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Dun. Mr. E. has left two daughters: the Countess of Cassillis, and an elder sister unmarried.

May 16. In Lower Grosvenor-st. suddenly, Sir Frank Standish, bart. He ordered his servant, as he was rising, to prepare his breakfast; and on the latter returning in about ten minutes, he found his master dead; who, it is supposed, expired in an apoplectic fit. Sir F. possessed a fine family estate in Lancashire, and has left also a considerable personal property, but died without a will. Sir F. S. was a breeder of running horses, and sportsman on the turf.

May 17. In Devonshire-place, Matthew Lewis, esq.

May 18. In Sackville-st. James, eldest son of J. Buller, esq. one of the clerks of the Privy Council.

Mr. Eastwood, of Staithwaite, near Huddersfield. This gentleman was the intimate friend of the late Mr. Horsfall, of Marsden; and soon after Mr. H. had received the fatal shots upon Crossland Moor (see p. 479.) he was thrown from his horse near the place where the assassination took place, and considerably hurt. Indifferent to his own injury, he ran on foot to Huddersfield, to procure surgical assistance for his friend; and on his return he again mounted his horse, and repaired to Huddersfield a second time, for a supply of medicine, when he was again thrown from his horse at the corner of the churchyard, and so much injured as to occasion a complaint in the abdomen, which terminated in his death.

May 19. At Ardwick, near Manchester, aged 66, Mrs. Harvey, eldest daughter of the late John Markland, esq. of the former place, and relict of Mr. Harvey, surgeon, of Manchester. This excellent and valuable woman was long and justly endeared to her family and friends, by the benevolence of her heart, the attractive sweetness of her disposition, and the uniform cheerfulness and vivacity of her manners. Educated at a period when ornamental accomplishments were less attainable, and less eagerly sought after, than at the present day, she was indebted rather to Nature, and sound sense, than to the assistance of others, for those mental acquirements which she possessed in so

large a degree. Her understanding was matured by reading, society, and reflection; and imparted a charm to her conversation, that rendered it alike acceptable and instructive to the young and old, the lively and the grave. Having, in early life, contracted an infirmity in her limbs, that baffled medical assistance, and proved incurable, Mrs. Harvey was debarred of those delightful pursuits which exercise and strength of constitution perpetually afford; but Providence, which never takes away without adding commensurate blessings, gave to this amiable woman so many intellectual resources, and such a serenity of temper, that the deprivations she endured were scarcely felt by herself, however lamented by her friends. The sufferings it was her fate to undergo during the illness that terminated her life, were extreme, and of long continuance; but they were alleviated by, a conscience void of offence, and by those just and elevated views, which she had ever entertained upon subjects of religious belief. Her faith, firm and unclouded, and unsubdued by the pressure of bodily anguish, disarmed pain of its poignancy, and the grave of its terrors; and she closed a life of piety and virtue, by a death, tranquil, resigned, and holy. Dear to her family, her friends, and society, her memory will long be cherished with feelings of affection and esteem; and the general interest and regret excited by her loss will best evince the truth of this memorial.

May 20. Charles Bowyer, infant son of Mr. J. B. Nichols, of Red Lion Passage.

At Balham, co. Surrey, Mrs. Evans, relict of the late Geo. E. esq. and sister of Sir Charles Price, bart. M. P.

May 21. In Pall Mall, after a few days' illness, aged 36, the wife of Dr. Heberden, one of his Majesty's Physicians.

At Rayner-place, Chelsea, Thos. Pickles, esq. of the Stock Exchange.

May 23. At Havering, Essex, Anne, wife of W. Jacobs, esq. of Great Portland-st. At Herne hill, Camberwell, Mrs. J. S. Winstanley, of Paternoster-row.

May 25. Edmond Malone, esq. the wellknown commentator on Shakspeare. Of this truly polite and accomplished Scholar, we shall speak more fully in our next.

AVERAGE PRICES of NAVIGABLE CANAL PROPERTY. DOCK STOCK, FIRE-OFFICE SHARES, &c. in May 1812 (to the 25th), at the Office of Mr. Scorr, 28, New Bridge-street, London.-Birmingham Canal, 580l. ex half-yearly dividend of 131. 2s. 6d. clear.-Neath 300l. dividing 201. per share clear per annum. -Swansea, 192/. dividing 10l. per share clear.-Leeds and Liverpool, 205l. ex half-yearly dividend 41. clear Grand Junction, 2301.-Worcester and Birmingham New Shares, 10l. per Share Discount.-Kennet and Avon, 251.-Rochdale, 391.-Ellesmere, 69l. -Lancaster, 231.Wilts and Berks Old Shares, 20/. - West India Dock, 1541. London Dock Stock, 1154, -Ditto New Subscription, 141. Premium.-East London Water-Works, 73/.-Russel Institution, 181. 18s.-London ditto, 52l. 10s. Surrey ditto, 151.-Provident ditto, 21. 10s. Premium. Kensington Turnpike Bonds, 1001. bearing 41. per cent, 704Globe Assurance, 112/.-Albion ditto, 521.-London Assurance Shares, 20l. 5s. ex half-yearly dividend 10s.-Thames Navigation Bonds, 881. Interest at 51. per cent.



