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KENNY, Mr. M. J.—cont.

Markets and Fairs (Weighing of Cattle),
Comm. cl. 9, [315] 188; 3R. 870
Merchant Shipping Act (1854) Amendment
(No. 2), Comm. cl. 1, [313] 1725, 1731,
1741, 1757

Metropolitan Board of Works (Money), 2R.
[318] 868

Midland Great Western Railway of Ireland,
3R. [315] 493

Municipal Regulation (Constabulary, &c.)
(Belfast), Comm. [318] 191

Parliament-Business of the House-Rules of
Procedure, [310] 1714; Res. 1820
Parliament-Business of the House (Rules of
Procedure)-Rule 1 (Closure of Debate),
Res, [311] 356, 500, 518, 601, 603, 617, 645,
650, 921, 933, 939, 1004, 1317, 1320, 1324,
1608, 1690; [312] 73, 392, 405, 433;
Amendt. 434, 439, 458, 479, 484, 786, 791
Parliament-Queen's Speech, Address in An-
swer to, [310] 329, 1713, 1830
Suffragan's Nomination, 2R. [319] 651
Supply-Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieu-
tenant of Ireland, [320] 576, 577, 687,
Civil Services and Revenue Departments,
[312] 1039; [315] 180, 189, 191
Commissioners of National Education in
Ireland, [320] 1263, 1268
Constabulary Force in Ireland, [311] 1217;
Amendt. [320] 325, 332

Court of Bankruptcy in Ireland, [320] 1024,

Criminal Prosecutions, &c. in Ireland, [320]

930, 931

Diplomatic and Consular Buildings, &c.
[311] 759, 765

Learned Societies in Great Britain and Ire-
land, [319] 1616

Local Government Board, &c. [311] 813
Local Government Board in Ireland, &o.
[320] 795, 796, 797

Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Officers and
Attendants, &c. [320] 485, 502, 515
Marlborough House, [316] 603
National Portrait Gallery, [319] 1588
Prisons in England, Wales, and the Colo-
nies, [319] 1492, 1497, 1498

Public Buildings, Great Britain, [311] 733
Public Works Office, Ireland, [320] 854, 865
Registrar General's Office, Ireland, [320]


Royal Parks and Pleasure Gardens, [316]

[blocks in formation]

Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland,
[320] 1015

Kensington Voslry Bill [L ds] (by

ed, be now

[312] 1287
"this day

c. Moved, "That the Bill, as am
considered (Mr. Dodds) Mar
Amendt. to leave out "now,"
six months" (Mr. Labouchere); Question
proposed, "That' now,' &c. ;" after debate,
Question put; A. 190, N. 170; M. 29
(D. L. 81)

Main Question put, and agreed to; Bill con-
sidered, 1309

New Clause (Consent of Vestry to erection of
destructors) (Mr. Pitt-Lewis); brought up,
and read 1°, 1310

Moved, "That the Clause be read 2°;"
Moved, "That the Debate be now ad-
journed" (Mr. Chance); Question put, and

Original Question again proposed, 1310; after
short debate, Original Question put, and
agreed to


Moved, "That the Clause be added to the
Bili; " Question put, and negatived
Moved, "That the Bill be now read 3°"
Charles Forster) Mar 31, [313] 39
Amendt. to leave out " now," add "upon this
day six months" (Sir Roper Lethbridge);
Question proposed, "That now,' &c.;
after short debate, Question put; A. 103,
N. 164; M. 61 (D. L. 83)


Words added; Main Question, as amended,
put, and agreed to; Third Reading put off

KENYON, Hon. G. T., Denbigh, &c.

