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Picton; Answer, The President of the Local
Government Board (Mr. Ritchie) Aug 23,
[319] 1525

Inquiry by the Royal Statistical Society, Ques-
tions, Sir Charles Russell; Answers, The
President of the Local Government Board
(Mr. Ritchie) Mar 4, [311] 1270
Instructions to Public Vaccinators, Question,
Mr. M'Arthur; Answer, The President of
the Local Government Board (Mr. Ritchie)
Mar 18, [312] 725

Origin of the Vaccine Matter in Present Use,
Question, Mr. Burt; Answer, The Presi lent
of the Local Government Board (Mr. Ritchie)
June 16, [316] 254

Result of a House-to-House Inquiry in 65
Cities and Towns of England, Question,
Mr. Bradlaugh; Answer, The President of
the Local Government Board (Mr. Ritchie)
June 24, [316] 923

Vaccination Acts

Action of the Compulsory Law of Vaccination,
Observations, Mr. Picton; Reply, The Pre-
sident of the Local Government Board (Mr.
Ritchie); short debate thereon May 24,
[315] 1051

Case of James Bamford, Question, Mr. Picton ;
Answer, The Secretary of State for the
IIome Department (Mr. Matthews) Mar 8,
[311] 1573; Question, Mr. Channing;
Answer, The President of the Local Go-

vernment Board (Mr. Ritchie) April 14,
[313] 880

Vaccination Acts-cont.

Prosecution of James Stead, Thomas Bottom-
ley, and Frederick Fawcett, at Otley, West
Riding of Yorkshire, Questions, Mr. Barran,
Mr. Bradlaugh; Answers, The Secretary of
State for the Home Department (Mr. Mat-
thews) Aug 18, [319] 950


Assault on the Police, Question, Mr. Picton;
Answer, The Under Secretary of State for
the flome Department (Mr. Stuart-Wortley)
May 23, [315] 891

Convictions by the Liecester County Bench,
Question, Mr. Picton; Answer, The Under
Secretary of State for the Home Depart-
ment (Mr. Stuart-Wortley) May 20, [315]


Keighley, &c.-Evasion of the Acts, Question,
Mr. Barran; Answer, The President of the
Local Government Board (Mr. Ritchie)
Feb 28, [311] 693

Vagrant Act Amendment Bill
(Mr. C. Dyke Acland, Mr. Caine, Mr. Harry
Davenport, Sir Robert Fowler, Sir John
Kennaway, Mr. Henry Wilson)

c. Ordered; road 1°* Mar 10 [Bill 192]
Street Solicitation, Question, Mr. M'Laren ;
Answer, Mr. C. T. D. Acland July 14, [317]

Bill withdrawn * July 18

Valuation of Lands (Scotland) Amend-
ment Bill [H.L.]

Case of Mr. Charles Eagle, Leicestershire,
Question, Mr. Picton; Answer, The Secre-
tary of State for the Home Department (Mr..
Matthews) June 17, [316] 398

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c. Read 1° Aug 4 (The Lord Advocate) [Bill 356]
Read 2o Aug 15, [319] 649

Cumulative Penalties -Case of Charles Hay-
ward, Question, Mr. Bradlaugh; Answer,
The President of the Local Government
Board (Mr. Ritchie) Mar 4, [311] 1265
Execution of a Distress Warrant on Edward
Johnson, of Kettering, Question, Mr. Chan-
ning; Answer, The Under Secretary of
State for the Home Department (Mr. Stuart-1.
Wortley) May 6, [314] 1115

Imprisonment of Robert Essam, of Kettering,
for Non-Payment of Fine, Questions, Mr.
Channing; Answers, The Secretary of State
for the Home Department (Mr. Matthews)
June 30, [316] 1299; July 11, [317] 341
Imprisonment of Mrs. Walton, of Appleby,
Question, Mr. M'Cartan; Answer, The Se-
cretary of State for the Ilome Department
(Mr. Matthews) Aug 18, [319] 930
Mr. Robert King, Evington, Question, Mr.
Picton; Answer, The President of the Local
Government Board (Mr. Ritchie) Mar 4,
[311] 1267; Question, Mr. Picton; Answer,
The Secretary of State for the Home De-
partment (Mr. Matthews) Mar 7, 1393
Mr. A. Main-Enforcement of Fenalties,
Question, Mr. Pickersgill; Answer, The Pre-
sident of the Local Government Board (Mr.
Ritchie) Aug 8, [318] 1538

