TO The Lord's Supper. BY THE REV. G. F. DE TEISSIER, M.A., FELLOW AND TUTOR OF CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE, OXFORD. LONDON: T. HATCHARD, 187, PICCADILLY. 1852. Contents. 4. The Order of Administration of Holy Communion 5. Prayers and Meditations after Holy Communion 1. Thanksgivings, Confessions, and Prayers 2. The Love of God, and the Imitation of Christ Preface. It is not because there are not many excellent manuals for devotion at Holy Communion, that I venture to add to a number already great; but because I have thought it desirable to put together something which may serve to shew those, who are distressed at any simplification of the Lord's Supper, that the mysteriousness with which they outwardly invest it, is by no means necessary to a proper and reverential feeling concerning it. In the arrangement of the present Manual the words are, in general, my own, while the thoughts are those of others; nor have I scrupled to borrow freely from Augustine, Anselm, and similar writers. The poem from George Herbert has been selected, not for its intrinsic beauty, but because it sets forth in a connected, and в 3 |