AN EXAMINATION OF THE ALLEGED DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. BY JOHN W. HALEY, M.A. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY ALVAH HOVEY, D.D., PROFESSOR IN THE NEWTON THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION. ANDOVER: WARREN F. DRAPER, BOSTON: ESTES AND LAURIAT. 1874. The The Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. INTRODUCTION. HAVING read attentively the entire manuscript of the following work, it may be proper for me to express my estimate of its character and value. The topic which it discusses certainly merits examination. First, because of the bearing which it naturally has upon our confidence in the Bible as a revelation from God; and secondly, because of the prominence which has been given to it by those who deny the truthfulness of the Bible. These reasons will be appreciated at once, and therefore need simply to be stated. Any attempt to expand or enforce them would be superfluous. But hitherto there has been no single treatise in our language which could be said to discuss the subject as thoroughly and minutely as its importance required. Hence the need of a work on the alleged "discrepancies of the Bible," adapted to the wants of men at the present time and taking due account of modern investigation and discovery. Such a work, it seems to me, has been produced by the Rev. Mr. Haley - a work almost equally adapted to meet the wants of scholars and of the people; for on the one hand it is learned and exact, while on the other it is perspicuous and interesting. The author has made himself familiar with the literature of the subject in various languages, and, with a wise preference of truth to originality, has given the suggestions of others whenever those suggestions appeared to him worthy of special consideration. Thus a great amount of sound learning is comprehended within the limits of a single volume. Moreover, the statements of the author appear to be unusu iii |