Commissioners of Woods and Forests-Crown
Rents in Wales, [314] 1117

Ecclesiastical Commissioners (Income and Ex-
penditure in Wales), Motion for a Paper,
[311] 556, 557

Education Department-Forthcoming Code -
Articles 114, 109, [311] 1736
India-Sanitation, [315] 1738

Law and Police-Explosion at the Police
Office, Llanerchy medd, Anglesey, [318] 709

Intermediate Education-The Bills, [316]


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Mines Regulation
Rhondda Colliery, [311] 477
Public Health-Water Supply of Swansea,
[316] 1157

Tithe Agitation-Riots at Llangwm-
Trial of the Rioters at Ruthin, [317]
519;-Riots at Mochdre, [316] 1029,
1151;-Inquiry into the-The Commis-
sioner, [317] 71

Valuation and Boundary Survey, Ireland, KER, Mr. R. W., Down, E.

[320] 715, 716

Supply (Supplementary Estimates, 1886-7)-
Admiralty and War Office, The New, [311]

Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland), 2R.
[310] 376; Comm. 633; [313] 607
Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland)
Acts Amendment, Comm. [320] 252
Tramways (War Department), Comm. Motion
for Adjournment, [320] 440
Treaty with China-" England" v.
Britain," [320] 918



Ireland Board of National Education
Annadown National School, Co. Down,
[315] 51

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KIMBER, Mr. H.-cont.


Irish Land Law, 2R. [313] 1385; Comm. [315]
15; cl. 20, Amendt. 1638; cl. 21, Amendt.
1689, 1696: Report. cl. 3, Amendt. [316]
1466; add. cl. Amendt. 1470; 3R. 1565
Commons' Amendts. Consid. cl. E, [319] 34;
cl. 19, Amendt. 36; cl. 20, 37
Jubilee Thanksgiving Service (Westminster
Abbey)-Traffic Arrangements, [316] 391

KIMBER, Mr. H., Wandsworth

Africa (South)-Church of England - See of
Natal, [316] 549

Railway through Swaziland, [320] 746
Barbadoes, [316] 1591

Colonies-Colonial Maps in the Library of
this House, [319] 479

Colonization-Government Guarantees, [318]
1173, 1555, 1556; [319] 493

Customs and Inland Revenue, Comm. cl. 4,
[316] 493

Deeds of Arrangement Registration, Consid.
add. cl. [316] 368

Excise-Adulteration of Food and Drink-
Law in Foreign Countries, [320] 254
Gold and Silver Plate-Hall-Marking-Indian
Gold and Silver Plate at the Colonial
Exhibition, [310] 548

Revenue Act, 1887, [310] 768
Ireland-Crime and Outrage-Curtin Family,
[319] 69;-Outrages in Clare Co. [321]


Criminal Law and Procedure Act, 1887
-7th and 11th Sections-Notice in the
"Dublin Weekly News," [321] 486
Legacy Duty Office-Re-organization, [318] 41

Commons Wandsworth Common Act,
1871-Leasing of Land 310] 546
Fires-Fire at Whiteley's-Gas Pipes,
[320] 26

Metropolitan Board of Works-


Condition of the Church of St. Mary-le-
Strand, [318] 1535; [319] 492

Parks, &c.-Vagrants at Night, [320] 727,

Public Ilealth - Condition of Trafalgar
Square, [319] 1803, 1804

Metropolis Management Acts Amendment
(No. 2), 2R. [313] 463

Post Office-Memorial of Auxiliary Postmen,
[320] 253

Public Parks snd Works (Metropolis), 2R.
[315] 796, 802

School Board Pensions, [318] 544, 545

Sugar Industry-Closing of Refineries, [317]
343;-Report of Progress, [319] 76
Supply-Customs, Inland Revenue, Post Office,
&c. [316] 1808

Cyprus, Grant in Aid, [320] 1453
Orange River Territory, &c. [320] 1441
Secretary of State for the Home Depart-
ment, &c. [317] 1053, 1061

Supreme Court of Judicature, [319] 1411,

Trade and Commerce-International Confer-
ence on the Sugar Bounties, [310] 1560;
[316] 1593; [318] 926, 1534
Tramways (Ireland) Acts Amendment, 2R.
[318] 1492, 1493

[blocks in formation]


Allotments for Cottagers, 2R. [316] 231
Asia (Central)-Afghanistan-The Frontier,
[317] 1830

Church Sites (Compulsory Powers Repeal),
Comm. [312] 1131

Copyhold Enfranchisement, 2R. [311] 868;

