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CROSSMAN, Major General Sir W.-cont.
Defences of the Empire-Coaling Station at
Castries (West Indies), [310] 756
Coaling Stations in the Eastern Colonies,
[310] 1569

Egypt War Decorations to the English
Troops, [310] 1750

Dockyards-Fatal Accident at Portsmouth
Dockyard, [311] 1978

Her Majesty's Jubilee - Non-Combatant
Officers, [317] 209

The Indian Troopship "Jumna," [312]

[blocks in formation]

Currency, The

French and Italian Copper Coins, Question,
Mr. Atkinson; Answer, The Chancellor of
the Exchequer (Mr. Goschen) Mar 14, [312]
170; Question, Mr. Channing; Answer,
The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr.
Goschen) April 14, [313] 878; Question,
Mr. Montagu; Answer, The Chancellor of
the Exchequer (Mr. Goschen) June 13, [315]
1721;-Issue of Copper Coins, Question,
Mr. J. Rowlands; Answer, The Chancellor
of the Exchequer (Mr. Goschen) May 3,
[314] 692

Gold Coinage, Deterioration of the-Half-
Sovereigns, Question, Mr. Montagu; An-
swer, The Chancellor of the Exchequer
(Mr. Goschen) Feb 24, [311] 468; Question,
Mr. Dixon-Hartland; Answer, The Chancel-
lor of the Exchequer (Mr. Goschen) Mar 8,

Silver Coinage, Questions, Mr. E. Hardcastle,

Mr. Dillon; Answers, The Chancellor of
the Exchequer (Mr. Goschen) May 23, [315]

Gold and Silver Currency (Royal Commission)

-The First Report, Question, Mr. Web-
ster; Answer, The Secretary for Scotland
(Mr. A. J. Balfour) Feb 24, [311] 459;
Question, Observations, The Duke of Marl-
borough; Reply, The Prime Minister and
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (The
Marquess of Salisbury) Feb 28, 671; Ques-
tion, Mr. Montagu; Answer, The Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer (Mr. Goschen)


Currency, The-cont.

Mar 11, [312] 14; Questions, Mr. Howorth,
Mr. Childers; Answers, The Chief Secre-
tary for Ireland (Mr. A. J. Balfour) Mar 15,
356; Question, Mr. S. Smith; Answer, The
Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr. Goschen)
April 7, [313] 697; Question, Colonel
Lloyd Anstruther; Answer, The Chancellor
of the Exchequer (Mr. Goschen) May 12,
[314] 1661

The New Coinage, Question, Mr. W. Beckett;
Answer, The Chancellor of the Exchequer
(Mr. Goschen) June 10, [315] 1589; Ques-
tions, Mr. J. E. Spencer, Mr. W. L. Bright,
Mr. Childers, Sir John Lubbock, Mr. Isaacs;
Answers, The Chancellor of the Exchequer
(Mr. Goschen) June 23, [316] 773; Ques-
tion, Mr. Isaacs; Answer, The Chancellor
of the Exchequer (Mr. Goschen) June 28,
1150; Question, Mr. Dillwyn; Answer,
The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr.
Goschen) Sept 8, [320] 1649

CURRIE, Sir D., Perthshire, W.

Local Government Boundaries, 2R. [320] 423
Parliament-Queen's Speech, Address in An-
swer to, [310] 1470; Report, [311] 97

CURZON, Viscount, Bucks, Wycombe
Army and Navy Estimates-Reference to a
Committee of the Whole House, [311] 179

CURZON, Hon. G. N., Lancashire, South-

Depression of Trade-Chainmakers of Stafford-
shire, [316] 406

Parliament-Business of the House-Criminal
Law Amendment (Ireland), Motion for
Urgency, Res. [312] 1503

Parliament-Queen's Speech, Address in Au-
swer to, [310] 340, 350


Board of" Extra Messengers," Question,
Mr. Pickersgill; Answer, The Secretary to
the Treasury (Mr. Jackson) Aug 22, [319]

