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of respect, offered by a grateful Country to departed worth, are a just tribute of applause for zealous and active service, and hold forth an engaging and persuasive example to rising merit; and the sorrowing parents who have lost their only two sons in the short space of one month, cannot indeed forget that they were once blessed with every prospect and every hope that could gratify a parent's fondest wish, but may still look for consolation to those future expectancies which youthful virtue and unsullied character present to Christian resignation.

Dec. 15. At the Cape of Good Hope, after an illness of eight days, Dr. Vanderkemp, a distinguished Missionary to the Hottentots and other nations of South Africa, under the patronage of the Missionary Society of London. Dr. V. was a graduate of the university of Edinburgh, had practised for some years as a physician in Holland, and had attained considerable eminence in his profession. At that period of life when the desire of repose induces most men to retire from scenes of activity and labour, this venerable man was impelled, by feelings of the purest benevolence and most exalted philanthropy, to undertake a mission to some of the most ignorant, uncultivated, and unpromising of mankind, and cheerfully to expose himself to all the fatigues and privations which such an arduous enterprise involved. His labours were unremitted, his prudence was not inferior to his zeal, and his success in promoting civilization and Christianity, in a place which he found both literally and morally a wretched wilderness, was such as to afford his benevolent mind no mean recompence.

Dec. 24. Capt. Thomas Phillips, of the Royal Marines, one of the unfortunate officers who perished in the ill-fated Hero man of war. He was an officer of highly distinguished worth, having served his country in many hard-fought actions. Capt. P. was the third son of the late Rev. Edward Phillips, vicar of West Tarring,


1812, Jan. 15. At Clifton, in her 67th year, Mrs. Dashwood, wife of Charles Vere D. esq. of Stanford hall, Notts. She was daughter of Sir Francis Dashwood, of Lincolnshire, and aunt to Lady Fitzharris (wife to the son of Lord Malmesbury). Her remains were removed for interment in the family vault in Stanford church, on the 28th. And on the 12th of February, died, at Allestree hall, Derbyshire, aged 48, her eldest son, Charles Armand Dashwood, esq. formerly Lieut.-col. of the Royal Horse Guards Blue. He had been married but a few years to a daughter of the Dean of St. Asaph, by whom he has left a family. His remains were interred at Stanford, with those of his mother. GENT. MAG. March, 1812.

Jan. 18. At Oakley Lodge, near Cirencester, Arnold Merrick, sen. son of Aristarchus M. and grandson of Roger M. esq. of Thruxstone-court, Herefordshire. His grandfather married a Miss Pye, of an eminent family in that county. From his mother, Mary (Hallett), he inherited a remarkable genius for surgery, which many of his old neighbours, still living, will attest with grateful recollection. He took so much delight in musick, that he built a gallery for singers, and taught a band of psalm-singers in a neighbouring church, St. Devereux; and with his own hands he constructed a musical instrument of almost every kind at present known. He was the first that introduced into Herefordshire the winnowing machine. Unfortunately for the interests of his own family, about twenty years ago, he gave up an extensive farm, the Valletts, and business as a land-surveyor, just before events took a turn so much to the enrichment of farmers, to become Wood-steward to the late Earl Bathurst, at Cirencester. In this situation he continued, to the great advantage of his lordship's extensive and admired woods, till the day of his death. He was highly esteemed by his acquaintance through every period of his life, and his death is most sincerely lamented by his surviving friends.

Jun. 19. In the breach of Ciudad Rodrigo, in his 20th year, Lieut. Alex. Bell, of the 45th regt. The glorious circumstances attending his fate, together with the recollection that he has fallen in the service of his country, leaving behind him an unsullied reputation as a gentleman and a soldier, are great alleviations to grief, and soften even the keen feelings of parental affliction in lamenting his irreparable loss.

Jan. 23. Aged 23, Mr. Robert Marriott, of Great James Street, Bedford-row.

Jan. 28. At Dunmow, Essex, in his 92d year, Dr. Robert Courthorpe Sims, deservedly held in high estimation for superior skill and judgment in his profession, and for the strict principles of integrity and benevolence by which his life was governed, joined with manners the most mild and inoffensive. He had received a liberal education in his youth, had read much, and possessed a philosophical mind. He took the degree of Doctor of Physic, in the University of Edinburgh, in the year 1744, and wrote on the occasion an inaugural dissertation, De vomica pulmonis; but, void of ambition, and more desirous of being really useful than of acquiring riches or fame, the doctor was content to practise as a surgeon and apothecary in the small country town in which he died. He was of the Quaker persuasion, and universally respected and beloved by his brethren;


