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mercenary employments, in a few months time, by their mother wit, (which for want of good neighbours they greatly cry up themjelves, and instead of bad neighbours do clofely infinuate as tf all others wanted it) can get knowledge enough in physick to contemn and vilify, and in two words (viz. Calenifts and fools) abundantly confute all those worthy persons, who from childhood to gray-hairs, have been studying, endeavouring, and praying; have been exercising both their minds and their bodies; their beads, their bearts, and their hands; that they may become expert seconds unto nature, and meet combatants for all those dreadful enemies that the fins of man bave stirred up against the peace of his own body. But befide this scum of ill conditioned Zoili, there are others alfo nibbling at the heel of learned physicians, whose wounds, though seemingly lightly inflicted, yet are far worse than the former, and that not only because they are persons of credit and knowledge, but because they pretend friendship, and kiss while they do the mischief. These are those, whom birth, education, and industry, have so fecurely feated in honour, that nothing can poffibly dethrone them, but that which caft the angels from beaven, and man out of pr radise; that abominable φυσίωσις, which ever did, and for ever will fet God in a r. fistance; and the best of their friends ca

but in time mind them, that those smart reflections without cause, both in private and publick, not only upon particular persons, but upon whole societies of men, half of whom they know not so much as by bear-fay) seem to have a tincture of that virulent poifon, which as easily and as quickly proceeds out of knowledge, as the worm did out of Jonah's gourd, and will (if not speedily prevented) soon wither into nothing all that content under which they have for a Season gladly shadowed themselves. And bere I am afresh put in mind of the story of Herod, who persecuted the world's worthies, and, because he saw it pleased the people, be proceeded farther also: And thus profecuting bis rage and ambition, in royal apparel, and with popular oratory, the angel of the Lord fmote bim, because be gave not God the glory, and be was eaten of worms. That main and best end, which secureth all men in their undertakings, was it which first moved the author hereof to study sacred philosophy, and to apply himself to the interpretation of such fcriptures, as border upon that faculty unto which he hath betook himself ever since be bath had the judgment of election wherein be might be most serviceable in bis generation. This was the good feed: but falling into a and ill manured foil, bath, for the prered no better a blade, than what ich however, if it please the


the Lord to prosper, may bring forth as useful fruit as those that seem more fair and flourishing. Herein old men may See their own natural faces, as in a glass; and young men may foresee, what (if they live) will certainly betide them in their latter end. Systems and compleat treatises (though out of fashion, and confequently neglected in this mimical age) are of better use, than fragments of mechanism, and independent pieces of experimental knowledge, which by most men at present are had. in greatest honour and reputation; but, in this respect of honour, the groundwork of what is here discoursed upon far furpaffeth them all; the author thereof being the wifeft, and the greatest earthly potentate throughout all generations. The portraiture that is bere drawn, is done by the hands of no meaner a person than king Solomon, and may justly be called, εἰκὼν βασιλική; that fuperabundant wisdom in natural things, which it pleased God miraculously to enrich him withal, beyond all that were before him, or fince to this very day, being no where more graphically delineated, than in this description of age; whereby it plainly appears that Solomon was not like that forward traveller, who was well skilled in foreign countri and, in the mean time, knew littl

thing of his own native Land. very well knew all vegetal!

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cedar in Labanon, to the hyffop that springeth out of the wall, and those creatures also of an higher rank, namely, all beasts, fowls, creeping things, and fishes: So neither was be ignorant at home; but that wherein his greatest wisdom consisted, was, that be perfestly knew himself; and that intus et in cute; both in respect of the inward and the outward man: All the secret and mysterious powers of the mind were as naked and open before him, as the visible parts of the body are before a vulgar anatomist, and bis ψυχολογία in this allegory contained, doth more fully and fatisfactorily declare and distinguish them, than whatsoever hitherto bath been endeavoured to that purpose, by the best of moralists; and as for the parts of the body, those apposite symbols which are here all along the description brought to express them, do abundantly declare his most exquisite and exact knowledge in them all. Not only fuch a knowledge, as was then attained in the world, or as should in after-ages be attained by any; but fuch an one, as was attainable, or as the human nature was able to comprebend; and whatsoever certain inventions in anatomy bave crowned the ingenious inquirers fucceeding time, lie couched in some one or expreffion of this allegory. Among many ings, it is here clearly demonstrated, hon perfectly knew, and as plainly tive method would give leave, dedescribed the circular motion of the blood; the best and most useful invention of this latter age. And as for the subject which is directly bere intended, viz. the description of the infirmities of age, though it be compendiously bandled by him, yet it is compleatly done in all things appertaining thereunto, both moral, natural, and divine. And indeed, what can the man say that comes after the king? The most knowing and ingenious persons in the best enlightned generations, can add no more hereunto, than they can unto their own ftature: It only remains, that some such give us the full interpretation of what is bere delivered, fince it pleased the king to leave it to after ages, inveloped with a canopy of the Same wisdom that indited it. And if this weak effay may excite any such, for the future lovingly to correct what is bere amiss, and to Supply what is here deficient; it will be a most acceptable work; but if for the present, courteous reader, it may be of any use to thee, as a man, as a scholar, as a philosopher, as a physician, as a christian, follow the intimation that is bere given thee, and I will follow thee with a good wish, which I am sure Shall be accomplished for thee, and for all those, that bonestly labour in God's word and work; I mean,

I bid thee God f

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