and no doubt was her father, and is the first person of the books, e.g. Livros de Fernao Mendes and Alvaro da Costa. Had issue: 1. Abraham, alias John my father. 2. Sarah*. 3. Rachelt. 4. Rebecca. 5. Jacob §. My grandfather (mother's side) Alvaro da Costa was born in Portugal, and came to London about 1660. He married Leonora his first cousin, sister to Dr. Mendes, and my grandmother Mendes, who outlived him many years, and died about 1724. Had issue, 1. Beatrice 1. 2. Rachel. * Married to Samuel del Prado at Amsterdam, who dying, she returned to London, and died.... The issue of this marriage was, 1. Isaac; married first a Quiros, by whom he has issue; secondly, a Bravo, by whom he has also issue, he resides in Holland. 2. Rachel, married Mordecai, alias Marco Nasso, died leaving no issue. 3. Moses, who was unfortunate, and died single in France. 4. Rebecca, died single. 5. Leah, married to Emanuel Mendes Da Costa; died in 1763. 6. Abraham, died 27 July, 1782, I imagine in his 69th year, of an accident of cutting his leg in lopping a branch from a tree, and cutting the vein through, at his house at Twickenham, where he died. He was buried at Mile-end new burying [place]. He married Esther, widow of Jacob Salvador, by whom he had a son; and she died in 1788, aged about 55. + Married to Daniel, alias Francis Salvador, junr. who died in Oct. 1755; and she died in June 1789. The issue of this marriage was: 1. Abigail, married to Jacob Pereira de Paibe, and died without issue. 2. Joseph, born 21 Jan. 1716, died at Charles-town, Carolina, 29 Dec. 1786, aged 70 years 11 months; and was buried in the Jew burial-ground there. 3. Jacob, who married Esther Portetto de Quiros, and leaving her a widow with two sons, Daniel and Moses, she married again to Abraham, son of Samuel del Prado (see preceding note 6). 4. Rebecca, married her first cousin Moses, son of Jacob Mendes da Costa, died June or July 1782; had issue one daughter, who married Baron Aquilar. 5. Sarah, married Moses, eldest son of Jacob Franco; she died on 5 Jan. 1756, in her 51st year, leaving two sons.. Born at Roan in Normandy 1692, married Anthony Mendes, eldest son to Fernando Mendes, M. D. her first cousin. He died about Oct. 1789; and she died 18 Νον. 1762. On her coffin she was said to be aged 70 years. Their issue was: 1. Rachael, died single. 2. Anne, still (1787) single. 3. Johanna, married Jacob Dias; she died 1775, leaving one daughter. 4. Moses, alias Lewis Mendes, married to his Cousin Lydia or Leonora, and has two sons. 5. Sarab, married.... Herne, an Apothecary at Bath, died without issue. 6. Jacob, died in 1781 single. § Married about 1717, to Sarah Jesurum Alvares. Their issue was: 1. Moses, born about July 1718, married his first cousin Rebecca Salvador, by whom he had one daughter. 2. Isaac, married Jedidya, daughter of Jacob Mendes da Costa, senr. and has two sons and two daughters by that marriage: he died 11th April, 1788, as I compute in his 55th year. 3. Rebecca, who married my nephew, and left one daughter, who married a Moron. When a widow, she married a son of Isaac Levi, but died 1766 soon after, and left no issue of that second marriage. || Beatrice, married her uncle.... alias John Mendes da Costa, senior. The issue of this marriage was; 1. Sarah, married to David Mendes da Silva at Amsterdam, resided and died there, leaving one daughter, married to Joseph Suasso de Lima. 2. Anthony, married Siporah Teiveira, an unfortunate man that fled to France and died, leaving no issue. 3. Abraham. 4. Rachel, married to Jacob Bueno da Mesquita of Amsterdam, resided and died there, leaving a numerous issue, male and female. Married to the Hon. Lopes Suasso Baron of Auvernes le Gras, at the Hague, where she died since 1750. He died young. The issue of this marriage was. 1. Isaac. He was the second baron, and called the Hon. Antonio alias Isaac Lopes Suasso, Lord and Baron of Auvernes le Gras in Flanders, Paisbas; an imperial title. He died at the Hague on Tuesday Oct. 3, 1775. He was upwards of 82. He married in 1716 Rachel daughter of Anthony da Costa, his cousin german, by whom he had several daughters, and one son Abraham, who succeeded him in title and estate. His eldest daughter Leonora, alias Rachael, born in the old Jewry about 1720, married Joseph Salvador, who was born 21 Jan. 1716; she died Oct 10, 1766, at Tooting in Surrey, and was buried in the new burying-ground at Mile-end on the Sunday following. She left issue: 1. Judith, married to Joshua Mendes da Costa. 