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LAWSON, Sir W., Cumberland, Cocker- | LAWSON, Sir W.-cont.


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Admiralty-Naval Manoeuvres
Accidents, [318] 1376
Africa (South)-Church of England-See of
Natal, [318] 1704

Channel Tunnel (Experimental Works), 2R.
[318] 1060

Criminal Law Amendment (Ireland), Comm.
cl. 3, [315] 1234, 1362; Consid. add. cl.
[316] 1068, 1070

Egypt Anglo- Egyptian Convention



Henry Drummond Wolff, [317] 519 ;-De-
parture of Ahmed Moukhtar Pasha, [317]

Egypt-Anglo-Egyptian Convention-Ratifica-
tion, Motion for Adjournment, [316] 1325,
1326, 1327, 1329, 1337
Ireland Questions

Criminal Law and Procedure Act, 1887-

Proclaimed Meeting in Clare, [320] 1364
Evictions-Evictions at Bodyke, Co. Clare

-Conduct of the Constabulary,[316] 362
Excise-Number of Spirit Grocers in the
Metropolitan Police District, Dublin,
[317] 1879

Jubilee Year of Her Majesty's Reign, Celebra-
tion of Questions

Bank Holiday-Adjournment of the House,
[316] 671, 673, 674

Metropolitan Police Courts, [316] 256
Royal Procession-Provincial Press, [316]

Licensing Acts-Questions

[318] 385

Jubilee Night - Publicans and Beerhouse
Keepers-Extension of Hours of Opening,
[316] 778, 1781; [317] 337
Workington Licensing Magistrates, [320]
1139, 1140

Licensed Premises (Earlier Closing) (Scot-
land), [317] 523

Licensed Victuallers' Protection Society

Colonel King-Harman, M.P. [315] 251
Magistracy (England and Wales)-Bury St.
Edmund's Bench, [316] 764

Merchant Shipping (Miscellaneous), Comm.
cl. 8, [320] 1521


Business of the House -

State of Public Business, [315] 1065
Extra-Parliamentary Utterances - Colonel
Saunderson, [318] 1382

Privilege-Imputation upon Members of
this House, [311] 286;-Interference of
Peers at Elections, [316] 1791;-Horn-
sey Election, [317] 1489, 1490, 1491
Parliament-Business of the House (Procedure
on the Criminal Law Amendment (Ireland)
Bill), Res. [315] 1622

Parliament-New Writ for the Borough of St.
George's, Hanover Square, Motion for Ad-
journment, [310] 259

Parliament-Orders of the Day, Res. Amendt.
[316] 1631

Parliament-Queen's Speech, Address in An-
swer to, [310] 457, 660, 664, 065
Parliament-Sessional Orders Interference
of Peers at Elections-North Paddington
Election, Res. [317] 359, 361, 363, 365, 369,


Supply-Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Re-
membrancer in Exchequer, Scotland, [318]

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Criminal Law Amendment (Ireland), Motion
for Leave, [313] 127

Duke of Connaught's Leave, 2R. [314] 1709
Ecclesiastical Commissioners-Excelsior Club,

Shirland Road, Paddington, [318] 548
Endowed Schools Acts-St. Paul's School,
Hammersmith, [320] 1337

First Offenders, 2R. [311] 122

Inland Revenue-Income Tax-Assessment on
Public Baths and Wash-houses, St. Pancras,
[311] 297

Ireland-Evictions-Evictions at Bodyke, Co.
Clare-Conduct of the Constabulary, [316]

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Closed Burials Ground-State of Whitfield
Chapel Burial Ground, Tottenham Court
Road, [319] 1794

Public Health - Regent's Canal Basin,
[319] 1794

Street Traffic-Private Bars and Gates,
[320] 267

Metropolitan Board of Works-Representa-
tion in this Ilouse, [316] 1499
Metropolitan Board of Works (Money), Comm.
Schedule 2, [318] 1688

Metropolitan Police Force-Promotion, [319]
243, 214

Superannuation Fund, [319] 243
Metropolitan Public Carriage Act (1869)-
Licences, [311] 567

Parks (Metropolis)-Questions

Constitution Ilill, [315] 855

Dogs in the Ornamental Waters, [319]

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LEFEVRE, Right Hon. G. J. Shaw, Brad- LEFEVRE, Right Hon. G. J. Shaw-cont.

ford, Central

Ambleside Railway, 2R. [310] 1747; Instruc-
tion to the Committee, [311] 448
Army Estimates- Engineering Works, &c.
[320] 1747; Amendt. 1748, 1756
Army (Supplementary Estimate)-Army Ser-
vices, [311] 1858

Criminal Law Amendment (Ireland), Comm.
[314] 31; cl. 2, Amendt. [315] 473, 595,
780, 963, 974, 979; cl. 5, Amendt. 1769,

Education Department- Exemption from At-
tendance-The Bye-Laws-Partial Attend-
ance, [312] 714