and was indeed a sincere believer in, and faithful follower of, the tenets of that respectable sect, though perfectly free from the narrow-minded spirit, so frequently observable in seceders from the Established Church of almost every denomination. His hours of relaxation were chiefly spent in his garden, in the cultivation of which he took the greatest delight, particularly in varying the arrangement of the walks, the grass, and the plantations, so as to change the general form of the whole, with a view of producing a more picturesque effect. It ever happened that one design was hardly finished, before he discovered, as he imagined, some new capability of further improvement. Thus the face of his garden was so frequently changing, that a person, thoroughly acquainted with it at one period, after an absence of seven years, might scarcely he able to recognise it for the same. In these alterations he was generally allowed to show much taste; and Dr. Sims's garden, though limited in extent to about an acre, was admired beyond any other in the neighbourhood, and not unfrequently excited the curiosity of strangers; to himself it afforded a perpetual source of innocent and healthful amusement for upwards of sixty years. He retained the perfect use of his intellects very nearly to the end of his long and active life; and, in the year 1807, published a small tract, entitled "An Essay on the Constitution of Man, Natural, Moral, and Religious." The design of this work was more especially "to attempt to impede the torrent of that irreligious philosophy, the pernicious doctrine of which had been spread over Europe, to the unspeakable injury of the religion, morals, and interests, of the inhabitants." For, having retired from the fatigues of his profession, of which the decay of his hearing rendered him in great measure incapable, he was still anxious to devote a large share of his time to some useful employment. The improve"ment and re-publication of the abovementioned essay was his chief mortal concern, till the lamp of life was extinguished.

Feb. 1. At Freshford, Rev. Dr. Baker. To the poor he was a liberal and unostentations benefactor; to his friends steady and sincere; and distinguished by the urbanity of his manners and the uprightness of his character.

At Ely Place, Dublin, Margaret, widow of the late R. Tunnadine, esq. of Manchester, and youngest daughter of the late Peter Ormerod, of Ormerod, esq. near Burnley, Lancashire. This amiable and interesting lady was, in early life, much admired for her beauty and accomplishments; and at a later period, the meridian of which she had scarcely more than attained, for her highly cultivated mind,

strength of understanding, and exemplary conduct under severe domestic afflictions. She has left a disconsolate daughter, who with all her relatives and friends will long deeply and sincerely deplore her loss.

Feb. 2. After a lingering illness, Mr. Thomas Bird, of Stourminster Newton Castle, co. Dorset.

At Paris, Isaac Titsing, formerly counsellor extraordinary of the Dutch possessions in the East Indies, and ambassador at the court of Pekin.

Feb. 4. At Gallegos, of a wound received in the storming of Ciudad Rodrigo, on the 19th of Jan. in his 24th year, Lieut. Wm. Smith, of the 77th foot. During the short time he had served in the army, he displayed qualities which endeared him to all who knew him, as a soldier and a gentleman.

Feb. 12. In his 36th year, Capt. John Naish, of the $5th regt. lately returned from Portugal.

Feb. 13. In Duke street, Portlandplace, in his 74th year, Maj-gen. Charles William Este, Lieut.-governor of Carlisle.

Feb. 14. At Leicester, Mr.Alderm. Sam. Clarke. He served the office of mayor for that borough 1808, and was justly esteemed a truly worthy and respectable character, both in public and private life.

Feb. 17. In his 89th year, Rev. Richard Marsh, rector of Mount Bures, and vicar of Great Tey, Essex.

At Edinburgh, Sir William Maxwell, bart. of Monreith.

Feb. 18. At the governor's-house, in his 73d year, Col. Matthew Smith, major of the Tower of London.

Feb. 19. In Park-street, Grosvenorsquare, the Hon. Mary Talbot, mother of the Earl of Shrewsbury. She was daughter of Sir George Mostyn, of Talacre, in Flintshire, bart.

At Mr. Thompson's, Strand, aged 73, F.Garrety, esq. Oak-Hanger-house, Berks. At Walthamstow, aged 64, John Bacon, esq. late of King-street, Cheapside.

Feb. 21. At the Hot-wells, near Bristol, Rev. John Fallowfield, rector of Barrow, Somerset, vicar of Great Grandsden, Hunts, formerly of Clare Hall, Cambridge, Β. Α. 1776, Μ. Α. 1779.

Feb. 22. Suddenly, aged 61, Rev. Mr. Washington, rector of Chilcomb, Hants, and curate of St. Faith's, Winchester.

Feb. 23. At Clapham, much lamented and esteemed, Mr. S. Franks, solicitor, of Hart-street, Bloomsbury.