2. Sarah, married her cousin german Francis, alias Daniel Salvador, who was scalped in Carolina, by whom she had several ehildren, who with herself have been baptised. 3. Abigail. 4. Elisbeba. 5. Miriam. 6. Susanna. The other daughter of Isaac and his son married into the Teixera family, at the Hague. His honours 1 8. Moses, alias Anthony*. 4. Esther (but erroneously). 5. Josepht. 6. alias Johanna, by law-suit Villa-real Osorio. 7... alias Mary §. 8. Benand D. C.; is said to be born 1692 honours are registered in the Heralds' office London I. 27. 88. Baron et Baronesse d' Auvernes les Gras tout ainsi commi les autres Barons de Païs bas, patent dated Jan. 3, 1716. 2. Jacob. 3. Emanuel, married a Texeira, and died without issue. 4. Moses, married a Lima, and died leaving a numerous issue both male and female. 5. Aaron, married a Pinto, and died leaving a numerous issue both male and female: 6. Sarah, married her uncle Benjamin alias John da Costa of the Hague, and had only a daughter, who married the eldest son of Moses Suasso. 7. .... a Teixera. 8. Abraham, posthumous, or after his father's death, married a Delis, and died, leaving one daughter, married to his nephew Abraham of Jacob Suasso. ; *He was a director of the Bank of England, and died Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock, March 3, 1746-7, and was buried the 4th March in the new buryingground at Mile-end next to his daughter Lady Suasso. He married in 1698 his first Cousin Catherine Mendes, daughter to Dr. Mendes. She was born about 1678 in the royal palace of Somerset-house, and Catherine of Portugal, Queen of Charles II. (from whom she was named) was her godmother: she died on Friday 10Dec. 1756, about 4 o'clock afternoon in or about the 77th year of her age. N. B. It was the 17 Kisleu A. M. 5517, but on her tombstone by mistake it is put 18 Kisleu. The issue of this marriage was: 1. Sarah, married to her uncle Alvaro Mendes. 2. Rachel, married to her first cousin, the Hon. Antonio Lopes Suasso, Baron of Avernes le Gras, in Flanders. 3. Lydia, married to her first cousin, Jacob Lopes Suasso, esq. the baron's brother. 4. Abraham, died unmarried Ist Feb. 1760, of a lingering decay and the stone; he was born 1711. 5. Rebecca, married to Jacob Pereira, reira, esq. died in childbed. 6. Esther, married 22 April 1747, to her sister's widower, said Jacob Pereira, esq. + Born in 1683, married Leonora, daughter of Fernando Mendes. The issue of this marriage was: 1. Catherine, born about 1709; married 24 May, 1727, Joseph da Costa Villareal, arrived from Lisbon some few years before, and died 27 Dec. 1730; had by him a son and a daughter; he died soon after: She then made contract of marriage with my brother Philip, alias Jacob, but he was cast, and she married aftet William Mellish, esq. and had issue one son. After her marriage she abjured the Jewish Religion, and had her children also baptised, as appears in the Daily Advertiser, Wednesday April 12, 1738. "Yesterday morning were publicly baptized at the parish church of St. Anne's, Soho, by the Rev. Dr. Pelling, the two children of the late Mr. Joseph da Costa Villareal by the name of William and Elizabeth." N. B. Elizabeth married Lord Viscount Galway, and William married in Nottinghamshire; and both have issue. 2. Sarah, born about 1711, who died about 1778, unmarried. 3. Moses, married to Rachel, eldest daughter of Alvaro and Sarah Mendes; he died beginning of May or June 1770, aged about 57; she died....had issue one son and one daughter. 4. Benjamin, born in 1712, married out of the Jewish nation; her name was Elizabeth; she died Dec. 12, 1748, aged 35, and the eldest son, also Benjamin, died Feb. 21, 1782, aged 43. The father, mother, and son have one single grave-stone on the wall in St. James's Church-yard, Piccadilly, under which they are all buried. The father after his abjuring Judaism (soon after his sister Catherine also abjured) was a Clerk in the Inland post-office, and his son also had issue male and female, and died. 5. Anne, died single or spinster. 6. Rebeeca, married Joseph Treues, and survived him, but had no children. 7. Joseph, born in or about 1728. * Aboab Osorio, Merchant, resided at Amsterdam, and married.... She died at Amsterdam. The issue of this marriage was: 1. Joseph, went to the East Indies about 1720; and no certainty of him since. 2. David, married a Pinedo, by whom he has many children. 3. Abraham, born at Amsterdam in 1701 (suit Villareal) married his first cousin Rebecca da Costa, and had issue two sons. 4. Benjamin, died single latter end of 1775. 