Comm. [317] 1319; cl. 5, 1323; 3R. [318] 9
Crime and Outrage (Ireland)-Riots at Belfast
-Report of the Commissioners, [311] 1863
Criminal Law Amendment (Ireland), 2R. [317]
741; Comm. cl. 6, 929

Dover (Corporation) IIarbour, 2R. [311] 666
Egypt Anglo-Turkish Convention


Papers, [315] 1563


First Offenders, 2R. [316] 1760
Glebe Lands, 2R. [310] 1494; Comm. cl. 3,
[311] 1710

Incumbents' Resignation Act (1871) Amend.
ment, Comm. cl. 5, [316] 1283

India (North-West Frontier)-Quetta Rail-
way, [314] 496

Irish Land Law, 2R. [313] 1565; Comm. cl. 1,
[315] 20, 28; cl. 21, 1693; Report, [316]
1458, 1459, 1460; Commons' Amendts.
Consid. cl. D, [319] 30; cl. E, 33, 35;
cl. 24, 41

Land Transfer, Comm. cl. 2, [316] 545 ; cl. 39,
1012; Report, cl. 2, [317] 15

Pluralities Act Amendment Act (1885) Amend-
ment, 2R. [315] 637

Registration of Dogs in the Metropolis, 1R.
[314] 325

Tithe Rent-Charge, 2R. [314] 174; Comm.
cl. 2, [315] 839; cl. 3, 845; Report, cl. 2,
1573; 3R. [317] 8

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KING, Mr. II. S.-cont.

Pensions for General Services-Amount paid in England, [311] 581

Post Office-Reform in the Telegraph De
partment, [310] 1545

Report of the Commission on the Public
Service, [314] 543

Report of the Director General of Railways,
[318] 19

Special Allowance to Engincer Officers, [315] 1582

Uncovenanted Service, [313] 1408 Inland Revenue-Income Tax-Charge on the Wives of Civil and Military Officers in India; and others Abroad, [315] 513 Merchant Shipping Act, (1854) Amendment (No. 2), Comm. cl. 1. Amendt. [313] 612, 613, 1715, 1719, 1740, 1741 Merchant Shipping Acts-Pilots, [318] 47;— Pilots' Certificates to Aliens-" The Queen and Trinity House Corporation," [317] 1621 Post Office Postage to India and China through Belgium, [311] 291, 710 Russia-Black Sea Coasting Trade-Case of

-Tweedy, an English Subject, [318] 31

KING-HARMAN, Right Hon. Colonel E. R., Kent, Isle of Thanet

Egypt (Military Expedition)-Medals to the Suakin Regiments, 1885, [312] 830 Ireland-Law and Justice-Jury SystemClare Assizes, [311] 1750 Metropolis-Street Improvements Charing Cross Road-National Gallery, [311] 1068 Parliament Business of the House - - Criminal Law Amendment (Ireland), Motion for Urgency, Res. [312] 1186 Supply-Civil Services and Revenue Departments, [312] 1116, 1117, 1118

Supply (Supplementary Estimates, 1886-7)Constabulary Force in Ireland, [311] 1119, 1120

(Parliamentary Under Secretary for Ireland.)

Admiralty Alleged Misappropriation of Stores at Haulbowline, [319] 1524

City Companies-Salters' Company-Sale of their Irish Estates, [319] 1364, 1365 Contagious Diseases (Animals) Acts-Slaughter of Dairy Cows in Dublin, [313] 1786 Criminal Law Amendment (Ireland), Motion

for Leave, [313] 260, 301, 304, 305, 306, 308, 315; Comm. cl. 1, [314] 578

Dublin, Wicklow, and Wexford Railway (City of Dublin Junction Railways), [317] 1872, 1875

Inland Revenue-Assessment of Income from
Foreign Sources, [313] 222
Ireland Questions

Agrarian Outrages-The Return, [314] 351
Agriculture-Dairy Schools, [318] 1719 ;-
Munster Dairy School, [319] 1529
Artizans' Dwellings Kingstown, [317]