Great Eastern Railway, Consid. [313] 674;
[314] 211

Irish Land Law, 2R. [317] 564, 572; Comm.
1724; cl. 1, Amendt. [318] 90, 99; cl. 4,
223, 224, 226; cl. 22, 766, 794; add. cl.
1075; Consid. add. cl. 1416, 1421
Labourers' Allotments, Comm. cl. 1, [319]
1133, 1134; cl. 2, 1185; cl. 3, 1236, 1925,
1930, 1946; Motion for reporting Progress,
1948, 1951, 1962; cl. 6, [320] 217; Consid.
add. cl. 1293, 1299, 1305
Land Transfer-Inheritance, Primogeniture,
and Registration of Titles, [317] 1165
London Coal and Wine Duties Continuance
Bill-Extension of the Impost to the Metro-
politan Area, [311] 1076

Loss of Life at Sea, Royal Commission on,
[319] 366

Metropolitan Police, Comm. cl. 2, [319] 1251,

Navy-Admiralty Expenditure - Cost of Con-
struction, [312] 696

Armoured Vessels of Recent Construction-
A Government Inquiry, [316] 930. 931
Navy-Ships of War (Designs), Motion for a
Select Committee, [312] 593
Navy Estimates-Dockyards and Naval Yards
at Home and Abroad, [317] 1190, 1291
Machinery and Ships Built by Contract,
[320] 1598

Naval Stores, [320] 1535; Amendt. 1536,

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Public Offices-New Admiralty and War Office
-Messrs. Leeming's Claims, [319] 941, 942
Public Parks and Works (Metropolis), 2R.
[315] 796
Supply-Admiralty and War Department-

Plans for the Erection, [320] 1490, 1492
Charity Commission for England and
Wales, [317] 1462, 1513, 1533
Customs, [320] 1485

Customs, Inland Revenue, Post Office, &c.
[316] 1866

Cyprus, Grant in Aid, [320] 1453
Diplomatic and Consular Buildings, &c.
[317] 675

Furniture of Public Offices, Great Britain,
[316] 1855, 1856

Ilarbours, &c. under the Board of Trade,

[317] 629, 631, 634

Ilouse of Lords Offices, [317] 695
Houses of Parliament, [316] 1674
Post Office Services, Post Office Savings
Banks, &c. [315] 1095, 1102, 1109,
1110, 1133, 1140, 1154

Prisons in England, Wales, and the Colo-
nies, [319] 1469, 1471, 1473

Public Buildings, &c. in Great Britain,
[316] 1830; Amendt. 1881, 1835, 1840,
1845, 1848

Rates on Government Property, [317] 656
Report, [317] 179

Revenue Departments -Post Office Tele-

graph Services, [315] 1170, 1176, 1180

Supply (Supplementary Estimates, 1886-7) -
Admiralty and War Office, The New,
[311] 749

Diplomatic and Consular Buildings, &c.
[311] 761

Post Office, [311] 1542

Post Office Telegraphs, [311] 1543
Treasury Chest Robbery, [311] 1531
Truck, Lords' Amendts. Consid. [319] 1248
War Office Chelsea Hospital - Burton
Court, [317] 1156


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LEOH, Mr. T. W.-cont.

Burmah (Upper) — Reported Chinese Invasion,
[310] 1568

Supply-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs,
[317] 1387

Legitimacy Declaration

Amendment Bill [H.L.]

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Act (1858)

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Bengal-Out-Still System, [316] 1494;-
Pay of Native Officials, [314] 352
Education Department-Directorships of
Public Instruction, [314] 351

Nizam of the Deccan Concession of
Mining Rights to the Deccan Company,
[316] 1032;-Ruby Mines of Upper
Burmah, [316] 764

North-West Provinces-Appointment to
Directorship of Public Instruction
Supersession of Senior Educational
Officers by Mr. White, [316] 926
State of Mohrbhanj, in Orissa, [314] 1806
Ireland-Railways-Distressed Population in
the West of Ireland Proposed Railway
from Galway to Clifden, [316] 1605
Jubilee Year of Her Majesty's Reign, Celebra-
tion of-Deferred Business, [318] 923
Kensington Vestry, Consid. [312] 1295; ald.
cl. 1314; 3R. Amendt. [313] 39


Post Office-London Postmen on Jubilee Day
-Postal Deliveries on Bank Holidays, [316]


Public Parks and Works (Metropolis), 2R.
[315] 791

Royal Parks and Pleasure Gardens-Kensing-
ton Gardens, [318] 922

LEWIS, Sir C. E., Antrim, N.