5. Isaac. 6. Rachel, born in Amsterdam, married Isaac Biana .... alias Fernandes Dias; died at London Tuesday Aug. 12, 1760, in her 53rd year; issue a son and 3 daughters. § Married Abraham, eldest son of Fernando da Costa, Aug. 19, 1702, O. S. (in the same room and at same time as her sister my mother was). The issue of this marriage was: 1. Rachel, married her uncle Jacob of Fernando da Costa, and she died Monday morning 9 o'clock Oct. 18, 1773, aged about 67 years, and left issue a son and two daughters; viz. Benjamin, Rachel, and Sarah. 2. Jacob, married his cousin Rachel da Costa; she died in 1775, no issue. 3. Rebecca, married to her first cousin Abraham Osorio (see last note 3.) died about 7th of March 1770. 4. Joseph, married out of the Jewish nation, and had a numerous issue male and female jamin, alias John*. 9....alias Annet. My grandfather went to Budge Row house Michaelmas 1677, and he had also Highgate house in 1677. My Mother and others of his children were born in Budge Row. The Doctor and John lived with him and Mentis Jorge Mendes. My honoured father Abraham, alias John Mendes da Costa, was born at Roan in Normandy in 1683, came to England about 1696, and on the 19th of August 1702, O. S. was married to Esther, alias Johanna da Costa, his first cousin. Myhonoured mother Johanna, alias Esther, was born in Budge Row, London, and died 1749. They had issue, 1. Moses, died young. 2. Jacob, born 24 Feb. 1707 O. S., died in April or May 1780 at Altona, near Hamburg. Married two wives of the name of Bravo; by the former had no child, by the latter left one daughter, Esther. 3. Rachael, died young. 4. Sarah, born Oct. 30, 1711, married Abraham son of Isaac Fernandes Nune 3 Feb. 1727; died 29 March 1783, aged 71, and some months. Left two daughters. Rachel married to Jacob Osorio, by whom she had several children. Rebecca married to Raoul de Paiba, who N. S. - His entire library of printed books and MSS. and collection of printsand drawings of Natural History, sold at Essex house by Paterson and Eve, on Thursday May 12, 1768, and the two following days, at 12 o'clock. A Mr. URBAN, Lamb's Conduit St. July. MONG many old papers I have found one, of which I annex a copy as far as I can make it out, in the hope that some of your Correspondents may throw some light on an antient branch of Revenue in Scotland, which no longer exists. The person to whom the licence was granted, was youngest son of William Forbes of Tolquhoun, Aberdeenshire: he married Jeane sister of Sir Gilbert Ramsay, of Balmain, bart. in 1633, and died in 1652, which sufficiently fixes the date. JOHN FORBES. Yours, &c. "The Lords of Exchecher and Commissioners of his Majesties rents and casualties grant and giue licence to Thomas Forbes of Watertoune and his spouse, and such persons as sall happen to be at table with them, to eate and feed upon flesh during the forbidden time of Lentron, and also upon Wednesdayes, Frydayes, and Setterdayes.... for the space of ane yeare to com aft' the dait hereof: and that without ane paine, cryme, scaith, or danger, to be incurred has as yet no issue. And a son Isaac, by any of them, their persons, and guids who married Rebecca, daughter of Jacob Mendes da Costa, by whom he had a daughter Sarah, now married. 5. Benjamin, died unmarried in 173... 6. Joseph, died unmarried at Amsterdam in 1736. 7. Isaac, died young. 8. Emanuel. "May 26,1717, Nurse Ryan (sister to the actor Ryan) came to nurse my son Immanuel for 127. per ann."§ Born 24th May 1717, O. S. or 5 June ....... ... notwithstanding of whatsoever act, statute, or proclamation, maid in the contrair and all paine ghainst the which we dispence therewith for ever. Given at .... the ...... daye of ...... yeare of God sastie threttee four yeares. GLASGOW, TRAQUARRE, DA. EDENB. JO. ROSSE, THOS. BRECHIN, RO. SPOTSWOODE, J. THOMAS HOPE, JAS. CARMICHAEL." female; died about 1781. 5. Benjamin, also married out of the Jewish nation, and died leaving a numerous issue. 6. Esther, married David Mendes da Costa of Amsterdam; had a numerous issue, and died at Amsterdam 'in July 1782. 7. Isaac, abjured, and had issue; died about 1781. 8, Seporah, abjured, and died in 1781. * Married Sarah his neice, daughter to the Baron Suasso of the Hague, where both died, leaving one daughter named Sarah. + Married James Mendes, second son of Dr. Mendes, and had issue: 1. Moses. 