Belfast Government, [318] 939 Belfast-Strike of Shipwrights, [314] 553, 964;-Port of-Sergeant Murray, Belfast, [321] 267


KING-HARMAN, Right Hon. Colonel E. R.-cont*
Boycotting and Intimidation Action of
Jeremiah Hegarty, Millstreet, Co. Cork,
[316] 548, 549;-Circular Letter to the
Chiefs of Police, [344] 700

Breeding of Horses-Royal Dublin Society
-Grant for the Improvement of Horse
Breeding, [320] 260, 261;-Thorough-
bred Sires-Winners of Royal Plates,
[320] 460, 461;-Winners at the Royal
Dublin Society's Show, [320] 1356
Commissioners of Irish Lights Police
Acting as Water Bailiffs, [318] 1138,
Commissioners of Valuation-Baltinglass
Union-Mr. B. Douglas, Rate Collector,
[317] 1759

Contagious Diseases (Animals) Acts Counties Proclaimed in Ireland, [318] 1552, 1553;-Pleuro-Pneumonia, [317] 1761, 1762;-Cattle Trade- Rathdown Union, [314] 7

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Intoxicating Liquors Act-Sec. 8-Fine on an Hotel-Keeper for Exhibiting a Political Banner, [315] 459

Irish Reproductive Loan Fund-Refusal of Loans to Fishermen in Ballycotton, Co. Cork, [320] 1135

Landlord and Tenant-Alleged Assault by an Emergency Man at Newton Hyland, Co. Dublin, [317] 1885;—O'Grady Property, Co. Tipperary, [317] 1766

Law and Order-Military Riot at Athlone, [316] 397, 398

Letter of Mr. Egan, [314] 1274
Licensing Act, 1872

Prosecutions at

Petty Sessions, [321] 264

Literature, Science, and Art

Laws of Ireland, [314] 544

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Loan Fund at Ederney, Co. Fermanagh, [316] 265



KING-HARMAN, Right Hon. Colonel E. R.-cont. | KING-IIARMAN, Right Hon. Colonel E. R.-cont.

Local Taxation-Collection of Poor Rate

in Kilkenny-The Dominican Abbey and
Franciscan Friary, [316] 253

Lunacy Commissioners -The Report, [316]
547; [317] 935

Municipal Corporations Acts Amendment
(No. 2), [314] 1693

National Registration Association, Black-
rock, Co. Dublin, [318] 1541

Office of Collector General of Rates, Dub-
lin, [317] 1880

Piers and Harbours-Harbour Accommo-
dation in Donegal, [316] 1537

Poor Relief Inquiry Commission, 1887-
Compound Rating of Occupiers, [315]
1422, 1423

Prevention of Crime Act, 1882-Exami-
nations under Section 16, [314] 12, 13;
-Returns, [314] 244

Public Works and Improvements-Alloca-
tion of the Government Subvention of
£50,000, [317] 515, 516

Public Works, Royal Commission on-
Commercial Harbour Accommodation,
[316] 252

Purchase of Land Act, 1885-Statement by
the Land Commissioners, [318] 1707
Railways-Cork and Muskerry Light Rail-
way-Ex-Head Constable Irvine, [320]


Roads and Bridges-Bridge at Corough-
markee, Co. Tipperary, [318] 1150;-
Derry Bridge Commissioners, [315] 54
St. Patrick's Public Library, Dublin
(Marsh's Library), [318] 1137;-Office
of Librarian, [319] 916

Sea and Coast Fisheries - Trawling in
Donegal Bay, [315] 887, 888
Towns Improvement Act, 1854-Listowel,
[320] 454

Tramways-Schull and Skibbereen Tram-
ways, [317] 62

Ireland-Arms Act-Questions

Arms' Licences-Ambrose M'Swiney, [319]
935, 936;-Cork Defence Union, [316]
36;-John and Cornelius Brennan, Co.
Clare, [319] 1093