Lewis Miller (Uckfield Union), Question, Mr.
Bradlaugh; Answer, The President of the
Local Government Board (Mr. Ritchie)
June 30, [316] 1295


Committee; Report; Considered; road 3°
Sept 10

Royal Assent Sept 16 [50 & 51 Vict. c. 511



British Guiana and Venezuela-The Boundary
Line, Questions, Mr. Watt, Mr. Staveley Hill;
Answers, The Under Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs (Sir James Fergusson)
Mar 7, [311] 1402; Question, Mr. Staveley
Ilill; Answer, The Under Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs (Sir James Fer-
gusson) Mar 10, 1721; Questions, Mr.
Watt; Answers, The Under Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs (Sir James Fer-
gusson) April 5, [313] 491; June 17, [316]
403; Question, Sir Thomas Esmonde; An-
swer, The Secretary of State for the Colo-
nies (Sir Henry Holland) July 14, [317]765;
Question, Mr. Watt; Answer, The Under
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Sir
James Fergusson) July 25, 1887; Ques-
tions, Mr. Watt; Answers, The Under
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Sir
James Fergusson), The Secretary of State
for the Colonies (Sir Henry Holland) Aug 15


[blocks in formation]

Protection of British Subjects, Question, Mr.

Watt; Answer, The Under Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs (Sir James Fer-
gusson) Mar 3, [311] 1084

Seizure of the Ships "Henrietta" and "Jose-
phine Claims of British Subjects, Ques-
tions, Mr. Kimber; Answers, The Under
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Sir
James Fergusson) Feb 7, [310] 768;
June 27, [316] 1019; Question, Mr. Watt;
Answer, The Under Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs (Sir James Fergusson)
Aug 25, [319] 1809; Question, Mr. Kimber;
Answer, The Under Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs (Sir James Fergusson)
Sept 8, [320] 1661

Suspension of Diplomatic Relations with Great
Britain, Question, Mr. Howard Vincent ;
Answer, The Under Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs (Sir James Fergusson)
Feb 28, [311] 723

[blocks in formation]

VINCENT, Mr. C. E. H., Sheffield, Central
America (South)-Venezuela-Suspension of
Diplomatic Relations, [311] 723

America (United States) - International In-
dustrial Property Convention, [313] 1414

Army Abroad and in India-Audit of Ac-
counts, [315] 704

Army Manufacturing Department-Manu.
facture of Steel at Woolwich, [311] 177,

Army Reserve, [318] 1129
Attendance of Troops and Bands at Shel-
field on the Jubileo Celebration, [316]


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Science and Art Department-Extension of
Educational Subjects, [313] 871


Technical Instruction Bill Commercial
Instruction, [319] 660

Felonious Use of Firearms, 2R. [310] 479,

First Offenders, 2R. [311] 119; Comm. 1544;
cl. 1, Motion for reporting Progress, [313]
989; [314] 1081, 1082; Amendt. 1085,
1086, 1087, 1039, 1581; add. cl. [315] 803,
804; Consid. 1334, 1335; 3R. [316] 1120;
Lords' Amendts. Consid. [318] 1313
Fraudulent Marking of Merchandise-The
Select Committee, [313] 69

Imperial and Colonial Conference, [316] 414
India Forest Service-Pension Regulations,
[314] 1660

Inland Revenue-Income Tax on Chambers of
Commerce, [312] 1318

Occasional Game Licences, [319] 45
Island of the Mauritius-Lieutenant Governor-
ship-Charges against Sir John Pope Hen-
nessy, [317] 774

Jubilee Year of Her Majesty's Reign, Celebra-
tion of The Royal Titles, [315] 520
Law and Justice-Grimsby County Police
Court-Oyster Stealing-Severe Sentence,
[319] 660

WADDY, Mr. S. D.-cont.

VINCENT, Mr. C. E. H.-cont.

Law and Police (Metropolis)-Arrest of Miss
Cass Examination of Police Constable
Endacott, [317] 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772;-
Mr. Newton, Magistrate at Marlborough
Street Police Court, [318] 1715
Local Government, [318] 719
Mercantile Marine


Life-Saving Gear on
"Kapunda" and certain Casualties in 1886,
[310] 644, 645

Merchandise Marks Acts Consolidation, [311]
1259; [312] 39

Merchant Shipping-Boats of Ocean-going
Vessels, [313] 1781

Wreck of the Channel Steamer " Victoria,"
[313] 886

Paris Exhibition, 1889, [316] 1497
Parks (Metropolis)-St. James's Park, [310]
883; - Seats in the Mall, [317] 1159
Parliament-Business of the House-Technical
instruction, [319] 1109