075 0 Kent

BILL OF MORTALITY, from April 22, to May 26, 1812.

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AVERAGE PRICES of CORN, from the Returns ending May 16, 1812.

INLAND COUNTIES. Wheat Rye | Barly | Oats Beans d. s. d.s. d. d. s. d. Middlesex 135 1183 274 355 073 2 Essex Surrey 139 4 77 072




Hertford 127 063 060 443


Wheat Rye Barly Oats Beans. s. d. s. d.s. d. s. d. s. d. 135 478 064 453 467 0

127 655 066 450 462 8

066 6 Sussex

135 400 072 651 600 0

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128 10 00

068 548 566 2

Huntingd. 130 700 066 842

665 1 Camb.

Northam. 130 085 071 10 45
Rutland 128 000 078


062 0 Lincoln

865 543 165 10 6 64 548 659 3 976 047 2709

Leicester 122 900 069 043

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066 0 Norfolk

130 10 90

125 5 75

127 588

9 70 7 York 121 094 866 346 273 1 0 648 Durham 123

Oxford 135 100 070 947 11 63
Bucks 128 800 071 4 51


160 000 0105 6 48 Montgom. 139 100 075 249 141 1000 0189 3 38


800 080 043 600 0

6 Northum.118 181 772 044 900 0 9 Cumberl. 122 790 075 053 500 0 0 Westmor.133 496 067 256 3000 2 Lancaster131 600 000 049 1172 0 4 Chester 127 800 000 051 3000 3 Flint 140 000 097 900 0000 4 Denbigh 132 700 092 247 800 () 7 Anglesea 00 000 080039 0000 0 Carnarv. 123 400 074 839 400 0 800 085 647 600 0 000 074 000 0000 600 083 440 000 ()

470 8 Merionet. 127


0 Cardigan 126

0000 Pembroke123


0 Carmarth 146

Average of England and Wales, per quarter. 133 781 776 147 570 1

Average of Scotland, per quarter:



0 114 8 38

400 (0)

Glamorg. 145 200 076 252 000 ( Gloucest. 141 074 900 074 1 Somerset 142 11 00 079 050 679 9 Monmo. 157 000 000 0000000 Devon 137 900 071 10 45 000. Aggregate Average Prices of the Twelve Ma- Cornwall 133 800 084 748 000 0 ritime Districts of England and Wales, by Dorset 138 500 077 953 0800 which Exportation and Bounty are to be Hants 140 100 0 74 10 51 273 6 ..130 583 275 148 070 6

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Fine per Sack 000s. to 110s. Seconds 100s. to 105s. Bran per Q. 20s. to 21s. Pollard 28s. to 325
New Rape Seed per Last 751. to 801.

RETURN of WHEAT, in Mark-Lane, including only from May 11 to May 16:
Total 5,580 Quarters. Average 129s. 5d.-34d. lower than last Return.
OATMEAL, per Boll of 140lbs. Avoirdupois, May 16, 46s. 1d.
AVERAGE PRICE of SUGAR, May 20, 43s. 94d. per Cwt.

Kent Bags................. 47. 10s. to 71. 10s.
Sussex Ditto. 4. 10s. to 71. Os.
Essex Ditto.l. Os. to 6l. 10s.

Kent Pockets. 41. Os. to 71. Os.
Sussex Ditto...............31. 15s. to 6l. 6s.
Farnham Ditto ......... 9. 9s. to 111. 11s.


St. James's, Hay 4/. 17s. Od. Straw 31. 1s. 6d.-Whitechapel, Hay 51. 5s. Clover 71. 17s. 6d. Straw 31. 7s. 6d.-Smithfield, Clover l. 16s. 6d. Old Hay 5l. 15s. Straw 21. 15s.

SMITHFIELD, May 25. To sink the Offal-per Stone of 8lbs.

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COALS, May 25: Newcastle 44s. to 53s. 6d. Sunderland 44s. SOAP, Yellow 86s. Motue 1 100s. Curd 104s. CANDLES, 13s. per Doz. Moulds 146, TALLOW, per Stone, Slb. St. James's 4s. 3d. Clare Os. Od. Whitechapel 4s, 3d,


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Bank 3 per Ct. 3 per C. 14 per Ct. 5 perCt/5perCt B. Long Stock. Red. Consols. Consols. Navy. 1797.


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Printed by NICHOLS, SON, and BENTLEY, Red Lion Passage, Fleet Street, London.

WILLIAM CARTER, Stock-Broker, No. 8, Charing Cross.