2. .. alias Lydia or Leonora, married her cousin Moses, alias Lewis Mendes, junr. 3. Tabitha. O Doutor Fernando Mendes meu primo 1675. Married a lady of the name of Marques; received his wife's portion in Jan. 1678. He bought for his wedding 2. diamantes laurados dea 7 gr. para o meio dospendentes 701. 4 do. dea 54 gr. para os lados 801. 2 do. dea 5 gr. para baixo 40%. 4 do. dea 4 gr. para o redor 301. Ouro feitio et caixa 71. 15s. Por 4 platilhos de plata que des as crianca de Marques 91. 12s: in all 2371. 7s. Luis Henriques da Costa sent Dr. Mendes (by Alvaro da Costa) on his marriage, two candlesticks, snuffers, and pan, weighing 122 oz.-387. 15s. He came to this country 25 Oct. 1669, and was appointed physician to Charles II. The Doctor and Alvaro kept coaches in January 1678-9. He died 1725. § The words distinguished by inverted commas appear to be copied by Da Costa from some memorandum made by his Father. Mr, Mr. URBAN, A Dec. 2. FTER reading the following distich in one of Mr. Scott's popular poems, I was surprized to find a note explaining that the chanter is the drone of the antient instrument the Bagpipe: "And mark the gaudy streamers flow From their loud chanters down," &c. Hitherto, I have always considered the chanter to be the small pipe which produces the melody, and the drone to be the long pipe, producing one unvarying bass-note. The French use the word chanterelle to denote that string of the violin, and similar instruments, which produces the highest sounds; and I have no doubt, from what I have read concerning this "music-tool," that Mr. Scott's note is erroneous. Is the practice of giving an annual prize to the best performer on the Bagpipe, stili continued in any part of Scotland? It is said that, formerly, there was a kind of college where the Highland-pipe was taught, in the Isle of Skye, using pins stuck in the ground, instead of musical notes. The compass of the Bagpipe is three A BODORGAN, octaves, Mr. URBAN, A Dec. 3. LLOW me to recommend the following means of obviating Scarcity of Corn in future, and rendering ourselves truly independent, and no more obliged to bend contemptibly to the Americans, as we have now done; instead of declaring War against them a twelvemonth ago, as our honour imperiously called upon us to do. Having tarnished the national character by our late shopkeeper-like mode of proceeding, let us take early steps to obviate the necessity of suffering the voice of Interest to drown the voice of Honour. The thing is easy: we have only to offer a bounty on Irish-grown wheat; and in a few years they would not know what a bog was, nor we to fear a scarcity. The millions that are now sent to the North of Europe, America, and even to France, would render Ireland the Granary of England, would enrich her Farmers, employ her Poor, and in the course of fifty years completely change the face of the country, and the manners and politicks of the inhabitants, Irishmen would be happy, and Englishmen no longer obliged to act unworthy of their characters for a morsel of bread! GENT. MAG. January, 1812. When Wine is become so excessively dear, it is doubly hard to pay so large a sum for a bottle of it, and to be cheated out of half of the quantity into the bargain. The Decanters and Black Bottles should be gauged and marked before they are suffered to be carried out of the Glass-house, and a penalty of 50%. a day imposed on any person who sold by an ungauged Bottle or Decanter after six months from the passing of the Act. I recommend this measure to Mr. Sheridan, having an estate not an hundred miles from Ilchester. Yours, &c. AN ENGLISHMAN. A THE SCARCITY OF BREAD. S the apprehended Scarcity of Bread is a subject which must press on every reflecting mind, permit me to lay before your Readers the methods adopted by a family with whom I am intimately acquainted. 1. They make a distinction between the Bread consumed by the Family and the Servants: that for the Family being baked in tins; as the Servants cannot then lay their own profusion on the Parlour. 2. They never suffer a loaf to be cut until after the second or third day of baking; for, when eaten new, the consumption is greater, and much waste is occasioned. 3. No toast is permitted, for the same portion cut into bread-and-butter goes one-third farther. 4. No rolls, French bread, or muffins; as all these are needless incen lives to appetite. 5. No more cut for dinner than absolutely requisite; for which one piece, half an inch thick, of a round cut in four, will be found sufficient for each. By this means all broken pieces are prevented. 