At Melton Constable, Norfolk, (the seat of Sir J. Astley, bart. M. P. for that county) the Hon. Lady Stanhope, eldest sister of the late Lord Delaval, and sisterin-law to the late celebrated Earl of Chesterfield. Her ladyship was twice married, first to Sir Wm. Stanhope, brother to the said Earl, who lived but a few years, and


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At Powick, near Worcester, Lady Packington, relict of Sir John P.

Feb. 23. At Stoke, near Plymouth, suddenly, having retired to bed in good health, Sir Charles Cotton, Commander in Chief of the Channel fleet. He had seen as much actual service as most officers of the present day. He was an excellent commander, a good man, and inviolably attached to his King and Country. He was made Post Captain Aug. 10, 1779, and commanded the Majestic, under Lord Howe, on the 1st of June, 1794; and in the following year, he commanded the Mars, during the masterly retreat of Adm. Cornwallis, with five sail of the line, from before the whole French fleet, when the Mars gallantly engaged the Enemy, and her commander was highly extolled for his conduct. He was made Rear-Adm. of the Blue, Feb. 20, 1797; Vice-Adm. April 29, 1802; and Admiral, April 28, 1808. Sir Charles, after obtaining his flag, served, first as junior, then as second in command, in the Channel fleet, during the greatest part of the time when the Earl of St. Vincent held the chief command, and by his conduct obtained the esteem of that distinguished Admiral. In December, 1807, Sir C. was appointed to command an expedition, and proceeded off Lisbon, Portugal being at that time in possession of the French, ample scope was afforded for the exercise of his compassion, which was manifested in the succour he afforded to hundreds of distressed families, who found an asylum on board the British squadron; at the same time the Admiral's zeal and loyalty contributed greatly to animate and rouse the Portuguese to rise in arms to rescue their insulted country. Even before the arrival of a British army, the Portuguese nation was, by his exertions, roused to a high pitch of patriotism. A landing was effected by a party of marines at Figueras. The Portuguese standard was reared, round which hundreds were daily assembling; and the post was held until the arrival of Sir A. Wellesley, who there first diseinbarked the British soldiers. Sir Charles long opposed the fatal Convention of Cintra; and, although it is not generally known, thrice returned it to its projectors unexecuted; roundly declaring, he could not sign an instrument so much in favour of a French army twice beaten, with

30,000 British troops in Portugal; at the same time he pointed out to the commander of the army, means by which Gen. Kellerman's threats of plundering Lisbon might be rendered abortive. Sir Charles was, after his return to England, appointed Commander in Chief in the Mediterranean, and returned about 8 months since to take the command of the Channel fleet; in which arduous and important employ, he terminated an useful and honourable life, chiefly spent in the service, and always to the advantage, of his King and Country. His remains were removed, March 6, on board the Pelorus brig, Plymouth, and conveyed to Greenwich, for interment in Cambridgeshire. They arrived at Southend on the 10th of March. On the following morning Rear-adm. Sir T. Williams, Commander in Chief at the Nore, attended by all the Captains of men of war at that place, in their respective barges, with the Admiral's flag, and Captains pendants hoisted half-way (the colours of the ships hoisted half-mast high), proceeded in regular order to the Pelorus, to witness the ceremony of placing the body in the barge belonging to the Namur, the flagship, with the lamented Admiral's flag half-mast high. On the remains being placed in the barge, Sir T. Williams, and the respective Captains in rotation, followed the Namur's barge to the shore, where the body was landed and placed in a hearse, attended by two carriages, for the purpose of being conveyed for interment in the family vault. The instant the body was lowered into the Namur's barge, all the ships of war began to fire minute guns, and continued so until the body was placed in the hearse.

After one hour's illness, in her 48th year, Catherina Margaretta Maria, wife of John Beck, esq. Comptroller of the Customs at the port of Workington, only daughter of the late Rev. Bryan Allott, rector of Burnham, Norfolk, and niece to the very Rev. the Dean of Raphoe, Ireland.

Feb. 25. Near Bristol, William Rowley, esq. late Commissioner of the Customs.

