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WHEN the following Enquiry into the

Divine Miffions of JOHN THE BAPTIST, and JESUS CHRIST, was firft fubmitted to the Public, it was not introduced by any arguments, intended to prove, that those Paffages, from the contents of which it is deduced, are genuine parts of the Two Gospels in which they are found. Thofe Paffages being not only of great length, but likewife in their contents extremely remarkable; and having been tranfmitted, from the firft ages of Chriftianity, as certainly authentic; notwithstanding it was univerfally known to the Church at large, who tranfmitted them, that their contents were


garded as impoffible, and therefore difbelieved, by fome of the earliest Christian Sects; their authenticity was confidered as neceffarily included in that of their refpective Gospels; and, therefore, as not standing in need of any feparate proof.

BUT as there are perfons who entertain a perfuafion, that even these paffages; fo remarkable in themselves, and fo peculiarly circumstanced; are in reality nothing better than fpurious interpolations; and the very object of the Enquiry into the Divine Miffions of Jefus, and the Baptift, is to fhew, that the particulars recorded in these paffages, confidered by themselves alone, fupply us with one complete, and independent proof of the Divine Character of Jefus, and the truth of the Christian Revelation; it cannot but be of fervice, to the cause of Christianity in general; as well as


confirm the propriety, and promote the defired effect, of this Enquiry in particular; to prefix to it a direct, and fpecial proof, that thofe Narratives, on the contents of which it is founded, must certainly have been authentic parts of the two Gospels, in which they have been transmitted to us.

WHETHER the following Arguments, now firft advanced in proof of this point, will be found fufficient to establish it, the event alone can determine. But as they are the refult of the Author's endeavours to strike out, for himself, fuch lights upon the fubject, as might give even abundant fatisfaction to his own mind; and he has not been able to discover any particular in which they are fallacious; he submits to the confideration of others, what appears abfolutely conclufive to himself.

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