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nefs end? I fear, in what refpect forbids the utterance. And this you boaft and brag is the the principle and tenet of your new philofophy of your enlightened age and hemifphere, and this the ruling paffion of your polite circles, which they purpofe introducing into, as you term it, the Great World, to rank yourselves as an army, but without order, good manners, or diftinction among horfes, mares, cows, bulls, dogs, bitches, ram-cats, and fhe-cats, fows, boars, jack-affes, fhe-affes, fnakes, lizards, lions, worms; in a word, the whole produce of beaftliness, purely for no other caufe than to gratify a wicked and depraved appetite; but this taking its rife and backed among perfons of rank and literature, far furpaffes my conception to account for.

Club. As our fuperior abilities, in this our enlightened age and hemifphere, have found that our brains are gods, and that these gods die when we lose our wind, and turn into duft as we do, the whole being compofed and engendered from matter; this being fo, it will be phrenzy and fretful to our manhood not to make every effort for enjoyment whilft our wind remains inclofed in our body, or lungs play. Upon the whole, man is neither more or lefs in dignity than the earth-worm that creeps and glides on the furface of the earth. This is the hypothefis of our new and enlightened philofophy.

Mofes. You outftrip the favages on the Cape of Good Hope, whofe cloathing is the entrails of beafts hung about their waifts, which ferves

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for covering, victuals, and nofegay; they use no dreffing by fire. Thefe entrails are what they covet, every thing more is not known than what pure nature has allotted. But we do not find among these favages that wicked and abandoned life that leads you to herd with beasts. Your Brain God, is defeated by the Brainless Tortoife, which, among the brute creation, according to inspection, comes the nearest in fagacity to reafon, in her care, vigilance, watchfulness, fubtlety at the time of propagating and preferving her progeny from being deftroyed by the turtler, their adverfary. To dwell on the obfervations that has come under my. perfonal knowledge would be tedious, let this, therefore, fuffice, that inftinct impreffed actuates the brute creation, and the foul man dependant on the will and permiffion of their Great Author, who gives laws to His creation, from the supreme or fpiritual intelligences to the minuteft atom.

Club. The brain is the feat of wisdom, it is the fource and origin of will, memory and understanding; without brains no image or idea can obtain formation.

Mofes. Admit what you advance to be true, that the brain is the principal feat of will, memory and understanding, therefore, the supreme part of the material nature of man is the brain; but man being of two natures, fpiritual the foul, and material the body, the foul, which animates the body, refides in a more perfpicuous and clear manner in the brain, from which ledge the performs her operations, evidently fhewing the brain to be part fingled out for her palace

palace or more immediate refidence, as mistress, from whence the displays her greatness. But obferve, the Turtle has no brains, and not one animal of the brute creation more fagacious. about the preservation of her offspring, which deftroys your hypothefis or new philofophy of your enlightened age and hemifphere. Matter was created for man, and man for his Creator. Let us take a fhort view of the greatnefs, wifdom and goodness of our Divine Author, and will no more feek for a fenfual, or God made of matter, to indulge our wickedness and false conceptions. Let us confider every part, even the most trifling infect, (with the help of glaffes) we shall evidently fee the divine pencil pointing out a thousand beauties. The herbs and flowers that fade in a day difplay numberless beauties, and we rife in a regular progreffion until we arrive at man, Image of his Great Creator. In him you will fee the Infinity of his God. In man you will contemplate your God. He is nothing less than vicegerent, commiffioned under the feal of his God to display his Greatness and rule with glory and honour. In man you will fee a profufion of all that can be wished for, both philofopher and gentleman of the faculty, find a labyrinth of amazements, which are impenetrable. If we view and contemplate the heavenly bodies, their immenfity and number, the unmeasurable fpace of the ftarry regions, which produce new worlds, when man's ingenuity improves and ftrengthens their telescopes to pierce through the immenfity of space and reach those valt luminaries till then unknown,

and thought by fome to beat at too great a distance to borrow their light from the fun; we are loft in immenfity, where fhall we end

› Club. Immenfity has no affinity to man, who is nothing more than a mite in the fcale of the univerfe, it may amufe the remaining frag ments of the old chriftian philofophy, our new philofophy; of this our enlightened age and hemifphere is grounded, on this unalterable and fundamental principle. Touch and enjoy; ab fence is not known, and would be a crime in. our new philofophy to mention, therefore, bring forth fubftantial matter, when you treat with a new philofopher of our enlightened age and hemifphere. Your five fenfes will produce mats, ter which will meet with due refpect, and confidered meritorious, worthy reward: the old fpiritual philofophy is exploded, and in future. looked on, and who dare introduce it with contempt. A new philofopher of our enlightened age and northern hemifphere, acknowledges himself a pig and requires to be confidered a pig, and in every fenfe of the word treated as a pig; this and only this will fhine forth the dignity of a new philofopher, of this our enlightened age and northern hemifpeere: and we have determined upon a refolution as soon as our advice has operated, which is, that a midwife immediately attend our most high lord archbishop: of Canterbury, who, through his great zeal for our new philofophy of our enlightened age and northern hemisphere, have brought on an indigeftion, or rather piled and pent up a whole troop of voracious neighbours in the womb of

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a tremenduous belly, which threaten ferious confequences if not difengaged, relieved and fet free: we have on receiving an embaffage from his lordship, commiffioned his lordship's hofts to a fafe midwife, ordering a proper clyfter of caftor oil, and with the tincture of tantaradin gently rubbed over the pipe to encourage a titulation; all which are to be adminiftered by the old woman, into the anus; which medicine will roufe his lordship to make strong efforts to an abolition, and unheathing his womb of fo large a group of favages; when we fhall wait on his lordship, praying his, acceptance of precedence to our fociety of new philofophers, of our enlightened age and northern hemifphere; on his lordship's acceptance, we will in proceffion wait on their high mightineffes, praying their interefting themfelves with the legislative body of Great Britain, for inftalling his lordship with the fuperior dignity. of cardinal, which high dignity will grace our. Proteftant caufe, and being the firft in the annals of the reformation, will give great energy and force, and draw fubordination to the banher of our new philofophy of our enlightened age and northern hemifphere; when his eminence will iffue his decree as follows. To all my fubftantializing children be it known: I Luther, cardinal, prieft, lord archbishop, metropolitan and primate of all England, with all and every part or pargel thereunto appertaining and belonging, empires, kingdoms, principalities, colonies, with all and every their appendages whenfoever, and wherefoever, might ap


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