Order-Half-Past Twelve o'Clock Rule-

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VIVIAN, Sir H. Hussey, Swansea, District
Coal Mines, &c. Regulation, Comm. cl. 13,
[316] 850, 865,866, 882; cl. 17, 985; cl. 21,
[319] 508; cl. 35, 515; cl. 40, 577; cl. 50,
Rule 12, 761, 772; Rule 24, 793
Harbours of Refuge, Res. [313] 1275
Parliament-Business of the House-Rules of
Procedure, Res. [310] 1784

[blocks in formation]

WADDY, Mr. S. D., Lincolnshire, Brigg
Army (Supplementary Estimate)-Army Ser-
vices, [311] 1821

Criminal Law Amendment (Ireland), Motion
for Leave, [313] 289; Comm. cl. 2, [315]
596, 763, 764

Ireland-Criminal Law Amendment-Alleged
Violation of a Pledge by the Chief Secre-
tary, [316] 1612, 1613
Evictions-Evictions at Bodyke, Co. Clare
-Conduct of the Constabulary, [316]

Irish Land Law, Comm. cl. 4, [318] 395
Parliament-Business of the llouse-Arrange-
ment of Public Business, Ministerial State-
ment, [319] 965


[blocks in formation]

Anti-Tithe League, Questions, Mr. J. G. Hub.
bard, Mr. T. M. Ilealy; Answers, Mr.
Speaker, The First Lord of the Treasury
(Mr. W. II. Smith) May 23, [315] 895
Civil Service Examinations-Notices, Ques-
tion, Mr. T. E. Ellis; Answer, The Secre-
tary to the Treasury (Mr. Jackson) July 11,
[317] 351; July 14, 783

Fisheries-Harbours of Refuge on the Welsh
Coast, Question, Mr. T. E. Ellis; Answer,
The Secretary to the Board of Trade (Baron
Henry De Worms) Sept 1, [320] 743
The Merioneth Police-Dismissal of Constable
Griffith, Question, Mr. T. E. Ellis; Answer,
The Secretary of State for the Home De-
partment (Mr. Matthews) Aug 22, [319]


Tenant Farmers, Question, Mr. T. E. Ellis ;
Answer, The First Lord of the Treasury
(Mr. W. H. Smith) April 5, [313] 504

Questions, Mr. Mundella; Answers, The First
Lord of the Treasury (Mr. W. II. Smith)
April 19, [313] 1248
Elementary Education-Progress since 1870,
Questions, Mr. T. E. Ellis; Answers, The
Vice President of the Council (Sir William
Hart Dyke) April 4, [313] 364
Intermediate Education-Government Assist-
ance, Question, Mr. Cornwallis West; An-
swer, The First Lord of the Treasury (Mr.
W. H. Smith) May 23, [315] 895;-The
Bills, Questions, Mr. Richards, Mr. Kenyon;
Answers, The First Lord of the Treasury
(Mr. W. II. Smith) June 30, [316] 1319 ;-
Legislation, Question, Mr. T. E. Ellis;
Answer, The First Lord of the Treasury
(Mr. W. II. Smith) Aug 26, [320] 27
University Education-Welsh Training Col-
leges, Question, Mr. T. E. Ellis; Answer,
The Vice President of the Council (Sir.
William Hart Dyke) Mar 24, [312] 1345

[blocks in formation]


Wales-The Tithe Agitation-cont.
Disturbances in Denbighshire, Questions, Mr.
Osborne Morgan, Mr. T. E. Ellis, Mr. E.
Robertson; Answers, The Secretary of
State for the Home Department (Mr. Mat-
thews) June 20, [316] 554 ;-Attack on the
Residence of the Rev. Canon Browne, Bod-
fari, Question, Mr. Swetenham; Answer,
The Secretary of State for the Home De-
partment (Mr. Matthews) Aug 29, [320]
270; Question, Mr. T. E. Ellis; Answer,
The Secretary of State for the Home De-
partment (Mr. Matthews) Aug 30, 461
Riots at Llangwm, Question, Mr. Lewis; An-
swer, The Secretary of State for the Ilome
Department (Mr. Matthews) Aug 8, [318]|
1535; Question, Mr. T. E. Ellis; Answer,
The Secretary of State for the Home De-
317]partment (Mr. Matthews) July 7, 80;—