Feb. 28. At Islington, aged 37, John Till Allingham, esq. eldest son of Mr. Thos. A. of Colebrooke Terrace, wine-merchant. He was brought up to the profession of the Law; but is chiefly known to the publick by his dramatic talents, which received the test of long-continued approbation. His loss, however, will be more sensibly felt, by the domestic and social circle of which he made so distinguished a part. Benevolence formed the basis of his actions, and his manners bore the plain impression of this principle. However he avoided ostentation, not only his occasional acts of pecuniary kindness, but the lively interest he took, and the persevering


persevering exertions he successfully used, for the welfare of particular friends, were at all times and under all circumstances unequivocal and truly distinguished.The following dramatical pieces are by him: 1. "Fortune's Frolick," a farce, 1799. 2. "Tis all a Farce," a farce, 1800. 3. "Marriage Promise," a comedy, 1803. 4. "Mrs. Wiggins," a comic piece, 1803. 5. "Hearts of Oak," a comedy, 1804. 6. "Romantic Lover," a comedy, 1806, not printed. 7. "The Weathercock," 1806, a farce. 8. "Who wins?" a musical farce, 1808, not printed. 9. " Independence," a comedy, 1809, not printed. To him has also been ascribed, 10. "Transformation," a musical farce, 1810, not printed. -Jones's Biographia Dramatica, &c. 1812.

Lately. In his 66th year, Mr. Francis Jukes, aquatinta engraver and publisher, more than twenty years resident in Howland-street, but late of Upper John-street, Fitzroy-squ. He was a native of Martley, co. Worcester; and by dint of the utmost frugality and industry, raised himself to eminence in his profession, the delightful art of Aquatinta Eugraving; of which, if he was not the inventor, he certainly was the first that brought it to a degree of perfection: witness the numerous beautiful specimens he has given to the world. His intense assiduity in business cost him his life. Superintending continually with indefatigable attention a large body of aquafortis, in the operation of his art, for such a number of years as he did, the effluvia of that pernicious acid to the human frame, brought an oppression upon his breath, which never left him but with life. In his line of publication he was upon the point of establishing a good exportation trade to Basil in Switzerland, just as that curse of nations, the French Revolution, broke out, which blasted all his prospects of a lucrative connexion in that profession, as it did those of that respectable Artist, Mr. Valentine Green, in his bold attempt of the Dusseldorff Gallery. From habits of the strictest intimacy in youth, and occasional correspondence through progressive life, the lamenting writer of this memoir was so attached in friendship to the deceased (though accidentally informed of his death) that he could not let his remains go to the grave without "the passing tribute of a sigh."


At Elvas, of wounds received at the battle of Albuera, aged 20, universally beloved and sincerely regretted, Lieut. Henry Ireson Jones, of the 9th Fusileers; a most promising officer, possessing the highest principles of honour and liberality.

March 1. In St. Martin's-lane, after a life of uniform active benevolence, aged 80, Dr. Maxwell Garthshore, F. R. S. &c.

He had practised at least 40 years with the highest reputation, as a physician and accoucheur, in London. To the poor his practice for several years had been gratuitous, and he dispensed besides liberal benefactions among the poor who flocked to consult him, though his own habits of life were parsimonious. Dr. Garthshore has left about 25,000/. in legacies to various friends; and the residue of his property, somewhat more than 30,000%, to Mr. Maitland, the steady and uniform friend of himself and of his late son. From that son, the Doctor derived the principal part of his wealth. He used to say, "My son, when living, made me poor. At his death, he made me rich."

March 2. In his 63d year, George Maule, esq. attorney at law, one of the Aldermen of the borough of Huntingdon, and Steward to the Earl of Sandwich. Although of a profession to which such a mode of procedure may be regarded as inimical, he was ever more solicitous to promote unity, than to increase the number of his clients by fomenting discord. Many have entered upon eternity, who were allowed to have amiable qualities; but few, like Mr. Maule, have enjoyed the rare felicity of possessing, through life, the sincere esteem of all ranks, within the sphere of his acquaintance; and whose demise is an event of universal regret. He was a fond father, an affectionate husband, an irreproachable agent, an indefatigable solicitor; and many, as well as the writer of this imperfect testimony of his worth, have experienced him to be a stedfast friend. In fine, those who best knew him most respected him, and will, to the last hour of their existence, revere his memory.

In his 83d year, Mr. Francis Blewet, many years proprietor of the Abingdon stage-coach.

At Gottenburgh, much lamented by her husband and friends, Mary Milow, a native of Greenfield, near Bridgewater, Somerset.