Officers of the Port of London, Question, Mr.
Forrest Fulton; Answer, The Secretary to
the Treasury (Mr. Jackson) May 2, [314]


The Vacant Secretaryship, Question, Mr.
Puleston; Answer, The Chancellor of the
Exchequer (Mr. Goschen) July 26, [318] 18
Foreign Goods bearing British Trade Marks,
Questions, Mr. Howard Vincent, Mr. Mun-
della; Answers, The Secretary to the Trea-
sury (Mr. Jackson) Mar 18, [312] 718
Free Goods to Irish Workhouses, Question,
Mr. O'Hanlon; Answer, The Chief Secre-
tary for Ireland (Mr. A. J. Balfour) April 14,
[313] 882; Question, Mr. O'Hanlon; An-
swer, The Chancellor of the Exchequer
(Mr. Goschen) April 15, 998

Free Goods to all Workhouses, Question, Mr.
O'Hanlon; Answer, The Chancellor of the
Exchequer (Mr. Goschen) April 18, [313]




Loading and Discharging Cargoes-Attendance
of Officers at "Overtime" Hours, Question,
Mr. Atkinson; Answer, Sir Herbert Max-
well (A Lord of the Treasury) Sept 16, [321]


Outdoor Officers, Question, Mr. T. M. Healy;
Answer, The Secretary to the Treasury (Mr.
Jackson) Mar 8, [311] 1591
Reduction of an Examining Officer at West
Hartlepool Anthony Gregory, Question,
Sir Henry Havelock-Allan; Answer, The
Secretary to the Treasury (Mr. Jackson)
Aug 9, [318] 1710
Searching of Luggage-The Hon. P. A. Collins,
Questions, Mr. Tuite, Mr. Sexton; Answers,
The Parliamentary Under Secretary for
Ireland (Colonel King-Harman) Aug 4, [318]


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Customs Consolidation Act (1876) Amend-
(Sir Albert Rollit, Mr.
Seymour King, Mr. Gourley)

ment Bill

Mr. Mavrogordato, Question, Mr. Stanley
Leighton; Answer, The Secretary of State
for the Colonies (Sir Henry Holland) April 5,
[313] 487

Mail Service, The-The Annual Payment to
the Porte, Question, Sir Edmund Lechmere ;
Answer, The Secretary of State for the
Colonics (Sir Henry Holland) Feb 15, [310]

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

c. Considered in Committee; Res. agreed to, DEASY, Mr. J., Mayo, W.

and reported; Bill ordered; read


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Army Estimates, 1887-Land Forces, [312] 333
Dublin, Wicklow, and Wexford Railway (City
of Dublin Junction Railways), Consid. [318]

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[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Parliament - Business of the Ilouse - Irish Business, [320] 922


liament-Business of the House (Rules of rocedure)-Rule 1 (Closure of Debate), .[312] 91, 92, 417, 461



Supp-Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, [320] 677

County Court Officers, &c. Ireland, [320] 1172, 1174, 1183

Criminal Prosecutions, &c. in Ireland, [320] 934, 989, 990, 997, 999

Harbours, &c. under the Board of Trade, [317] 635

Local Government Board in Ireland, &c. [320] 786, 790, 794, 795, 823, 825, 835

Registrar General's Office, Ireland, [320] 701, 713

Valuation and Boundary Survey, Ireland, [320] 714

[blocks in formation]

Deeds of Arrangement Registration [Stamp

c. Res. considered in Committee, and agreed to
June 16, [316] 369

Deeds of Arrangement (No. 2) Bill [H.L.]
(The Lord Chancellor)

1. Presented; read 1a * Aug 11
Read 2 Aug 12

Committee; Report Aug 15
Read 3 Aug 16

(No. 230)

c. Read 1°* (Mr. Attorney General) Aug 16
Read 20 Sept 2
[Bill 381]