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Denbighshire Quarter Sessions, Question,
Mr. T. E. Ellis; Answer, The Secretary of
State for the Home Department (Mr. Mat-
thews) July 7, 81;-Trial of the Rioters at
Ruthin, Questions, Mr. Bowen Rowlands,
Mr. T. E. Ellis; Answers, The Secretary of
State for the Home Department (Mr. Mat-
thews) July 12, 504; Question, Mr. Osborne
Morgan; Answer, The Secretary of State
for the Home Department (Mr. Matthews)
July 12, 510; Questions, Mr. T. E. Ellis,
Mr. Kenyon, Mr. Bowen Rowlands, Mr.
Puleston; Answers, The Secretary of State
for the Home Department (Mr. Matthews)
July 12, 519; Questions, Mr. T. E. Ellis,
Mr. T. M. Healy; Answers, The Attorney
General (Sir Richard Webster) July 19,
1349; Question, Mr. Stanley Leighton;
Answer, The Secretary of State for the
Home Department (Mr. Matthews) Aug 5,
[318] 1379

Collection of Tithe at Mochdre-Disturbances
--Reading the Riot Act, Questions, Mr.
Bowen Rowlands, Mr. T. E. Ellis, Mr. Bryn
Roberts, Mr. Osborne Morgan; Answers,
The Secretary of State for the Home Depart-
ment (Mr. Matthews) June 23, [316] 767;
Questions, Mr. Osborne Morgan, Mr. Bryn
Roberts, Mr. Kenyon, Mr. Stanley Leigh-
ton, Mr. T. E. Ellis; Answers, The Under
Secretary of State for the IIome Depart-
ment (Mr. Stuart-Wortley) June 27, 1028;
Questions, Mr. Kenyon, Mr. Swetenham,
Mr. Stanley Leighton, Mr. T, E. Ellis, Mr.
Bryn Roberts, Mr. Bowen Rowlands; An-
swers, The Secretary of State for the Home
Department (Mr. Matthews) June 28, 1151;
- Inquiry into the Riot-The Commissioner,
Questions, Mr. Kenyon, Mr. Osborne Mor
gan, Mr. T. E. Ellis; Answers, Tho Secre-
tary of State for the Home Department (Mr.
Matthews) July 7, [317] 71; Question, Mr.
Bowen Rowlands; Answer, The Secretary
of State for the Home Department (Mr.
Matthews) July 8, 224; - Report of the
Commissioner, Questions, Mr. Byron Reed,
Mr. T. E. Ellis; Answers, The Secretary
of State for the Home Department (Mr.
Matthews) Aug 30, [320] 453
Royal Commission at Conway, Questions, Mr.

Stuart Rendel, Mr. Stanley Leighton; An-
swers, The Secretary of State for the IIome
Department (Mr. Matthews) July 29, [318]

Wales-The Tithe Agitation-cont. '

550 ;— Welsh-Speaking Witnesses, Question,
Mr. T. E. Ellis; Answer, The Secretary
of State for the Ilome Department (Mr.
Matthews) Aug 22, [319] 1367;-Govern
ment Publications in the Welsh Language-
The Tithe Inquiry Report, Question, Mr.
T. E. Ellis; Answer, The Secretary of State
for the Home Department (Mr. Matthews)
Aug 30, [320] 461

Sales at Moylgrove, Question, Mr. Stanley
Leighton Answer, The Secretary of State
for the Home Department (Mr. Matthews)
Aug 8, [318] 1511

Wales (Church of England)—Income from
Ecclesiastical Property-Augmenta

tion of Benefices

Moved for," Return showing the net annual
income derived by the Ecclesiastical Com-
missioners from property in Wales, and the
annual payments made by them to the
bishops, chapters, and archdeacons, &c., in
Wales, and the annual value of the grants
made by the Commissioners in augmentation
of benefices in Wales" (Mr. Kenyon) Feb 24,
[311] 556; after short debate, Motion de-

Moved for," Return showing the net annual
income derived by the Ecclesiastical Com-
missioners from property in Wales, and the
annual payments made by them to the
bishops, chapters, archdeacons, &c., in
Wales, and the annual value of the grants
made by the Commissioners in augmentation
of benefices in Wales" (The Earl of Powis)
Mar 4, [311] 1253; Motion agreed to

[blocks in formation]

Irish Land Law, Comm. cl. 4, [318] 594;
Lords' Amendts. to Commons' Amendts.
Consid. cl. C, [319] 301

