Matthews) Sept 1, [320] 745

Privy Council in England and Ireland,
The-Attendance of Judges

Questions, Mr. J. E. Ellis, Mr. Mac Neill;
Answers, The First Lord of the Treasury
(Mr. W. II. Smith) April 1, [313] 231

Privy Council (Veterinary Department)—
Grouse Disease, The

Question, Mr. E. Robertson; Answer, The
President of the Local Government Board
(Mr. Ritchie) May 20, [315] 719

Probate Registry of Somerset House-
Scheme of Reconstruction

Question, Mr. Conybeare; Answer, The Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer (Mr. Goschen)
Aug 4, [318] 1155

Probation of First Offenders Bill [H.L.]
(The Earl of Belmore)
Presented; read 1 Jan 28
Bill withdrawn Feb 14

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(No. 3)

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