Committee-R. P. Sept 5, [320] 1326
Committee-R.P. Sept 6, 1514

Committee; Report Sept

As amended, considered Sept 10, [321] 167
Moved, "That the Bill be now read 3°;"
Amendt. to leave out "now," add "
upon this
day three months" (Mr. Clancy); Question
"after short
"That now,' &c.;
debate, Amendt. withdrawn
Main Question put, and agreed to; Bill
read 3o

1. Royal Assent Sept 16 [50 & 51 Vict. c. 57]

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Defences of the Empire-see title Imperial and Colonial Defences


Agricultural Depression, Petition presented, [320] 1638

Colonial Conference-Representation of Malta, [312] 1126

Government of Malta, [320] 1837

Islands of the Western Pacific-Liquor Traffic, [319] 656

Malta-Changes in the Constitution, Motion for a Paper, [311] 1227; [314] 681; [318] 487

Potter's Patent, 2R. [311] 557

Railways- Railway Brakes, Motion for a Return, [310] 1354

Tithe Rent-Charge, 1R. [312] 1458; 2R. [314] 168

DE LISLE, Mr. E. J. L. M. P., Leicestershire, Mid

Colonial Confernce

Crown Colonies - The Straits Settlements, [313] 71

Criminal Law Amendment (Ireland), Motion for Leave, [312] 1883, 1889; 2R. [313] 1095, 1147, 1151; Comm. cl. 1, [314] 1867, 1868; 3R. [317] 118

Defences of the Empire-Coaling Harbour at Singapore, [312] 732, 1341

Coast Defences of Great Britain, [312] 319 Education Department-Political Meetings in Schoolrooms, [313] 1635

England-Boycotting and Intimidation, [313]


India-The Punjab-Forced Labour, &c. [310] 1078



DE LISLE, Mr. E. J. L. M. P.-cont.



Criminal Law Amendment Act-
Proclaimed Counties, [318] 931

Law and Justice-Jury System-Return of
Jurors and Voters, [314] 355
Irish Land Law, Comm. cl. 4, [318] 448
Merchandise Marks Law Consolidation and
Amendment, Comm. [316] 1545; cl. 4,
1743, 1747

Metropolitan Improvements-Piccadilly Circus,
[320] 452

Navy-Colonial Defences-Torpedo Boats for
Singapore, [314] 245

Lieutenants and Sub-Lieutenants, [312]
523, 851

Navy Estimates-Victuals and Clothing for
Seamen and Marines, [312] 949
Oaths, 2R. Motion for Adjournment, [314]
1421, 1427, 1432

Parliament-Palace of Westminster-Mosaic
of St. George in the Central Lobby, [319]

Parliament Business of the House (Rules of
Procedure)-Rule 1 (Closure of Debate),
Res. [311] 397, 398
Parliament-Privilege-Complaint (Dr. Tan-
ner), Res. [317] 1651
Parliament Privilege (Mr. Dillon and the
"Times Newspaper), Res. [314] 847
Parliament-Queen's Speech, Address in An-
swer to, [310] 715


Poor Law (England and Wales)-Election of
Guardians-Fulham Parish, [314] 8

Post Office-An Imperial Penny Postage, [310]


Telegraph Department-Alleged Deficit of
£50,000, [316] 1486

Post Office-East India and China Mail Con-
tract, Res. [316] 919

Public Offices-New Admiralty and War Office
-Sites, [316] 1155

Regulation of Railways Act, 1868-Selby Rail-
way Bridge, [313] 72

Supply-British Museum, &c. [319] 1576

Civil Services and Revenue Departments,
[312] 1030

Embassies and Misssions Abroad, [319]
1289, 1294

Houses of Parliament, [316] 1670
Prisons, Ireland, [320] 1063

Revenue Departments-Post Office Tele-
graph Services, [315] 1182

Technical Instruction, 2R. [318] 1876, 1977
War Office (Ordnance Department)-Contract
for Cartridges for Queensland, [311]
1583; Explosives Act, [310] 1402
Ordnance Store Department -
of Inquiry, [318] 1370

[blocks in formation]

DENMAN, Lord-cont.

