THE Eclectic Review, MDCCCXXIII. JANUARY-JUNE. NEW SERIES. VOL. XIX. Φιλοσοφίαν δε ου την Στωικην λεγω, ουδε την Πλατωνικην, η την Επικουρειον τε PUBLISHED BY B. J. HOLDSWORTH, 18, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD. SOLD ALSO BY JOHN ANDERSON, JUNIOR, AND JAMES ROBERTSON AND CO. EDINBURGH; AND CHALMERS AND COLLINS, GLASGOW. : CONTENTS. PAGE. Bonar's Observations on the Character of Judas Iscariot Borrenstein's easy Method of acquiring the Arabic and Syriac Bracebridge Hall Brown's Memoirs of the Rev. James Hervey Bowles's Grave of the last Saxon Bowring's Details of the Arrest, &c. of an Englishman Bristed's Thoughts on the Anglican and Anglo-American Churches Burder's, H. F., Scripture Character of God Samuel, Oriental Literature Byron's, lord, Werner - Glen's Journal of a Tour to Karass Goodisson's Historical and Topographical Essay upon the Islands of Corfu, THE ECLECTIC REVIEW, FOR JANUARY, 1823. Art. I. 1. Histoire des Republiques Italiennes du Moyen Age. The History of the Italian Republics of the Middle Ages. By J. C. L. Simonde de' Sismondi. 16 vols. 8vo. pp. 7740. Paris. 1809, 1815, 1818. 2. Illustrations, Historical and Critical, of the Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, called the Magnificent; with an Appendix of Original and other Documents. By William Roscoe. 8vo. pp. 400. Price 10s. 6d. London. 1822. THERE are some striking coincidences, both in facts and in romantic interest, between the earlier and the later periods of Italian History. We find, in the most ancient as well as in more modern times, the same division into small states, generally constituted on principles more or less popular; the same tendency to mutual dissension; and the same consequent liability to invasion and subjugation, by powers less refined and, though, not more martial in their habits, more successful in their enterprises, from the single, concentrated, and persevering direction of their plans and movements. The Etruscan Lucumonies, like the Italian Republics of the Middle Ages, were eminent in arts and arms. The massive materials and gigantic proportions of their mural structures, may be deemed slender evidence of their architectural skill; but the beautiful relics of their pottery, and the various indications to be collected from history, from inscriptions, and from other monumental remains, furnish unquestionable proof of the industry, refinement, and high spirit of this remote but brilliant people. The federation in which they were united, although it was, no doubt, effectual and beneficial to a certain extent, seems, on many important ocсаsions, to have given way before the suggestions of selfish policy, or the terror of an approaching enemy; and it ultimately dissolved under the systematic encroachment and steady aggrandVOL. XIX. N.S. B |