A Theologico - Controverfistical CONFERENCE Held at the HAGUE, the 2d of JUNE 1785, BETWEEN An English LUTHERAN, Scotch CALVINIST IN WHICH The Tenets of each are explained in so familiar 1 LONDON: Printed for the AUTHOR, in the Year 1785. Theologico - Controverfistical Conference, Held at the HAGUE, June 2, 1785, Between an English Lutheran, Scotch Calvinist, and Dutch Rabeen, FIRST CONFERENCE. Mofes. You OU are protestants? Luther and Calvin. We are members of the Reformation. Mof. Both of one communion. Luth. I am of Luther. Calv. I of Calvin. Mof. Luther was the first protestant ? Calv. Carnally; but Calvin spiritually. : : Mof. You agree they were the two first Reformers. Luth. & Calv. We confefs it. Mos. Explain the mystery of the spirit. Calv. Rebecca had twin children, Efau and Jacob; Esau's heel appeared, which the midwife tyed a scarlet thread about: this is a type of Luther's A2 Luther's appearing carnally, with the rags of popery, Efau drew back his heel, when Jacob came forth and obtained the bleffing, who was a type of Calvin, obtaining the blesfing of the spirit. Luth. We shall never be reconciled but in our war against popery. Mof. Then you are of different Religions? Luth. & Calv. In every thing but what relates to popery, which all protestants are obliged to protest againft, according to their first institution. Mof. What is the foundation of your Faith? Luth.& Calv. GOD, Creator and Preserver of all Things, both visible and invisible; Eternal and Infinite, in Power, Truth, Justice, Good. ness, and in all his Attributes. Infinite Knowledge of all things from Eternity to Eternity, that is paft, present, and to come. Is for ever present with him one Only true God. This God revealed the fcriptures, and this is the ground of our Faith and Religion. Mof. From what time do you date your religion? Luth. & Calv, The day dawned with Luther in 1517; but entered their protest against the Roman Catholic Church, which was the Old Church, and took the name of Protestants, in 1529. Mof. Then the date of the protestant religion was 1529 after Jesus Chrift, your Meffiah? Luth. & Calv. We confefs it, and that Luther and Calvin were our two first Apoftles, Mos. From what fcripture do you derive this fundamental article of your Faith? 1 Luth. |