DECEMBER. PAGE 12345678 9 Of the Octave. App. 10 11 S. Francis Xavier, c. d. S. Peter Chrysologus, c. bp. d. Com. of S. Barbara, v. S. Ambrose, c. bp. and D. d. Immaculate Conception of the B. V. Mary, d. of 1. Of the Octave, Com. of Milchias, p. m. Mass i. 526 526 482 527 15 Octave-day of the Immaculate Conception, d. App. 720 16 S. Eusebius, p. m. sd. Mass ii. 17 464 18 Expectation of the B. V. M. gr. d. App. 25 THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD, a. of I. class, 26 with an oct. S. Stephen, first m. d. of I. class, with oct. Com. of octave 27 S. John the Evangelist, d. of II. class, with an oct. Com. of octaves 23 Holy Innocents, d. of II. class, with an oct. Com. of octaves 29 S. Thomas of Canterbury, m. d. of I. class, with oct. 30 Sunday within the Octave of Nativity, with Com. of octaves 31 8. Sylvester, c. bp. d. Com. of octaves :: St. Stephen..... Holy Innocents.. 72 78 St. John, Apostle and Evangelist. St. Thomas of Canterbury. Sunday within the Octave of Nativity. 81 82 85 86 St. Sylvester.. Circumcision of our Lord.... Epiphany of our Lord. 533 88 89 of Jesus..... First Sunday after Epiphany... Second Sunday after Epiphany, Holy Name Third Sunday after Epiphany.. 92 94 98 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. 100 Fifth Sunday after Epiphany.. 101 102 .... Septuagesima Sunday.. 104 Sexagesima Sunday..... 107 Quinquagesima Sunday.. 110 Ash Wednesday... 113 Thursday before the First Sunday in Lent... 119 (779) PAGE Friday before First Sunday in Lent.. Second Sunday in Lent.... 121 .... 124 126 146 Third Sunday in Lent.. 765 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost.. 407 Seventh Sunday after Pentecost. 409 411 413 415 418 420 423 425 Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost.. 427 Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost.. 429 Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost.. 431 Wednesday, Ember Week in September. 433 Friday in Ember Week... 437 Saturday in Ember Week. 438 Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost. 444 Ninteenth Sunday after Pentecost. 445 448 Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost.. 450 452 454 457 701 |