LONDON GAZETTE GENERAL EVENING M.Post M. Herald Morning Chronic. Times-M. Advert. P.Ledger & Oracle Brit. Press-Day St. James's Chron. Sun-Even. Mail Star-Traveller Pilot--Statesman Packet-Lond.Chr. Albion--C. Chron. Courier-Globe Eng. Chron.--Inq. Cour d'Angleterre Cour. de Londres 15other WeeklyP. 17 Sunday Papers Hue & Cry Police Lit. Adv. monthly Bath 3-Bedford Berwick-Boston Birmingham 4 Blackb. Brighton Bristol 5, Bury Camb.-Chath. Carli.2--Chester 2

Chelms. Cambria.

Cornw.-Covent. 2
Cumberland 2
Exeter 2, Glouc. 2
Halifax-Hants 2
Hereford, Hull 3
Ipswich 1, Kent 4
Leeds2, Liverp. 6
Maidst. Manch. 4


Norfolk, Norwich
N. Wales Oxford2
Preston-Plym. 2
Sherborne, Sussex

Staff. Stamf. 2


Worc. 2-YORK 3




Sunday Advertise.

Jersey2. Guern. 2.

Meteorological Diaries for June 1812...506,512 | Elucidations of difficult Passages in the Bible ib.

Dr. Young on Doctrine of Final Perseverance 507 Alms-houses erected by John Visc. Perceval Reflections excited by a late tragical Event ib. Epitaph on Mr. Jeffreys at Winchester.... 508 Mr. Durham on the Rolvenden Lecture.... 509 Mr.Taunton's Statement of Cases of Hernia 510 Drawing of Swaffham Two Churches, Cambr. ib. Mr. Pratt'sintended Guideto Leamington, &c.511 View of Chester-le-Street Church, Durham 513 Da Costa's Notices of Literati, Collectors, &e. ib. Barker'sAnswer to Strictures on his "Cicero" 517 Retreat of dying Birds, &c.-HebrewPoints 520 Remarks on Jamieson's Etymological Dict. 521 Recent Alterations in Worcester Cathedral 525 Visits to Winchester & GloucesterCathedrals 526 Classification of Mineral Kingdom attempted 527 Ladies Echlin & Bradshaigh.-PewsinChapels 528 Arms for Society of Antiquaries. -N. Ansley 529 Sir Julius Cæsar.-Autographs of De Foe, &c. ib. H. Baker's "Universe."-Woodcock Family 530 Memoirs of Wm. Sewell, a learned Quaker 551 Dr. Marsh vindicated against Bible Society 555 Alledged Innovations on the Liturgy, &c.. 534

Remarks respecting present Theory of Sound 541
R. Haward.-Apple-trees.-Classic. Criticisms 542
Prices of Gold & Silver.-Mr. Dyer's Poetics 543
Literary Intelligence.-Index Indicatorius 544


Lysons on Meeting of Choirs at Gloucester 545
Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain. 546
Jopp on Representative System of England 548
Parish Registers Bill. -Courtney's Sermon 551
Galt's Voyages and Travels, concluded.... 552
D'Israeli's Calamities of Authors 555
Cole's Stereogoniometry.
SELECT POETRY for June 1812565-568
Proceedings in presentSession of Parliament 569
Interesting Intell. from the London Gazettes 573
Abstract of principal Foreign Occurrences 578
Intell. from various Parts of the Country. 582
Domestie Occurrences....
Theat. Regist.-Promotions.-Preferments 587
Births and Marriages of eminent Persons.. 588
Memoirs of Right Hon. Spencer Perceval., 589
Obituary, with Anec.of remarkable Persons 594
Character of the late Edmond Malone, Esq. 606

... 585

Harwich Corporation. -Theory of Heavens 536 Bill of Mortality.-Prices of the Markets... 607 Prebend of Oxgate, in St. Paul's Cathedral 537 Prices of Stocks on each Day in June...... 608 Embellished with a beautiful Perspective View of CHESTER-LE-STREET CHURCH, DURHAM; Monument of NICHOLAS ANSLEY at LEE; AUTOGRAPHS, &c.


Printed by NICHOLS, SON, and BENTLEY, at CICERO'S HEAD, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-str. London; where all Letters to the Editor are desired to be addressed, POST-PAID.

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The average degrees of Temperature, from observations made at eight o'clock in the morning, are 54-13 100ths; those of the corresponding month in the year 1811, were 56-64 100ths; in 1810, 50-12 100ths; in 1809, 56-78 100ths; in 1808, 56-90 100ths; in 1807, 55-66 100ths; in 1806, 54-17 100ths; in 1805, 57-50 100ths; and in 1804, 57.

The quantity of Rain fallen this month is equal to 3 inches 46 100ths of an inch; that of the corresponding month in the year 1811, was 3 inches 41 100ths; in 1810, 2 inches 59 100ths; in 1809, 1 inch 45 100ths; in 1808, 2 inches 99 100ths; in 1807, 5 inches 82 100ths; in 1806, 1 inch 59 100ths; in 1805, 1 inch 43 100ths; and in 1804, 2 inches 75 100ths.

METEOROLOGICAL TABLE for June, 1812. By W. CARY, Strand. Height of Fahrenheit's Thermometer.




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