Aquinas on Doctrine:: A Critical IntroductionThomas Gerard Weinandy, Daniel Keating, John Yocum This book provides a critical study of the main Christian doctrines as understood and explained by Thomas Aquinas. The whole Thomistic revival of the last century focused almost exclusively on Aquinas as the Christian philosopher. Thus books and articles developed his understanding of being, his epistomology, natural theology, etc. However little has been done, even to this day, by way of examining Aquinas' teaching on the major Christian doctrines. This book of essays by an international team of recognised scholars will help fill this gap. Such a book will be indispensable in every theological library. |
Act of Creation with its Theological Consequences | 27 |
The Doctrine of the Trinity in St Thomas Aquinas | 45 |
God IS Man The Marvel of the Incarnation | 67 |
The Teaching of Thomas Aquinas on the Mysteries of the Life | 91 |
Aquinas on Christian Salvation | 117 |
Justification Sanctification and Divinization in Thomas | 139 |
Sacraments in Aquinas | 159 |
Aquinas on the Liturgy of the Eucharist | 183 |
Reflections on a Sermon | 199 |
The Eschatology of St Thomas Aquinas | 225 |
The Mariology of St Thomas | 241 |
261 | |
275 | |
Other editions - View all
Aquinas on Doctrine:: A Critical Introduction Thomas Weinandy,Daniel A. Keating,John Yocum No preview available - 2004 |
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