6. No flour used in pies and puddings; for which rice, variously prepared, will prove an excellent substi tute. Thus, by these few simple rules, all waste and unnecessary consumption are prevented; nor do they contain any great deprivations: and if every family would pursue some similar plan, it might greatly conduce to alleviate the dreaded calamity, and, by thus retrenching the superfluities of the rich, seasonably relieve the pressing necessities of the poor, Yours, &c. TEMPERANCE, Mr. Mr. URBAN, THE Oct. 22. THE system of education recommended by Dr. Bell, and so widely diffused through the extraordinary exertions of Joseph Lancaster, if adopted in every town and village in the United Kingdom, as it probably soon will, in the course of a few years, a child of seven years of age that can neither write nor read, will be as rare as a learned pig. This system has been long known and acted upon in India, as appears by the following extract from a curious work printed in Londonin 1665. The Travels of Sig. Pietro della Valle, a noble Roman, into East India and Arabia Deserta." J "They were four; and having all taken the same lesson from the Master, to get that same by heart, and repeat likewise their former lessons and not forget them; one of them singing musically with a certain continued tone, (which hath the force of making deep impression in the memory) recited part of the lesson; as, for example, one by itself makes one; and whilst he was thus speaking, he writ down the same number, not with any kind of pen nor in paper, but (not to spend paper in vain) with his finger on the ground, the pavement being for that purpose strewed all over with very fine sand; after the first had writ what he sung, all the rest sung and writ down the same thing together. Then the first boy sung and writ down another part of the lesson; as, for example, two by itself two make two; which all the rest repeated in the same manner, and so forward in order. When the pavement was full of figures, they put them out with the hand, need were, strewed it with new sand from a little beap which they had before them wherewith to write further; and thus they did as long as the exercise continued; in which manner, likewise, they told me, they learned to read and write without spoiling paper, pens, or ink; which certainly Is a pretty way. " I asked them, if they happened to forget or be mistaken în any part of the lesson, who corrected and taught them, they being all scholars without the assistance of any master; they answered me, and said true, that it was not possible for all four of them to forget or mistake in the same part, and that they thus exercised together, to the end that, if one happened to be out, the others might correct him. Indeed a pretty, easy, and secure way of learning." Mr. URBAN, THE inserted a FORTY EIGHT. Oct. 22. HE readiness with which you few observations which I sent you some years ago, relative to the state of the United Provinces, makes me take the liberty of addressing you again, in consequence of the following passage in Mr. Trotter's "Memoirs of the Latter Years of Mr. Fox," p. 121. "It is a long sandy beach at Schevening. Here the Stadholder embarked when he fled. I believe Holland suffered nothing from his abdication; but when I stood on the shore, I could not refrain from despising the man who flies when his Country is in danger; unless it be that he has governed it ill, and fears the just resentment of his Countrymen, I should have been glad to have assisted him into his boat: I have no compassion for suffering royalty where its own crimes and misdemeancurs bring exile, or flight, upon its head; least of all should I have it for a person who governed the Dutch ill; a people so orderly, so moral, so regular, whose domestic life is an example for Government, and if followed must ensure success, very little deserved to be treated by any sort of mal-administrations, whether touching affairs abroad or at home. I cannot conceive that a good man could have occasion to fly from such a nation; if a bad one felt that it was expedient and necessary to depart, there seemed an acquittance between both parties, and the head of the Government to obtain a reasonable measure of lenity." The Author, in my humble opinion, means to insinuate, that the Stadholder deserted his post when in danger; and that his administration was tyrannical. This was far from being the case. In the first place, the Stadholder, who in fact was only the first great Officer of State, and not the Sovereign, did not leave the Hague till the Enemy was within a few hours' march of that place, and that |