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7 And have you ever cried to God?

Then try, poor soul, and cry again;
For God has pledg'd his precious word,
That none shall ever cry in vain.

A precious Declaration for the poor distressed doubting

Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, I will save my people. Zechariah viii. 7.

1 WHAT! has the Lord Jehovah said,
And has he pass'd his word,

That all his people shall be sav'd?
"Tis so, thus saith the Lord.

2 Lord, make me know that I am thine,
And that thou speak'st to me,

As one thou covenanted for,

And paid for on the tree.

3 O let me feel that inward grace,

To slay the man of sin;

For thou hast conquer'd death and hell,
O conquer what's within.

4 Subdue my unbelieving fears;

For, Lord, I would believe;

But oh! my treach'rous wicked heart,
My very self deceive.

5 Save me from evils round about,
From evil still within;

O save me from self righteousness,
That foulest, blackest sin.

6 Lord, save me from distracting cares,
Thy constant help afford,

And make thy promise my support,
My trust, thus saith the Lord.

7 Thy promises did never fail,

Thou never break'st thy word;

Then my salvation is secure;

'Tis so, thus saith the Lord.

8 Thy promises are verity,

I'll trust Jehovah's word;

I must be sav'd, I shall be sav'd,
'Tis so, thus saith the Lord.

Sweet are those Anticipations that are grounded upon the
Promises, Word, and Oath, of Jehovah.
Malichi iii. 17.、

1 THEY shall be mine, thus saith the Lord,
At my tribunal day,
I'll own my precious jewels then,

All else I'll cast away.

2 Who will appear as jewels then?
Hear what Jehovah say;

All those Christ ransom'd with his blood,
'Tis they, and only they.

3 All those the Father ever lov'd,

And gave them to his Son,

Whose names were written in his book,
Before the world begun.

4 Those will be own'd as jewels then,
As God's own chosen few;

And if you mourn the plague of sin,
The Lord has chosen you.

5 Cloath'd in the righteousness of Christ,
God's jewels will appear,


And not one ransom'd sinner's lost,

That Christ paid for so dear.

6 Though hell, and sin, and death, oppose
Jehovah's chosen sheep,

He holds the jewels in his hands,
In whom they are complete.

7 The bruised reeds and smoking flax,
Are jewels in his view,

Both weak and strong are one in Christ,
And God will bring them through.

8 May we be own'd as jewels then,

Though here despis'd and poor ;

Lord, grant us tokens of thy love,
And we will ask no more.

How many of the dear People of God can say, When I
would do good, evil is present with me.
Romans vii. 21.

1 LORD Jesus, come and bless us now; We want to pray, but know not how ; We are so dead, so dark within,

O what a cursed thing is sin.

2 Lord, draw our wand'ring souls to thee,
And lead us up to Calv'ry's tree;
There would we go and pay our vow,
We want to pray, but know not how.
3 We want to feel as heretofore,

When we have waited at thy door;
O come, dear Lord, and help us now,
We want to pray, but know not how.
4 O come, thou Holy Spirit, come,
Reveal in us what Christ has done;
We never had more wants than now,
We want to pray, but know not how.
5 We want the tokens of thy grace,
We want to see our Saviour's face,
We want the Holy Spirit now,

We want to pray, but know not how.
6 We want to feel our sins subdu'd,
We want to feel our strength renew'd,
We want thy special presence now,
We want to pray, but know not how.
7 We want to feel our hearts of steel
Made soft by grace,-Lord, make us feel,

O come, dear Lord, and meet us now, We want to pray, but know not how. 8 We want to feel a Christ reveal'd,

And see our pardon sign'd and seal'd;
O come, and grant these blessings now,
Teach us to pray, for what, and how.

I rejoiced when they said to me, Let us go into the house

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of the Lord:-and those who love the Lord, will love

his House, and love his people, and rejoice to meet with them. Psalm cxxii. 1.

1 How charming is the place,
Where Jesus shews his face;
My soul, I would be there,
I love the house of pray'r,
Where God's own chosen people meet,
Who know in Christ they are complete.
2 Those who have felt their sore,
Will trust themselves no more,
But venture all on Him,

Who bore their curse and sin;
With such dear souls I can rejoice,
Because they are Jehovah's choice.
3 For there are none but those,
Whom God the Father chose,
That either praise or pray,
Nor can they find the way,

'Till God the Spirit sets them right,
Christ is not precious in their sight.
4 But those our God doth call,
Are made to feel their fall,

And mourn because of sin,
And feel the plague within;

God gave such light, to make them see
Salvation finish'd on the tree.

5 And as their faith increase,
Believing, they have peace,
To know they're justified,
For whom the Saviour died;
They live a life of faith on Him
Who died to put away their sin.

Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters; and you that have no money, (no merit), come you, and buy wine and milk, without money, or your price. Isaiah lo. 1.

1 THAT soul that's thirsting for the stream,
Will hasten to the place

Where living waters sweetly flow,
In streams of special grace.

2 There's nothing but this stream will do,
For those who know they must,

Yes, know that they must drink or die;
O painful, blessed thirst.

3 Where God creates a thirst within,
That thirst shall be allay'd;

God never calls a man to come,

But those whose debts are paid.

4 God never calls a man to walk,
That's neither legs nor feet;

The blessings of eternal life

Are only for the sheep.

5 He makes the dead in sin to live,
And then he bids them come;

No sinner ever went to God,

"Till God the Spirit come.

6 God never bids the blind to look,
That has no eyes to see:

None but God's chosen ever look'd
To Calv'ry's bloody tree.

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