Stuart 517, 585, 599 Stubbs 600, 645 Stuckey 197,596 Stukeley 529 Sturgeon 277 Sturges 601, 668 1 Sussex, D. 572, 640 Swainson 300, 514 Swale 393, 499 Swinfen 87 Swinnerton 194 Symmons 462 Talbot 288, 298,653 , Ly. 288 Thanet, E. 396 Thistlethwayte 186 345, 501, 603 -, Вр. 352 Thomiley 583 Towle 644 Vardon 195 Varty D7 Vavasor 574 Vaughan 110, 186, Vaughta 485 Townley 147, 187, Vaux 679 Townsend 666 Townshend, L. 386 Trant 475, 656 Traquire, Cs. 195 Travers 69, 273 Udall 434 Velley 644 Vernon 192, 57%, 148,276,298,469, Trollope 376 bis, 671 Vincent 17, 19, 245, 485,489,574,583, 670 Thomson 259, 278, 510,574, 596,597 Thornton 178, 269, Thorold 87 Thrissell 605 588 Virtue 498 Trotter 26 588,600 Tulloch 192, 575 Turner 17, 287,397, Turnpenny 574 Throckmorton 314, Turton 166, 269, Tarleton 68, 196, Till 386, 397 Tyson 186 Uniake 278 Voigt 644 Uraldo 205 Wacey 187 Waddington 394 Wade 189, 395 Wales 597 Wait 484. Waithman 384 Walbank 598 Tancred 183 Tara, L. 494 266,465,649 Tilsley 496 Tarrant 192 Tindal 598 Tyrwhitt 521, 587, 605 Walcot 187, 194 Valentiue 381, 479 Tate 212 Titsing 298 Van Briemen 665 Waldron 644 394,395,43,484, Wellington, E. 58, Wilberforce 245269, Woodhouse188,588, 497, 567, 74 bis, 663, 669 Wall 181, 18, 195 Walley 288 Wallis 190 Walpole 37 438, 496,500,57,561, 614,640 --, L. 85 Walter 499, (01 Waltball 494 599 Walton 488 Walsh 82, 86, 588 Wanley 345 Warburton 247,351, 583, 597 Bp. 49 Ward 87, 245, 574, 65, 187, 191, 269, 578,585, 654 Wells 186,241, 242, 243, 374, 574 Welstead 596 Wentworth, V. 241 Wesley 125 370, 483, 570,652 643 Wilcocks, Bp. 93 Wilkes 640, 666 393, 426 Wilks 195 349,394,470,491, Willan 595, 674 514, 566, 670 -Bp. 615 Willes 93 Westby 4, 111, 622 Williams 83, 193, Westfield 315 Westl 178 Westmeath, L. 588 Westmorland, E.372 Woodis 193 Woodridge 605 Woods 87, 669 Woolcombe 386,666 615 Wordsworth 532 Worgan 501 299,348,396,474, Workman 69 484,497,574,605, Worrall 530 Worsley 484, 575 Wortley 483 Woulfe 516 Wray 479 Wilmot 41, 46, 195, Wreathock 610 Cs. 389 Weston 350, 671 Willis 192, 204 Weymouth, Vs. 516 587,599,613, 669 Whaley 374 Wardell 111 Waring 195 Warner 31 Warren 89, 168,246 Warrender 466 Warrington 574 Warton 326 Warwick, E 210, 319, 438, 516 Waterford, M. 386 Watkins 385, 497 -- Вр. 242, 245, 246 Watts 396 Webb 187, 239, 494, 583 Webber 87,187,193, 484 Webster 587, 595 Wedgwood 651 Wheatley 87, 394 Whichcote 386, 620 Ly. 194 Whinfield 598 543, 547, 601 670 White 111, 192, 193, Wilson 89, 136,206, 243,296,376,386, 473,496,500,574, 583, 588, 598,656 Wilt 596 Wren 14, 171 Wright 91, 93, 187, 197,259,385,439, 472,489,496,514, Wrottesley 369, 649 Wroughton 604 Winchelsea, E. 67 Wyatt 196,381,479, Winchester, Bp.615, 239,240,275,497, Winstanley 241,484, 502 595,597,656,670, Winterbottom 574 Whyte 573, 604 Wickliffe 241, 242 Weetman 158, 215 Wicks 91 Weir 574, 602 Widdrington 225 Welch 91, 195 Widenham 575 Welchman 169 Wigglesworth 495 Weld 386 Welden 613 Wight 596 Wellesley 56, 116, Wignell 594 Wintle 40 Winyates 574 489, 494 Yate 492 Wise 194, 238, 307, Yates 186, 296 484 Wishart 87 Witty 672 Wodehouse 87 Woelff 395, 598 Wollaston 241 bis, 188, 287,578,585 Wigram 186, 395, Woodburn 187 M.66,167, 599 Yeates 288 Yeats 515 Yelloly 588 For the INDEX to the PLATES, see p. ii. at the back of the Title-page. |