HARVARD COLLFGA JUN 29 1916 Gordon W Thayin Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1857, by M. W. DODD, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. STEREOTYTED BY THOMAS B. SMITH, 82 & 84 Beekman-st., N. Y. PRINTED BY ROBERT CRAIGHEAD, 83 Centre-st., N. Y. PREFACE. THE publication of this volume completes the original design of the "HISTORY AND REPOSITORY OF PULPIT ELOQUENCE." That design was, in brief, to treasure up the acknowledged MASTERPIECES of the great pulpit orators of other ages, and, by means of historical sketches of preaching, and biographical and critical notices of eminent men, and the introduction of their discourses, to furnish a view of the CHRISTIAN PULPIT in all ages and countries. The two preceding volumes, reaching back to the earliest of the "Fathers," brought forward a somewhat connected view of preachers and preaching, up to the beginning of the present century. The active life of few of the men there introduced, fell this side of that period. A fuller exhibition of the pulpit, as it now stands among the different nations of the earth, was therefore obviously requisite; and such an exhibition is here given. Taken together, and in their different aspects, it is believed that these volumes embrace the materials for arriving at a fair estimate of the leading features of the ministry and its productions, in the different parts of Christendom, from the days of the apostles until now; besides supplying a large amount of sanctified Christian eloquence, on a great variety of themes. The already wide circulation of the previous volumes, and the public and private commendations which many of the leaders of public sentiment have been pleased to express, together with the hope that they were, in some small degree, subserving the best of causes, have compensated for the labor involved in their preparation, and led to the publication of this supplementary volume. Each of the countries where the Christian religion has extensively prevailed, has been as fully represented as the limits of the volume would allow, and each branch of the Evangelical family as well. In almost every instance, the preacher has been requested to indicate his pleasure as to the discourse to be introduced. The Biographical and Descriptive Sketches are designed to promote acquaintance with ministers in different countries, indicate the peculiarities of their eloquence, and give to the discourses presented additional interest. The facts which are furnished are the result of extensive correspondence, and may be relied upon as authentic. Many of the discourses found in this volume are now for the first time published. This is especially true of the American department, which is exceedingly rich, and will compare favorably with either of the other pulpits represented. Of course, the number of preachers in this department, and indeed in every other, might have been greatly increased, and with an equal display of ability, had the limits of the work permitted. The selections have been made with much deliberation, and in cases admitting of doubt, after proper consultation. It will be seen that one third of all the sermons in the volume (about sixty in number), are from the foreign languages. Diligent attention has been bestowed upon the translation of the discourses of this character, and no labor has been withheld to give to them their best possible rendering into the English tongue. Several eminent scholars, announced in connection with the work of translations for the previous volumes, have in this rendered like valuable services. Their names need not be repeated. The most grateful acknowledgments are due to the various clergymen, at home and abroad, who have been so kind as to forward the interests of this publication. To their cheerful co-operation, counsel, and assistance, much of its present completeness is to be attributed. In its perfected form, the work is now laid upon the altar of His service, by whose favor its consummation has been reached: and may He cause these volumes still further to subserve the high interests, which it is the office of the Christian ministry especially to promote. NEWARK, N. J., April 27, 1857. TABLE OF CONTENTS. JULIUS MÜLLER. LOVE THE SUBSTANCE OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE.-1 JOHN, iv. 16-21, THE PREACHING OF CHRIST CRUCIFIED.-1 CORINTHIANS, i. 23, . THE INTERVIEW OF JACOB'S WELL.-JOHN, iv. 5-29, PAGH 45 63 83 W. HOFFMANN. |