Journals ..., Volume 17 |
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Common terms and phrases
acquaint that House Act to amend Act to incorporate affirmative Allan amend the Act Archambault Armand Assembly and acquaint Bill be read Bill be referred Bill intituled Bill shall pass Blaquière Boulton Campbell Clerk do go concurrence being put Council have passed Day being read Day the Bill desire the concurrence Dessaulles Duchesnay E. P. Christie EDMUND WALKER HEAD Fergusson Ferrie following Petitions Guévremont Harmaunus Hollis Smith Honorable Messieurs Alexander HONORABLE NARCISSE Honorable Sir E. P. intituled An Act Kierzkowski Knowlton Legislative Assembly Legislative Council Lower Canada Matheson meet and adjourn Message was brought Moore Morris motion Municipal Council Murney Ordered Panet Parish of St passed this Bill Patton Petitions were severally Port Hope Province Pursuant put thereon Quebec Quesnel question of concurrence question was put read a second read a third resolved Ross second reading Select Committee Simpson Sir E. P. Taché Terrière Tessier Township Upper Canada Vankoughnet
Popular passages
Page 14 - Governor General of British North America, and Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over Our Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Island of Prince Edward, and Vice Admiral of the same, &c., &c., &c.
Page 8 - Ottawa, you were held and constrained to appear; Now KNOW YE, that for divers causes and considerations, and taking into consideration the ease and convenience of Our Loving Subjects, We have thought fit, by and with the advice of Our...
Page 305 - To THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. Most Gracious Sovereign, WE, your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects the Senate...
Page 71 - House, in order to his being examined at the bar, if the House shall think fit, whether there has or has not been any collusion, directly or indirectly, on his part, relative to any act of adultery that may have been committed by his wife, or whether there be any collusion, directly or indirectly, between him and his wife, or any other person or persons, touching the said bill of divorce, or touching any proceedings or...
Page 8 - TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract of land and all and singular other the premises hereby granted and released and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their appurtenances...
Page 122 - Summary Jurisdiction Acts" means as follows : As to England, the Act of the session of the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter forty-three, intituled "An Act to facilitate the performance of the duties of justices of the peace out of sessions within England and Wales with respect to summary convictions and orders...
Page 8 - Lancaster aforesaid in free and Common Soccage by Fealty only in Lieu of all other Services yielding and paying therefore yearly...
Page 456 - QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY: Most Gracious Sovereign: We, Your Majesty's dutiful and loyal subjects, the Commons of Canada, in Parliament assembled...
Page 7 - And further, know ye, that we, of our more abundant grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, have given, granted, and confirmed, and, by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, do give, grant, and confirm, unto the said...
Page 10 - And provided also, that no part of the tract or parcel of Land hereby granted to the said and his heirs, be within any Reservation heretofore made and marked for Us, Our Heirs and Successors by Our Surveyor General of Woods, or his lawful Deputy; in which case, this Our Grant for such part of the Land hereby given and granted to the said and his heirs...