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i. 12, 13,

22. Arrives in Galilee, calls

§16. Remarkable addition

made by this Evangelist, re-

lative to the testimonies in

favour of Christ, by which

he obtained his first disciples,

who soon increased in num-

bers, i. 15-51.

§17-20. History of Christ

before the imprisonment of


§ 17. Christ returns into Gali-
lee, and turns water into wine
at Cana, ii. 1-11.

§ 18. Goes to Jerusalem at the

Feast of the Pass-over, and

drives the sellers out of the

temple, ii. 18-22.

§19. Instructs. Nicodemus in
the nature of the new birth,
ii. 23. iii. 21.

§ 20. Remains in Judea; ad-
ditional testimony of John
Baptist concerning him, iii.

§ 21. Returns (after the im-
prisonment of John) through
Samaria to Galilee: conver-
sation with the Samaritan
woman: many Samaritans
believe on him, iv. 1-42.

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* " In point of chronology, this does not belong to the present place, even according to St. Luke: but I place it here because St. Luke has introduced it immediately after the preceding history Perhaps it belongs to No 50. though I have not placed it there, because it does not exactly agree with the accounts quoted in that article from St. Matthew and St. Mark."

† Some critics and harmonists who agree in the main with Professor Michaelis in this part of his Harmony, dissent in a few particulars. Michaelis thinks that all the transactions included from No. 25 to No. 30. happened on one day. And Professor Marsh states the argument thus:

No. 27. is the sermon on the Mount, related by Matthew, chap. v. vi. and vii.

No. 28, 29, and 30. The cure of the leper-of the Centurion's servant-of Peter's mother-in-law-and other such persons at Capernaum, are all related by St. Matthew, chap. viii. 1-17. as events which took place on the same day, on which the Sermon on the Mount was delivered.

No. 25. not inentioned by Matthew, took place according to Mark, i. 29, 30. Luke iv. 38. on the same day as the cure of St. Peter's mother-in-law, No. 30.

No. 26. Christ's choice of the twelve apostles (not mentioned by St. Matthew) immediately preceded the Sermon on the Mount, according to Luke, vi. 12-49. consequently all the events in Nos. 25-30. happened on the same day.

Dr. Mar-h allows the probability of Nos. 27-30 happening on the same day, but thinks Nos. 25, and 26. should not be referred to the same time.


On these two articles," says he, "Matthew is totally silent, and therefore we have the authority only of St. Mark and St. Luke. But thongh St. Mark and St. Luke refer No. 25. to the same day as they refer No. 30. yet they both agree in referring No. 26 to a later day. We have no authority whatsoever, therefore, to refer No. 26. to that day assigned by our author: and even if we refer No. 25. to that day, it ought not to occupy the place which he has allotted to it, but should immediately precede No. 30. for the reason already assigned. On the other hand, if we refer No. 26. to that day, we must necessarily refer No. 25. to an earlier day; for on these two articles, St. Mark and St. Luke are our only guides, and they both agree in making a very distinct and circumstantial separation of them." Marsh's Notes to Michaelis' Introd. vol. iii. part ii. p. 69-71.

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ix. 1-6. and (but at a later
period) the seventy disciples,
x. 1-24.*

" I place the sending out of the seventy disciples in the same article with that of the twelve apostles, merely because the two facts resemble each other; for we have no knowledge of the precise period in which the former event happened. The Evangelists themselves have often adopted a similar plan."




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vi. 1-6.

vi. 14-29.

vii. 18-35.

§ 48. Is anointed by a woman,
who had led a sinful life, vii.

§49. Account of those who
ministered to Christ on his
travels, viii. 1-3.

Perhaps chap. iv. 15-30,
which I placed No. 24, be-
longs to this article, and
contains the same history,
but differently related.

1x. 7-9.

§52. Account of several remarkable transactions and discourses at a great festival in Jerusalem, omitted by the other Evangelists, chap. v. entire.

vi. 30-56.

ix. 10-17.

vii. 1-23.

vii. 24-30.

vii. 31-37.

viii. 1-10.

viii. 11-13.

viii. 14-21.

§ 60. Restores a blind man to sight, viii. 22-26.

viii. 27-30,

viii. 31. ix. 1.

ix. 2-13.

ix. 18-21.

ix. 21-27.

ix. 28-36.

vi. entire.

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§ 68. Answers Peter's ques-
tion how often we must fer-
give, xviii. 21-35.

§69-83. Single scattered ac-
counts, recorded only by St.
Luke, some of which belong
to the three or four last
months of the life of Christ;
others to an earlier period,
and which are not arranged
according to the order of

§69. Christ is refused the
offices of hospitality by the
Samaritans, ix. 51-56.

§ 70. Answers the question,
who is our neighbour, x. 25

§ 71. Visits Martha a second
time: his discourse relative
to her too anxious prepara-
tions for table, x. 38-42.
§ 72. Teaches his disciples to
pray, xi. 1-13.

§ 73. Discourses occasioned by
the request which a person
present had made to Christ,
that he would command his
brother to divide with him
his inheritance, xii. 13-59.
§ 74. Discourses occasioned by
Pilate's having put to death
several Galileans, and mingled
their blood with their sacri-
fices, xiii. 1—9.

§ 75. Christ cures on the sab-
bath-day an infirm woman,
who was unable to walk up-
right, xiii. 10-22.

§ 76. Answers the question,
whether few or many will be
saved, xiii. 23-30.

§ 77. Replies to those who de-
sire him to retire because
Herod sought to put him to
death, xiii. 31-35.

§ 78. Dines with a Pharisee on
the sabbath-day. His ac-
tions and discourses on that
occasion, xiv. entire.

§ 79. Dines with publicans,

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