March 7. In Frith-street, sincerely la. mented by an extended circle of surviving friends, Isaac Swainson, esq-To those who had the happiness of being intimately known to this gentleman, it would be unnecessary to say any thing respecting his merits: but to others, it is but justice to departed worth to declare, that he was a warm and even enthusiastic friend to the cause of humanity in general. "Humani nihil à me alienum puto," seemed to be the spring from which all his actions flowed. In his private friendships, and in his personal attachments, his zeal scarcely knew any limits, exhibiting a benevolence of heart rarely to be met with. On all occasions, he was particularly anxious to afford every assistance to those who were climbing climbing up the hill of Science; fully conscious also of the infirmity of human judgment, he was always the first to make every allowance for what he conceived to be error in others. The greater part of his valuable life was devoted to the noblest of purposes (viz. an unremitting study, how he might most effectually remove or alleviate the sufferings of his fellow creatures) by preparing and administering the celebrated vegetable syrup of De Velnos, of which he was the sole proprietor. This important duty he discharged with fidelity and diligence, during a period of thirty years; and with a success which has hitherto been unequalled in the annals of medicine. In the performance of this duty, his liberality was eminently conspicuous: his constant language was, "that the greatest happiness of his life consisted in being able to mitigate the sufferings of his fellow men;" and his actions always kept pace with his professions. His remains, accompanied by a few select friends, were, on Saturday the 14th instant, interred in a family vault at Twickenham; where, led on by ardent desire to increase his knowledge in the vegetable kingdom, he had formed a botanical garden, which has long been, not only the admiration of the nobility and gentry in the neighbourhood, but of men of science, in almost all parts of the island. (See an Advertisement on our Blue Cover of the present Month.)


March 9. At Blackheath, in his 80th year, Rev. Andrew Burnaby, D. D. Archdeacon of Leicester, and for more than 43 years vicar of Greenwich. The purest integrity and benevolence of heart, the most unaffected urbanity of manners, and a lively and ardent zeal for his holy profession, were conspicuous among the many public and private virtues which adorned this truly excellent man and venerable divine. Dr. Burnaby was a native of Asfordby in Leicestershire, of which place his father, grandfather, and great grandfather, were in succession patrons and rectors, as his youngest brother is at this time. He was elected into Westminster college in 1748, but removed from that school, and was entered of Queen's college, Cambridge. After having travelled through the middle settlements in North America in 1759 and 1760, Dr. Burnaby was appointed chaplain to the British factory at Leghorn, where he resided five years; in occasional excursions visited Corsica, and almost every part of Italy; and, during the last of those years (Sir John Dick having obtained his Majesty's leave to return to England for his private concerns) had the honour to do the Consular business, by the appointment of Government, under the denomination of Procousul. In 1769 he was presented to the vicarage of Greenwich; and in 1786 the

archdeaconry of Leicester was conferred on him by Bishop Thurlow, without the least expectation or solicitation on his part; both which preferments he enjoyed till his death. Dr. Burnaby was eminently distinguished as a writer, as will appear by the following list of his publications: 1. "On the Nature of Subscription to Articles of Religion (a Sermon preached before the Rev. Dr. John Law, Archdeacon of Rochester, at his Visitation at Bromley, July 17, 1774,"8vo. 2. "Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America in the years 1759 and 1760, with Observations upon the state of the Colonies, 1775," 4to; a second edition in 8vo, 1775; a third in 1798-9, greatly enlarged *. 3. A small volume of Six Sermons; that upon the nature of Subscription to Articles of Religion therein included; owing to a particular circumstance, and by the advice of two of the most eminent and distinguished prelates at that time in this kingdom. 4. "On Religious Zeal, a sermon preached in Greenwich church, June 11, 1780 (the time of the riots in London), and addressed to every Protestant subject in the realm," 8vo. (There was also printed a penny edition of this spirited discourse, for the benefit of the common people.) 5. "A Sermon, preached before the House of Commons, Feb. 11, 1781," (a Generat Fast-day), 4to. 6. " A Sermon, preached at Greenwich, on occasion of the National Thanksgiving, July 29, 1784," 4to. 7. "A Sermon, preached at Greenwich, April 23, 1789, on occasion of his Majesty's Recovery," 4to. 8. "Two Charges delivered to the Clergy of the archdeaconry of Leicester, in the years 1786 and 1787;" published in 1790, 8vo. 9. " A Sermon, preached at Greenwich, Nov. 4, 1792," published in 1793, 4to. 10. "The Blessings enjoyed by Englishmen a motive for their Repentance, a Fast-day Sermon, preached at Greenwich, April 19, 1793," 4to. 11. "A Charge to the Clergy of the archdeaconry of Leicester, 1797." He printed, for the use of particular friends, a very small impression of, 12. "Jour

* This tour was made previously to the disputes with America, where, Dr. Burnaby observes in his preface, " a spirit of party was universally prevalent, and it was not always an easy matter to arrive at the knowledge of the truth." The author had no political purpose to serve; a circumstance which, with many readers, will raise the estimation of the work. For what he modestly calls "the most valuable part of the work, the Diary of the Weather," he professes himself indebted to his esteemed friend Francis Fauquier, esq. son of the late worthy governor of Virginia, who transmitted it to him from Williamsburgh while he was chaplain at Leghorn.


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