Emergency Caretaker, [314] 347

John Henchey, of Bodyke, Co. Clare, [317]
1341, 1342

Ireland-Crime and Outrage-Questions

Alleged Mutilation of Cattle at Rathfarn-
ham, [314] 1455

Assault by Mistake in Cork City, [320]


[blocks in formation]

Disturbances at Ballinasloe, [320] 1668
Disturbances at Middletown-Firing from
Cars, [321] 269

Incendiary Fires near Rhode, King's Co.,
[320] 1129

Major Traill, [319] 1099, 1100
National Foresters' Excursion at Bally-
mena, [319] 1095, 1096, 1348:-Attack
on the National Foresters at Portrush,
[320] 472; [318] 1719, 1720

Police at Kanturk, [319] 1355
Riots at Cork, [316] 1163, 1312
Riot at Feakle, [316] 53, 54, 264, 265
Riotous Proceedings at Markethill, Co.
Armagh, [320] 904

Riots and Processions-Orange Procession
at Portadown, [318] 33
Threatening Letters


Lennox, [314]

[blocks in formation]

Rev. Matthew Macaulay,
Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan, [318]
1134, 1135

Boycotting in Queen's Co. [320] 1354
Conviction of J. P. Hayden at Glasson
Petty Sessions, Co. Westmeath, [321]
24, 25

Intimidation-Listowel Petty Sessions, Co.
Kerry, [320] 1352

"Parnellism and Crime," [318] 1137,1138
Prisoners, Access to, [321] 276, 277
Prosecutions for Assault-Mountmellick,
Queen's Co. [321] 18


Public Meetings Interference of the
Police at Dungannon, [315] 886, 887;-
Suppression of Public Meetings in
Ulster, [315] 256, 257, 890 ;-Meeting
of the Home Rule Association at Kilkeel,
[316] 246

William Fahey, [318] 1540

Ireland-Criminal Law and Procedure Act,

Co. Down, [318] 379, 380

Co. Dublin, [318] 542

Co. Fermanagh, [318] 356, 357, 358

Co. Kildare Mr. Justice Harrison's
Charge at Kildare, [318] 371, 372, 538,
539, 540

King's Co. [318] 543

Proclamation of a Protestant Home Rule
Meeting at Kilkerton, [318] 524, 525
Section 6-Proclamation of the National
League, [319] 1369, 1373

Ireland-Dublin Metropolitan Police-Ques-

Constable Curry, [319] 1357

Numbers and Religion of Recruits, [319]


Tearing Down Placards, [319] 1633
Derry-Evicted Tenants, [316] 401
Emigration from Ireland, [315] 512;-
January to April, 1887, [314] 1660


KING-HARMAN, Right IIon. Colonel E. R.-cont.

Refusal of the Authorities at New York to
allow Emigrants to Land, [315] 1030
Westport Emigration Committee Ac-
counts of Mr. Stoney, [320] 459

Arrest of Daniel O'Connor, Carrigrohane,
Co. Cork, [321] 18

Brooke Estate, Coolgreany


Hamilton, [317] 1601;-Cost of Evic-
tions, [318] 19

Cavan-Death of an Evicted Tenant, [321] 5
Conduct of the Constabulary, [316] 267,
O Constable Golden Refusal to


[ocr errors]


Act, [313] 1105
Estate of the Earl of Wicklow, [321] 27
Evicted Tenants in Workhouses, [316] 401
Gweedore, Co. Donegal, [317] 510
Hillas Estate, Co. Sligo, [318] 1705
Lord Granard's Estate, Co. Longford, [314]
1679, 1680; [320] 450;-Notice to the
Board of Guardians, [314] 698, 961, 962,
963, 1270, 1271, 1272

Lord Kenmare's Estate, Killarney, [315]
1786, 1737

Marquess of Lansdowne's Estate, Queen's

Co. [313] 1106; [314] 1460, 1676
Mr. Shirley's Estate, Carrick macross, Co.
Monaghan, [320] 1343, 1669
Monaghan Union-Notice to Guardians,
[315] 55, 858

Return of Expenses, [317] 1878, 1879
Skinners' Estate, Draperstown, Co. London-
derry, [313] 1785; [314] 214, 1260;
[318] 1723, 1724

