ON THE FOEDERAL TRANSACTIONS BETWEEN GOD AND HIS CHURCH, BOTH BEFORE AND SINCE THE CANON OF SCRIPTURE BY JOHN MUIRHEAD, MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL, KELSO. ་་ Κρατῶμεν τῆς ΟΜΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ.” Heb. iv. 14, WHE HEN the following DISSERTATIONS were compofed, the author had not refolved whether he fhould fubmit them to the review of the public or not. Several divines had already written on the fubject of Covenanting, with diftinguished fuccefs. Scarce any thing could be faid, in the form of Sermons, but what they had obferved. He did not choose to repeat to a Congregation what every one might read in the clofet. These things determined him to confine his attention to what may be called the HISTORY OF FOEDERAL TRANSACTIONS, that he might illuftrate the argument deduced, from the example of the Saints in every age. It immediately occurred to him, that this province had been lefs occupied than others; and that two advantages might accrue from this plan: It would appear, in the first place, That, though Covenanters have few, |