Belfast Main Drainage, Lords' Amendts.
Consid. [314] 201

Harbours of Refuge, Res. [313] 1269

Commissioners of National Education-
Teachers of Model Schools-Results
Fees, [317] 1147

County Gaols Salaries of External
Officers, [318] 21


Crime and Outrage-Excusion Train from
Portrush to Belfast Firing on the
People at Ballymoney, [319] 476; [321]
Inland Navigation and Drainage-River
Bann, [316] 1294

Land Law Act, 1881-Bona Fide Occupa
tion-Fair Rents → Sub-Letting, [317]
942, 1154, 1155

Post Office-Letterkenny, [313] 1780;-
Postal Business at Ballyshannon, [314]

Irish Land Law, Comm. cl. 1, [317] 1916;

Lords' Amendts. to Commons Amenits.
Consid. [319] 996

Municipal Trust Company, 2R. [313] 870
Parliament-Privilege (Mr. Dillon and the
"Times" Newspaper), Res. [314] 700, 702,
703, 705, 706, 710, 737, 738, 739
Parliamentary Elections (England and Wales)
-Alleged Boycotting and Intimidation in
England, [313] 1800

Sutton District Water, 3R. [314] 937


LEWIS, Mr. T., Anglesey

Parliament-Petitions-Violation of Rules

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Petition from Cardiganshire-Irregularity 320] Debate resumed Aug 29, 441; Amendts.

of Signatures, [314] 1262

Poor Law (England and Wales)-Alleged Insanitary Condition of Holyhead UnionInquiry by Dr. Harvey, [316] 927 Wales-Tithe Agitation-Riots at Llangwm, [318] 1535

Licensed Premises (Earlier Closing) (Scotland) Bill

(Dr. Cameron, Mr. Robert Reid, Mr. Mark Stewart, Mr. Donald Crawford, Mr. Lyell, Mr. Provand)

c. Ordered; read 1o Feb 2

[Bill 153] Moved, "That the Bill be now read 20" 311] Mar 7, 1544; Moved, "That the Debate be now adjourned" (Colonel Hughes); after short debate, Question put, and negatived Original Question again proposed, 1546; after short debate, Moved, "That the Debate be now adjourned" (Viscount Cranborne); after further short debate, Question put; A. 112, N. 100; M. 12 (D. L. 45) ; Debate adjourned

314] Debate resumed May 9, 1432; after short debate, Question put, and agreed to; Bill read 2°

Order for Committee read; Moved, "That Mr. Speaker do now leave the Chair" 316) June 30, 1408; Moved, "That this House do now adjourn" (Colonel Hambro); Mo

tion withdrawn

Original Question put, and agreed to; Committee Report

Moved, "That the Bill be now read 30" 317] July 8, 322; Motion withdrawn; Order for 3R. discharged

Moved, "That the Bill be re-committed " (Mr. W. H. Smith); Question put, and agreed to

Moved, "That Mr. Speaker do now leave the Chair" (Dr. Cameron); Question put, and agreed to; Committee-R.P. Questions, Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Dr. Cameron ; Answers, The First Lord of the Treasury (Mr. W. H. Smith) July 12, 523 Committee (on re-comm.); Report; Considered; read 8o July 19, 1476

1. Read 1 (E. Camperdown) July 21 (No. 183) 318]2R. put off, after short debate July 28, 292 Read 2a, after debate Aug 5, 1343

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Committee, after debate Aug 9, 1689 (No. 223) Moved, "That the Report of the Amendments 319] be now received" Aug 12, 226

Amendt. to leave out ("now,") add ("this day three months") (The Lord Denman); [The Amendt., not being seconded, was not put]; Motion agreed to; Amendts. reported

. Read 3 Aug 15, 457; on Question, "That the Bill do pass?" after short debate, Question to be put To-morrow

Bill passed Aug 16

c. Lords' Amendts. Aug 20

[Bill 384]

agreed to

Royal Assent Sept 16 [50 & 51 Vict. c. 88]

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The Queen's Jubilee Night-Selling Drink during Prohibited Hours, Question, Sir Wilfrid Lawson; Answer, The Attorney General (Sir Richard Webster) June 23, [316] 778;-Extension of Hours, Questions, Major Rasch, Sir Wilfrid Lawson; Answers, The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. Matthews) July 5, [316] 1781; At Okehampton, Question, Mr. Burt; Answer, The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. Matthews) Sept 9, [321] 17

Extension of Hours of Opening-Petty Sessions at Kingston-on-Thames, Question, Mr. Caine; Answer, The Secretary of State for the Homo Department (Mr. Matthews) July 25, [317] 1888

Legislation, Question, Sir Wilfrid Lawson; Answer, The First Lord of the Treasury (Mr. W. II. Smith) July 28, [318] 385 Licensed Victuallers' Protection SocietyColonel King-Harman, M.P., Question, Sir Wilfrid Lawson; Answer, The Under Secretary of State for the Ilome Department (Mr. Stuart-Wortley) May 17, [315] 251 Occasional Licences- Minster Branch of the Isle of Thanet Conservative Association, Question, Mr. Munro-Ferguson; Answer, The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. Matthews) July 18, [317] 1146 Refusal of Licence at Stowmarket, Question, Mr. Blane; Answer, The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. Matthews) Sept 2, [320] 911

Workington Licensing Magistrates, Questions, Sir Wilfrid Lawson; Answers, The Under Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. Stuart-Wortley), The First Lord of the Treasury (Mr. W. H. Smith) Sept 5, [320] 1139

Licensing Laws Amendment Bill

. Lords' Amendts. considered Aug 23, 1076; e.
after debate, Moved, "That the Debate be
now adjourned" (Mr. Caldwell); Question
put, and agreed to; Debate adjourned

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