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eited his sweet smiles and won his young affections. That was a joyous, gladsome day to Henry. For many weeks after his return, the events of that visit, were made the almost only theme of his chatter.

Among the presents which endeared to him his uncles and aunt, was a tiny bow and arrow. For hours he would amuse himself in the yard, in shooting at the flies, many of which he greatly frightened. At length he began to fire in the house, with no small danger to the windows and the eyes of his babybrother. His mother showed him the danger, and told him he must do it no more. This he soon forgot, and began again to fire at the marks and flies on the walls and the plastering. His mother saw it, and without any consideration,told him, if he did it again she should BURN HIS BOW AND ÁRROW. Henry's memory was rather short, especially in relation to any thing that interfered with his play. In a few days, he again resumed his favorite amusement, in the house, as if no danger had been threatened to his bow and arrow. His mother reminded him of what she had threatened. Poor Henry! He knew his mother never broke her word; yet he begged and plead as for his life, and promised not to disobey again. Till now the mother was not aware how much he valued his bow and arrow. She did not know that it had become the idol of his heart. She now regreted that she had spoken so inconsiderately-with so little reflection as to the consequences. But she could not recall her words, or commute the penalty, without injuring parental authority. As she cast the toy into the flames, poor Henry clasped his little hands and walked to and fro, before the fire, in the most heart rending agony. He watched the idol object till it broke asunder and fell among the embers, then with a deep drawn sigh of despair, as though his very heart were broken, and casting an anxious look into the face of his mother, whose heart also was ready to burst, he exclaimed, "There, it's all gone!" And long did he mourn under this affliction and refuse to be comforted. No one, who has never felt the same, can conceive that mother's feelings. Gladly would she have fasted days, could she have recalled that rash threatning, and have restored, to her distressed child, the object so dear to his little heart. She did not reproach herself because she had prohibited firing in the house-that prohibition was proper: Neither because she had threatened punishment in case the offence were repeated-Henry's wicked disobedience deserved punishment, perhaps, as severe as was inflicted. But that mother did reproach herself for the inconsiderateness with which she threatened the punishment. She did not stop to think of the consequences of its infliction. She did not stop to choose the kind of punishment that would best answer the purposes for which it was intended.

Thirty years have elapsed since the event occurred. It is still fresh in the recollection of that mother. With deep emotion, she recently gave us these particulars. There is hardly an act of her whole life, as a mother, which she so much regrets. She says, "Parents should reflect before they threaten punishment, and ponder well the consequences of its execution." This is a remark of wisdom. By not acting in accordance with it, many parents acquire the habit of threatning awful and unnatural punishments which they never dream of executing. By such false declarations, they sin

against God, and destroy, in the minds of their children, all respect for the authority of their parents, and all confidence in what they say, and all regard to truth themselves.


Every day

In the last Visiter we left Henry B. alone in his chamber, under the aw ful impression that he had grieved away the Spirit of God. afforded increasing evidence that his impression was indeed true. Spirit had departed.


For a long

Henry's anxious thoughts by no means ceased at once. time he was a very unhappy youth. Thoughts of what he might have been, had he not squandered his time in amusement and trifled with the voice of conscience and the spirit when they urged him to his chamber, often filled his soul with great bitterness. Yet there was none of that softening and melting of heart, that he felt previous to the Spirit's departure. By degrees, however, all these anxious feelings and thoughts wore away and left him almost entirely careless.

Immediately after the conversion of his elder brother and sister, they were accustomed, Sabbath evening, after family devotions, to spend a season together in religious conversation and united prayer. As soon as Henry began to manifest seriousness, he was invited to accompany his brother and sister on these seasons, to the little chamber. Never will he forget those seasons. Never will he forget a brother's and a sister's pleadings with him, and intercessions and strong cryings for him. Especially will the earnestness and almost agony with which (after they saw evidence that he was grieving the spirit) they urged their entreaties and offered their prayers, be remembered. By degrees these seasons become irksome. The warnings and expostulations of his brother and sister became unwelHe began to dread the approach of Sabbath evening. At length, one evening, he contrived to retire to bed so as to prevent an invitation to the little chamber. O, how did that wound the heart of that anxious brother and sister! With what impassioned eloquence and bitter tears did they meet him the next day, and plead with him not to forsake their little meetings. But it was all in vain, he was unmoved. He met with them no