Lunacy Districts (Scotland), 2R. [318] 1896;
Comm. cl. 4, [319] 1729

Parliament Business of the House (Rules of
Procedure), Res. [310] 1816, 1818
Parliament-Queen's Speech, Address in An-
swer to, [310] 466, 1437, 1439, 1470, 1707,
1710, 1711

Post Office (Scotland) — General Post Office,
Edinburgh-Proraotions, [313] 346
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons-Fees
for Admission, [312] 1768


[blocks in formation]

Walton-on-Thames and Weybridge Gas
Bill (by Order)

c. 2R. deferred Mar 35, [312] 1465

Moved, "That the Bill be now read 20"
May 2, [314] 527
Amendt. to leave out "now" add "upon this
day six months"
(Mr. Bradlaugh); Ques-
tion proposed, "That now,' &c.;" after
short debate, Question put; A. 135, N. 70;
M. 65 (D. L. 103)

Main Question put, and agreed to; Bill
read 2o


Margarine (Fraudulent Sale), Comm. [318]
874; Report, 1336

National Rifle Association-Proposed Removal
from Wimbledon Common, [318] 1505

WAR DEPARTMENT-Secretary of State
(see STANHOPE, Right Hon. E.)

WAR DEPARTMENT-Under Secretary of
State (800 HARRIS, Lord)

WAR DEPARTMENT-Financial Secretary
(see BRODRICK, Hon. W. St. J. F.)

WARDLE, Mr. H., Derbyshire, S.

Coal Mines, &c. Regulation, Comm. cl. 16,
Amendt. [316] 976

WARING, Colonel T., Down, N.

Criminal Law Amendment (Ireland), Comm.
cl. 1, [314] 1602
Ireland Questions

Crime and Outrage-" Boycotting "-Mr.
Alexander Wilson, of Castlewellan, Co.
Down, [311] 873


WARING, Colonel T.-cont.

Inland Navigation and Drainage-Govern-
ment Subvention of £50,000, [317] 1162
Law and Justice-Grand Juries, Co. Down,
[312] 1601

Post Office-Delays with the Co. Down
Railway Company, [313] 1783;-In-
creased Mail Accommodation in the
North of Ireland, [319] 925

Irish Land Law, Comm. [317] 1667; cl. 1,
[318] 60 cl. 2, 128; cl. 4, 210, 419, 479,
574; cl. 22, 798; cl. 31, 953, 955, 957;
add. cl. 1092

Jubilee Year of Her Majesty's Reign, Celebra-
tion of Amnesty to Naval Offenders, [318]


Parliament-Queen's Speech, Address in An-
swer to, [310] 926, 927, 933, 934, 945, 946,

Post Office-Pillar Boxes-Marking with the
Points of the Compass, [312] 378
Supply-Learned Societies in Great Britain
and Ireland, [319] 1615

Supply (Supplementary Estimates, 1886-7)-
Constabulary Force in Ireland, [311] 1164
Ways and Means, Comm. [313] 1913

WARMINGTON, Mr. C. M., Monmouth, W.
Admiralty-Naval Manœuvres, [319] 61

Coal Mines, &c. Regulation, Comm. cl. 22,
[319] 527; cl. 35, 548; Amendt. 549 ; cl. 40,
564, 576; cl. 41, 591, 592; cl. 50, 690;
Rule 4, Amendt. 720; Rule 37, 850; Rule
33, Amendt. 855

Criminal Law Amendment (Ireland), Comm.
cl. 1, [314] 437, 1322; Amendt. 1371, 1375,
1901, 1904; cl. 5, [315] 1778
Parliament House of Commons-Ventilation,
[318] 375

War Office-see Army

Waste Lands, Cultivation of

Amendt. on Committee of Supply July 1, to
leave out from "That," add "in the opinion
of this House, ownership of land should
carry with it the duty of cultivation, and
that in all cases where land capable of culti-
vation with profit, and not devoted to some
purpose of public utility or enjoyment, is
held in a waste or uncultivated state, the
local authorities ought to have the power to
compulsorily acquire such land by payment
to the owner for a limited term of an annual
sum not exceeding the then average net
annual produce of the said lands in order
that such local authorities may in their
discretion let the said lands to tenant culti-
vators, with such conditions as to term of
tenancy, rent, reclamation, drainage, and
cultivation respectively as shall afford reason-
able encouragement, opportunities, facilities,
and security for the due cultivation and de-
velopment of the said land" (Mr. Brad-
laugh) v., [316] 1501: Question proposed,
"That the words, &c. :" after debate,
Question put; A. 97, N. 173; M. 76
(D. L. 279)
[7.15 PM.]

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