Criminal Law Amendment (Ireland), Comm.
[317] 920

Duration of Speeches in Parliament, 1R. [314]
1799; 2R. [319] 255 ; [320] 1333, 1335
Endowed Schools Act (1869) and Amending
Acts (Archbishop Holgate's Grammar School
at Hemsworth), Motion for an Address, [314]

Irish Land Law, 2R. Amendt. [313] 1354
Labourers' Allotments, 2R. [320] 1532
Land Transfer, Report, Amendt. [317] 14, 15;
3R. 330

Law of Evidence Amendment, 2R. [311] 432;
3R. Amendt. 1254

Licensed Premises (Earlier Closing) (Scot-
land), Comm. [318] 1690; Report, Art.
[319] 226
Margarine (Fraudulent Sale), Repr


1324, 1335; on Question, That the Bill
do pass?" Amendt. 1698

Palace of Westminster-House of Lords-
Acoustic Properties of this House, Personal
Explanation, [317] 487

Sheffield Corporation Water, [314] 156
Smoke Nuisance Abatement (Metropolis),
Comm. [318] 684

State-Directed Emigration, [310] 383

Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland), 2R.
Amendt. [313] 1240, 1241; 3R. Amendt.
[314] 178

Truck, Commons' Amendts. to Lords' Amendts.
Consid. [320] 1534

Women's Suffrage [319] 1792;-A Point of
Order, [320] 2, 3

Women's Suffrage, 2R. [310] 256; [320] 442,
444, 445; Motion, 1636; [321] 1, 2
Women's Suffrage (No. 2), Personal Com-
plaint, [321] 260, 261

Depression of Trade

Census of the Unemployed in East London,
Question, Mr. Pickersgill; Answer, The
President of the Local Government Board
(Mr. Ritchie) Aug 19, [319] 1109
Chainmakers of Staffordshire, Questions, Mr.
Curzon, Mr. Bradlaugh; Answers, The
Secretary of State for the Home Department
(Mr. Matthews) June 17, [316] 406
Depression of Trade and Agriculture, Royal
Commission on-The Report-Cheap Edi-
tion, Question, Sir John R. Mowbray; An-
swer, The Secretary to the Treasury (Mr.
Jackson) Feb 18, [311] 44

[See title Trade and Commerce]

DERBY, Earl of

India-Queen's Jubilee Celebration-Libera-
tion of 25,000 Prisoners, [311] 7, 280
Railway and Canal Traffic, Comm. cl. 23, [313]


Sheffield Corporation Water, 3R. [314] 156

DE Ros, Lord

Ireland, State of-Legislation, [310] 1375
Metropolitan Open Spaces Acts Extension,
Report, cl. 2, [317] 1325

Navy-II.M.S. "Indus"-Defective Weapons
-Sword Bayonets, [310] 1070

DR WORMS, Baron H.-cont.

DE VESCI, Viscount

Irish Land Law, 2R. [313] 1384; Comm.
cl. 17, [315] 46; cl. 20, Amendt. 1684;
cl. 22, Amendt. 1705; Report, el. 21,
Amendt. [316] 1476; add. cl. Amendt. ib.;
Commons' Amendts. Consid. cl. 1, Amendt.
[319] 21; cl. C, Amendt. 22; cl. 9, 25;
cl. 21, Amendt. 37

[blocks in formation]

Bankruptcy Act, 1883-Fourth Report of the
Inspector General, [319] 1820

Small Bankruptcy Clauses, [318] 910, 1157
Board of Trade-Questions

"Board of Trade Journal "-Advertising

Agents, [311] 580; [314] 11; [315] 879
Boating Fatality at Ilfracombe, [320] 745
Captain Christian, Principal Officer at
Queenstown, [316] 46