Henry loved his sister. Nothing gave him greater pleasure than to ac. company her on a ride or a walk. This she well understood. And, after he had abandoned the little meetings, and seemed fast relapsing into stupidity, many and many were the ways she devised to give occasion for a ride or a walk, that she might give vent to the irrepressible yearnings of her heart for his salvation. No one, who has not, under similar circumstances, witnessed the gushings forth of strong feelings from a pious sister's heart, can appreciate a description of those seasons. Although the anxious entreaties of that sister, one would think, were enough to break and melt a heart of ice, yet Henry's heart had become so hard and so cold that it could resist them all. Those personal appeals and entreaties became so

unwelcome, that he began to dread and avoid meeting his sister alone.— The strong fraternal love that so recently glowed in his bosom, began to grow cold: yea, more; strange as it may appear, unkindness and even hatred began to take its place! He seemed to repel every effort for his good, with the angry words, "Let me alone." Such was a brother, and such was Henry, when the Spirit was departed!

Awakened child! awakened youth! beware how you trifle with the Spirit of God! That Spirit may be grieved away, and with it, all joy and peace, and even natural affection may depart from your bosom, and leave you a restless, discontented and wretched being,-a prey to all the vile passions of the soul! Listen, O listen Now, for your life, to the inviting, melting whispers of that heavenly Spirit.


The twelfth annual meeting of the Rhode Island Sunday School Union was held at Providence on Wednesday, April 5, 1837.

Connected with this Union are 157 schools, embracing about 11,000 scholars and 1,400 teachers. Fifty-four teachers and two hundred and six scholars are reported as having become hopefully pious during the year.It is estimated that there are, in the State, about 200 schools, 1,900 teachers and 15,000 pupils.

The Depository, located at Providence, is constantly supplied with the publications of the several Sabbath school unions and societies. These books are sold to the schools at the lowest cash prices. The principles on which the Depository appears now to be conducted, must secure for it the entire confidence and patronage of all the evangelical Churches in that State.

About 800 copies of the different Sabbath school periodicals are taken in the State. Every family, amounting to about 80, connected with one school, is supplied with the Sabbath School Visiter. The report gives brief accounts of several revivals in Sabbath schools. We will close this notice with the following, from Georgiaville :


"It is with feelings of delight, that I inform you of the state of our school. The Lord has visited our village, and in great mercy is calling many to repentance, a number of whom are engaged in the Sabbath school. There have been six teachers hopefully converted to God within a few weeks, among whom I may include myself. I have been engaged in this school about 18 months, and have endeavored to keep it together in order to receive the applause of men; but I humbly trust my views are altered. I think I can adopt the language of the poet, and say:

'No more, my God, I boast no more

Of all the duties I have done;

I quit the hopes I held before,

And trust the merits of thy Son.'”

NOTICES OF NEW PUBLICATIONS BY THE SOCIETY. PROUD AND PENITENT; OR HOW TO REPENT, in 10 chapters, 88 pp. The title of this book is illustrated by the conduct of the proud Pharisee who made a supper for our Savior, and the penitent woman who came and washed his feet with her tears and wiped them with the hairs of her head. THE BAPTIZED CHILD. By Rev. Nehemiah Adams, pastor of Essex street church, Boston. This book is already extensively and favorably known. It has gone through two editions in 12mo, and is now published in a neat 18mo. form, by the Society, price 373 cents, pp. 192.




Furnished for this work by LoWELL MASON, Professor in the
Boston Academy of Music.

The Sabbath is come!'


1. The Sabbath is come! The Sabbath is come! The Sabbath so peacefully

flowing, While silence is throwing Its veil o'er the earth; On man now is

stealing Each reverent feeling Of heavenly birth-Of heavenly birth.


The Sabbath is come! :||
The church bell for worship is ringing,

Delightfully bringing,

The thoughts to repose;
Come holy emotion,
Let all be devotion,

Till worship shall close. :||

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