Statistics, [315] 1720; [317] 336
Taaffe Estate, Co. Mayo, [320] 201, 202
Violent Conduct of an "Emergency Man "
at Monkstown, Co. Cork, [315] 496, 877,

Ireland-Evictions at Bodyke, Co. Clare -

[315] 1424, 1731, 1732; [316] 1301

Alleged Violence to an Old Woman, [315]
1741, 1742

Bodyke Tenantry, The, [319] 928

Captain E. W. D. Croker, [315] 1735;
[316] 262, 263

Clare Cost of the Military and Police,
[318] 353

Ireland-Inland Navigation and Drainage-

Gweedore Bunbeg Constabulary Barracks,
[321] 10, 11

River Bann-Allocation of the Government

Subvention of £50,000, [318] 1530 ;-
Lower Bann, [318] 1149; [320] 8
River Barrow, [316] 1316; [317] 518;
[318] 1710; [320] 1666

Ireland-Irish Land Commission-Questions
Appointment of Assistant Commissioners,
[315] 493; [319] 929

"Blue Books"-Leaseholders' Rent Fix-
tures, [320] 1641

Glebe Land Purchasers, [315] 1419
Land Courts-Tenants of Major Gallway,
Dingle, Co. Kerry, [317] 1607

Land Purchase Commissioners-Mr. J. H.
Payne, Co. Cork, [316] 1026
Purchase of Land Act, 1885-Section 23-
Orders made, [317] 1755


KING-HARMAN, Right Hon. Colonel E. R.-cont.
Sales under Lord Ashbourne's Act, [318]

"Smyth, E. R., Landlord, v. James Woods,
Tenant," [318] 1716

Ireland-Irish Land Commission-Fair Rents

Barony of Lower Dundalk, Co. Louth-

Fair Rents, [320] 903

Case of Denis Burke, [318] 702, 703

Case of T. R. Whitney, [315] 504, 505
Ireland-Irish Land Commission-Land Com-
mission Courts-Questions

Appeals, [316] 1483

Appeals Unheard, [318] 914

Chief Land Commissioners at Longford-
Re-hearing of Appeal, [315] 1584

Court Valuer's Valuation, [318] 391;—
"Adams v. Dunseath," [317] 1884
Inspection of Reports by Litigants, [317]
1609, 1610

John Smith, of Currembla, Co. Sligo, [315]

Production of Certificates of Valuation,
[320] 1642

Sittings at Roscommon-Appeals from Co.
Longford, [316] 556, 770

Ireland-Irish Land Commission-Sub-Com-

[314] 691

Cavan Sub-Commission Sitting at Kings.
court, Co. Cavan, [319] 699

Co. Monaghan, [316] 253

Co. Wicklow, [314] 1120
Judicial Rents, [316] 1147;
[314] 13



Ireland-Irish Land Law-Questions

Glebe Land Purchasers, [316] 1143, 1144
Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881-Sections I.
and VIII.-Permanent Improvements,
[317] 66

Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881, and Pur-
chase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1885, Royal
Commission on-Alleged "Cooking" of
the Report, [314} 246

Perpetuity Lea seholders, [313] 1795
Trinity College Leases, [318] 1349
Ireland-Labourers' Acts-Questions

Action of Boards of Guardians, [321] 13
Celbridge Board of Guardians, [320] 901 ;—
Granard Guardians, [315] 864;-Lurgan
Board of Guardians, [320] 1339
Committee of Inquiry, [318] 1167
Cottages in Bandon Union, [314] 945;—
Millstreet Union, [318] 1164; [319]

Guardians of the Carrickmacross Union,
[315] 884-Dundalk Union, [313] 1110;
- Kinsale Union, [319] 1098

Kilbride Division of Rathmines Union,
[320] 1339

Labourers' Cottages-South Dublin Union,
[317] 1608

Quarter and Land Sessions at Granard,
[315] 861

Schemes for the Electoral Division of Tar-
bert, [321] 560

The Return, [315] 55; [316] 519; [318]

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