Labour Statistics-Mr. Burnett, [318] 926,
1523;-Northumberland and Durham
Miners' Unions, [319] 487 ;-United
Plumbers' Association, [319] 487
Lighthouse Illuminants-Correspondence,
[318] 706; Expenditure of Light-
house Boards, [311] 470;
ments at South Foreland, [310] 266;
[313] 1625; Monopoly of Lenticular
Apparatus, [318] 1377;-Trinity House
Report, [315] 1726
Lighthouse Service, [321] 478
Marine Department-Wreck of the "Tally
Ilo"-Rocket Station at Eastbourne,
[310] 1552;-Shipwrecks and Loss of
Life in the Bristol Channel-Steam Tug
off the Mumbles Head, [321] 466
Returns-Foreign Manufactured


with British Trade Marks, [321] 468
Standards Department, [318] 1133;
Weights and Measures in Birkenhead,
[319] 952

Supposed Tidal Wave in the Atlantic, [318]

Board of Trade (Railway Department)—Ques-


Accidents on the Midland Railway, [320]

Cavan, Leitrim, and Roscommon Light
Railway, [320] 902, 903

Imminent Collision of a Midland Express
Train, [319] 252, 365

Level Crossings, [320] 1640;-Fatal Acci-
dent at Bromley (London, Chatham, and
Dover Railway), [319] 488; [320] 1340;
[321] 489;-Littlemore (Great Western
Railway, [319] 1529

Major Hutchinson's Report on the Bantry
Extension Railway Accident, [320] 733
North London Railway-Chalk Farm Road
Bridge, [320] 268
Railway Passengers, [321] 489

Railway Whistle at Night in the Metro-
polis, [319] 1794


Special Provision for Women Travelling,
[320] 900; [321] 473

See also Railways (England and

Butter Substitutes and Oleomargarine Bills,
Nomination of Select Committee, [313] 1630
Channel Tunnel (Experimental Works), 2R.
[318] 1055, 1057; Amendt. 1059
Contagious Diseases (Animals) Acts-Cattle
Trade with Ireland, [312] 1614
Corn Sales, 2R. [315] 1204

Court of Bankruptcy-Mr. E. M. Langworthy
-Private Examination, [315] 511
Egypt-Light Dues on Shipping, [311] 162
Port Dues on Shipping, [310] 1561
Emigration and Immigration-Questions
Destitute Aliens, [320] 722, 723-Immi-
gration of, [315] 520; [320] 133; [321]
Emigration Statistics for 1886,[310] 1230;
-The Return, [311] 578
Statistical Tables, [312] 1777

United States-Refusal of Destitute Aliens,
[320] 1336

Beam Trawling, [310] 773, 774
Collection of Statistics, [311] 43

Fishing Boats Act, 1887-The Herring
Fishery, [320] 732

Fishing Boats Amendment, [310] 1224
Home Office and the Board of Conserva-
tors, [317] 916

Inland Fisheries-Lower Trent District-

Eel Nettings, [313] 703

Loss of Life from Fishing Vessels, [311]

Fraudulent Marking of Merchandise - The
Select Committee, [313] 70

Gold and Silver Plate-Hall-Marking-Indian
Gold and Silver Plate at the Colonial
Exhibition, [310] 548

Revenue Act, 1887, [310] 769

Harbour Loans, Res. [313] 401
Harbours, Docks, and Piers Ciauses Act, 1847
-Harbours Exempt-Life-Saving Appara-
tus, [311] 289

Harbours of Refuge-Questions

[312] 1614, 1615

Dover Harbour Board - The Accounts,
[311] 1719; -The Admiralty Pier,
[314] 6

Harbours of Refuge on the Welsh Coast,
[320] 743

Lundy Island, [310] 1079

Refuge and Life Harbours-Appropriation

of Public Money, [310] 1394

Harbours of Refuge, Res. [313] 1277, 1278

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