THE PORTRAIT O F OLD AGE. Wherein is contained a SACRED ANATOMY BOTH OF SOUL and BODY, AND A perfect Account of the Infirmities of BEING A Paraphrafe upon the Six former Verfes By JOHN SMITH, M.D. Of the COLLEGE of PHYSICIANS. The THIRD EDITION Corrected. Nam pernicitas deferit, Confitus fum Reliquere; ut tas mala, merx eft ergo. Plau us. LONDON: Prine for E. WITHERS, at the Seven-Stars, be- TO THE READER. W "Hofoever thou art, into whofe bands this paraphrafe may fall, know that the author of it is not near enough any Nobleman to put it into his bands; nor bath be face enough (as is the mode of this daring age) to call at a distance; but could be do both, yet know also, be would do neither; for he defireth not, that any thing, either of others, or his own, fhould be patronized beyond its own native worth; and is himself as willing, as any touchy-beaded Decriers of anatomy and anatomifts, of all art and artists, that all the fhame that is due to the ill managing of this good Subject, should return upon his own pate; and fuch is his allegiance to his king, that if he can but keep off their foul fingers from him, to which they are apt enough, be cares not how heavy they fall upon himself: And on the other hand, if there be any thing herein contained, of true value, it will but fhine the brighter for the rubs and petulant endeavours of all conductitious detractors; who, being thrust out of some A 2 mer |